Saturday, January 11, 2014

Same Ol' Song and Dance.

When I was a young kid and the bully found out you went to church, you were called  a "Chicken" scared to be tough, not wanting to fight you got beat up.  Recess in elementary school, to after class attending High School, many a person was circled and laughed at for being seen walking into Sunday School the Sunday before.  Years ago you might be made fun of in the military.  "Here comes Holy Joe, goody two shoes". Occasionally the military itself was afraid of Christians that they might not fight.

Well, that didn't work.  They now call the Sunday School kid the bully... a hater!?  The Church kid and the Followers of Christ have the same message the Holy Joe sissy chicken kids had back in the day.

Seems to me just another change in direction of attacks.  It's laughable to see comics and prime time cartoons bash Jesus Christ and His followers and actually use the Bible or "What would Jesus Do?" They try to destroy the foundations of Christianity, and yes, some Christians are giving them ammunition.  The source of their ideas and tactics always have to change when they don't work.  So we'll just go on in our life journey spreading by word and hopefully good deeds. the love of God.

Old Testament, New Testament and present day believers Believe in the same God and message.  It appears then someone is confused about who the hater is and what the Bible contains and says.  They have not got a clue. They pick and choose what part of Jesus or the Bible they like and the rest is mythology.  (When everyone knows we are here because a star exploded and..(takes some faith to believe that)  it's from goo to the zoo to you.)

This a relationship with God through faith and trust in who Christ is and what He has done. Our relationship is on us, not based on other people succeeding or failing in their relationship with God.

It's a different attack just the same old song and dance. 

"I will know you will stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the Gospel, without being frightened in any way by those that oppose you.  This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved--and that by God".----Apostle Paul 

The message is still God loves us and we are to love others.  Jesus said "I am the light." Bible says but they loved the darkness and hate the light. So, we're not surprised, The Bible says: "All men will hate you because of me".

Yes, the Bible contains warning and judgement but it is God's love letter to each of us. As they say:  "It's a long story."  Start "In the beginning...."

Now back off...I'm going to Sunday School!

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