Sunday, April 28, 2024

How Do You Eat an Elephant?!?


This will be a helpful word to those that follow us.

Many goals are quite often out of reach, as we look to be a vice president of Sales in six months, and we are a ground floor beginner.  Many in churches want to immediately be an elder or deacon or teacher before they receive any knowledge or spiritual maturity.

We plan to far out of reach, and we soon quit. We plan for quick results, and we burn out and quit when we don't meet our new expectations.

Without a doubt we must have a vision for where we are headed. While we seek divine help, we can also take intentional calculated steps. 

As followers of Christ, it will take:
  1. Prayer
  2. Purpose
  3. Planning
  4. Power
We desire to plan our work and work our plan, (easier said than done.)  It all will not come over night.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Same Page and the Same Message.

The church has the message for the hour.  It is a message of faith, hope and love.  The church desires the story (and it is more than a mere story) be told.

Whether it is face to face or online, the vision and mission of the church is to make disciples.  Those that work as greeters, hospitality and teachers go the second mile to see to it that, love and learning are to the maximum, while ensuring the distractions are at a minimum.

 I personally envision for the church a new energy and purpose.  The why we do what we do, being the souls and wellbeing of men, women, boys and girls.

We are usually surprised if someone is casual or cavalier, when it comes to participating in ministry, not taking it seriously. The prayer is for co-laborers, and unity among us. All churches seek to move believers on to their next step and encourage involvement in and out of the church building.

We know it is an awesome responsibility and privilege to serve and lead the people in discipleship to our Lord and savior.

The Pastors and congregation are not the main thing though. Rather it is God, and for us to know Him and make Him known. 

May the Church be a light on every street and neighborhood God has planted us! -Tim

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Schools at all levels issue KNOWLEDGE and information.  We can never get enough knowledge.  Our goal is not to be illiterate or in the dark about important facts and numbers.
Churches that are Bible believing, desire that all that enter their doors receive a Bible education.  They will teach Chapter and verse.  The Apostle Paul often said, "I would not have you ignorant."  Many churches, encourage scripture memorizing and meditation.


The important point to remember in regard to our school math and history lesson and Church scripture memorizing is the APPLICATION. What do you/I do with it? We are not to be hearers of the Word only but doers as well.  Knowledge is useless if we do not apply it or acquire wisdom to worship God, and use it for others and eternity.

People in New Testament times knew the Old Testament well but crucified the one it speaks about.  They know the Book but didn't know the author.

Knowledge and doing, will not earn an eternity spent with God. But while in our daily walk at work, home and play we need to; do/ live out, what we know. It is the sign of maturity that we walk with the balance of knowledge and application/wisdom.  It was Jesus who taught the crowd a principle and said, "Go and do likewise."

Obviously if we walk without that balance, we stumble and disrupt not only ourselves but the lives of others!

Walk with balance!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Comforting in the Uncomfortable

When many Christians say they are living "in the zone." Yeah, they mean the comfort zone.  Leaning back in the recliner or asleep in the rocking chair, while the rest of the world is on their way to Hell or at least to bed, cold and hungry, some by no fault of their own.

There are those that love to minister at the church house (and they should). The body of Christ is not yet in heaven or eternity, and there are issues and circumstances the believer goes through in the here and now.  In the building or on the phone, even face to face, we are to pray for one another, carry each other's burdens, even be the answer to the prayers of others. etc.

Though church is messy, takin' it to the streets is also uncomfortable.  While headed across the auditorium to sister Smith we should remember Mr. Johnson, living down the street, or across the globe, is broke mentally, physically and spiritually.

We look out of the window of our comfort zone and also see people rich, well fed, driving fast cars and on phones while headed into an eternity of torment and without God.  What can we do ?!?

1.  Pray- "God give us a burden, a broken heart for the souls of men and women, boys and girls!"

2. Get in the Word.  See in the Book of Acts the actions of the Holy Spirit and Apostles.  Not any indication of a Holy comfort zone. We have been given a great commission to make converts and disciples. In God's Word, we will read of the heart of Jesus. We've memorized John 3:16, it's in our head but not in our heart.

3.  Share the Word.  Christians attempt to be undercover.  Plain and simple we also need to speak and not be silent about the gospel of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of the world. The Holy Spirit will provide power and comfort to us all until the time we are absent from the body and present with the Lord!

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our afflictions, so that we may able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the same comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." -2 Cor 1:3,4.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Another Wicked Pitch

It's your biggest game! You have practiced throughout the week. Taking practice swings, investing time at the batting cages.  There are many details involved in swinging the bat at the plate;  The stance or the placement of the feet and proper distribution of weight for balance.  Many spend much time developing a good grip.  Hours off the field invested in weight training to build power and speed in your swing.

Now you step up to the plate, feet dug in, good grip, balanced. The wind up, the pitch... the ball is headed for your shoulder at a high rate of speed, flinching and waiting for the pain from this throw you hear.."Strike!"

Your heart drops and ego deflated hearing the jeers of the opposite team and fans. You had been duped by a deceptive pitch by the cunning wicked pitcher. He's practiced as well. He throws a wicked curve, slider and fast ball just out of reach.


You start off to Worship service and/or Bible study and check it off the list of "things to do."  We casually read our Bible and pray before we fall asleep.  Others religiously/habitually attend church and even teach a class etc.

Be alert and "Keep your eyes on the ball" being focused and intentional.  Praying and watching...because your opponent roams around seeking whom he may devour.  The deceptive pitch is his specialty.  It looks and sounds good but what you thought was just what you needed curved or dropped out of reach and you missed the mark.  We have stood there deceived, tricked by a wicked pitch;  "No one will see," "You won't get caught,"  "just this once." etc.

Being more than a game, many a life has been ruined, testimony damaged, families torn apart.  We know we will fall for the deception occasionally, yet not wanting to fall into a lifestyle of "swing and a miss." Let's walk in Spirit and TRUTH.

                                                             Luke 15:11-32

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Rounding the Turn!


Thinking about stadiums soon being filled, whether it is The Olympic 1500-meter runIndianapolis 500, Kentucky Derby, Rounding third base, NASCAR...

 the most exciting part of a race, is as they are rounding the last turn. The announcer gets louder, and the crowd stands to their feet as they round the last turn.

When they round the last turn, it's usually where someone falls but gets up again to finish, maybe the horse or human comes from behind with that last "Kick" of energy to win the race and more!  History has been made many times, as they come around the turn.

Most of the time a thrilling finish is the result of preparation long before the race ever begins. Life is a journey it's even a race against disabilities/handicaps, reputation, failures, low esteem.
 Sadly, some participants never leave the locker room.  

Envision rounding the turn! Prepare for it now.  That might include prayer, reading, taking a class, even starting slow to pace yourself up to speed in whatever endeavor.  That old saying of; "Plan your work and work that plan!" applies here.

I have to remember; it's not always how we start today's race. It's about when we round that turn to accomplishing a task, mission or God's plan... We then decide to leave it all on the track, office, keyboard, kitchen, garage, or pulpit.  While rounding that last turn a great cloud of witnesses are shouting: "Here they come!"  People in your circle of life, are watching and many need you to win.

Bible says something like; "Let us run the race set before us!" 
 So, remain faithful to your calling, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and on that eternal prize.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024


I have read that in the history of Israel, kings and military generals have returned to the cheers of Hosanna. The Maccabees in victory heard the crowds chant Hosanna.  Jesus the carpenter's son, humbly riding a donkey into Jerusalem receives the kingly praise. 

(quoting Psalm 118:26).

Crowds headed to Jerusalem for Passover festival (another picture of Christ Jesus). Those already in town had heard that Jesus was coming,  they and all the people already on the road, came to meet Jesus waving palm branches and laying them and their coats on the ground before Him, hailing Him as King and Messiah.

Hosanna has everything to do with Salvation (save us now), and the palm branches, everything to do with victory.  Jesus was/is who he had said He was; The Son of God! and worthy of their praise and ours. Jesus through His death, resurrection and ascension has defeated the power of sin, death and the grave!

"O' death where is you sting? O' grave where is your victory?  Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." -1 Corinthians 54-57.

 Previously, Jesus had asked those He delivered and healed, not to tell anyone . Now here in John 12, He allows everyone to shout sing and announce that He was King and Messiah!  As always the jealous, power grabbing Pharisees show up and tells Jesus to silence the crowd, Jesus reply to that was: " If these be silent , the rocks would  cry out in praise"  There will be those  people and events, in your life that will try to hinder your praise and devotion and ministry.  Whether we are approved of or not, we can continuously have a dip in our hip and a  praise on our lips.


They say Sunday He rides down the road hearing Hosanna!  By Friday they are shouting "Crucify Him". That day He hung on the cross dieing for the sins of the world  (we remember it as "good Friday") and said "Father forgive them".  Finally He said "It is finished".  Watching them roll the stone in front of the tomb, His followers might of said "It's over all right".  The events and paradigms of today make many feel like it's hopeless and over.  How about you still have some praise left?  He was crucified, but on Sunday what happened? (stay tuned in for more).  It wasn't over. It was just beginning! We have great opportunities for ministry ahead.

John 3:16.

We serve a God that is very much alive. He is not dead!  We are then to die to this world yet be alive unto God.  Today Christ followers can give Him that praise of deliverer and King!  Worshiping Him with our voice and life.



Between the Cross and Resurrection

The day after the crucifixion, being a follower of Jesus had to be brutal.  The world wasn't as small as it is today. You could run and go fishing. No one would recognize the silhouettes on the lake.

The disciples also were held up in an upper room with the doors locked, listening for footsteps up the staircase.  Did they hide in embarrassment or was it fear? Their witness would have to be silenced. Perhaps they were next in silencing/ killing the Jesus revolution.

Questions and debates were whispered, maybe an angry shout from one.  The hopeless notion that the attempt of a war or coupe would ever happen again, had been nailed to a cross and lying in a tomb.

There had been the high of the rally, the shouts of Hosanna. The healing of the sick and His teaching...His teaching may have got Him in trouble with the people with all the love one another, even love your enemies.

He had come to save the world.  What was it all about?  Couldn't the Christ deliver Himself from the pharisees?   The Pharisees and religious leaders were busy having guards and stories in place.  They spoke lies, but that is what seems to prevail on this day.

You can imagine, the disciples looking out the upstair window, seeing small groups talking, some in anger, some in sadness.

What Kingdom was He talking about?  Jesus had been so sure, so powerful, so loving.   They agreed with the cry of Jesus;   "It is Finished."

It was a long day.  Meeting Jesus had seemed like only yesterday.  Yesterday though, seemed to be an eternity away.  They sat around the table, attempting to piece together His actions, Words and teaching.

Maybe you have been there, or there now. In between Friday and Sunday and the only sound you hear...crickets and the beating of your heart.  Sadness, fear and hopelessness is the future you see.

Fear not! As He enters into the room of your heart and mind saying; "Peace to you."  Meet Him there.
He is Alive. He is Alive!
Receive that peace. Allow your sadness, hopelessness and fear to be resurrected to joy, courage and peace!

Receive peace with God, followed by the peace of God, through faith in the work of Jesus Christ. Receiving a new heart and new hope!

I pray you and I, from this day forward, will be like the apostles on Sunday. Saturday they hid by Sunday, many believed (John 3:16).  Following the feast of Pentecost, you could not threaten nor kill them. Allow it to be the same today, during this Jesus revolution of the 21st century.  Let it spread from the church house to your house. Be witnesses, making disciples, teaching those what ever Jesus has taught us!

Read John followed by the Book of Acts. Moving throughout Ephesians and beyond.


Monday, March 18, 2024

He's risen indeed!

          For many reasons, it may have resembled a political convention.

The cheers may have been in unison and deafening. The angry embarrassed Pharisees told Jesus to silence the crowd.  They had said themselves: "The world has gone after Him."
  Awhile after raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus makes His triumphant ride into Jerusalem. Thousands plus are on the road to meet, and cheer on Jesus. "He's the Messiah."  "Hosanna! Hosanna!" 

That was on Sunday.  Days later they 
were shouting; "Crucify Him!" Temple leaders and Pharisees had won.   Didn't they?

Jesus said: "It is finished!"  The disciples said:  "it is over."

Not so fast... Jesus had said; "For this reason I have come." and "My Kingdom is not of this world."  This was right on schedule.

"What do you mean?"

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth the Spirit of His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem those that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." Gal.4:4,5.

They were (and many still are) looking for him in a tomb. But He is risen, just like He said!

No, the Pharisees didn't win, nor was it over. Little did they know, it was only the beginning!

He is risen indeed!

Monday, January 8, 2024

A Sad State of Affairs

   It would appear to be hopeless, based on appearances.  If it were not for seasons and terms of leadership, there would be no light at the end of the  dark tunnel.


  No matter the coach, pastor or government when the powers that be are jury, judge and executioner it is a dangerous place to be. Even when the followers/victims of the King, dictator or out of control "representatives" agree with those who are ruling.

  We have accelerated the activity of calling evil good and good evil. May God be merciful to this destructive culture.

  There I said it God and destructive culture. Society at large seems to be confused about both.  When we look into the Word of God, today's thought process is in silent, yet violent opposition.

  So, when you are the King, dictator, judge, jury and executioner, you will also redefine even biblical words and terms. Even words in general.

  In past decades many times we were shown two  pictures from the Soviet Union. The first a group picture of leaders. When someone would disagree another picture would be posted without the disinter. 

   Today people are merely cancelled and shunned.  there is no more dialogue but a one-sided monologue, thinking those who shout the loudest are right, (more like laughable) telling of how great life is from behind the fenced in, well-armed walls.

  When many in the population are deceived by the anti-God, church, and true Biblical teaching, it is a cliff without guard rails resulting in fatal lifestyles.

  Thankfully there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel.  Many of today's youth are not falling for the deconstruction of what is true. Many more people are recognizing the fallacy and danger of the popular paradigm.

  It is time to stay united and submitted to God and his Holy Spirit. We may not see it in this life. There will come a day when there will be no darkness only light and that the light of God Himself.

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