Thursday, January 23, 2014

If I was only Them!

Spellbound, we  have watched well known people whether in, entertainment, sports or politics and desired to have the popularity, notoriety and personality of the talented as well as the rich and famous.We imagine ourselves on the "Red Carpet" posing for pictures, singing on stage or speaking behind a well know pulpit.

You have seen others in your family and thought I wish I had their life,their education, marriage, money and on and on it all goes.

Then finally...You hear about them in the news or read their autobiography.  You are now sitting with that family member listening about all they have and their plans and opinions, and after twenty minutes you see they haven't got a bloody clue.  You discover their marriage is crazy sad or their method for developing their children is lunacy. They've checked into rehab...again.  That pastor ran with the money

Multitudes of your favorite celebrities have great characteristics and make time to invest in the world around them.  Millionaires donate finances, Sports and movie stars give back time to the public that rewards them.  We also realize no one is perfect. It is very true; money, church, education makes no one  without blemish and fault.  When we idolize and place these stars high on that pedestal,they have farther to fall, hurting themselves and "fans" harder than it should.

Some basic good advice, some even Godly advice to you and I:

  1. Be content.
  2. Seek wisdom.
  3. Pray!
  4. Don't envy anyone.
  5. Read biographies of helpful people. maybe follow their lifestyle.
  6. Become a follower of Christ. (foundational of the list).
  7. Study book of proverbs in the Bible.
  8. Plan your life for the good of yourself and others.
  9. Look first to God's Kingdom.not others "utopia" (It doesn't matter what I or some celebrity is failing at, keep your heart and focus on God. It's not about religion but relationship and peace with God).
  10. Be Content
What if we did the above, with and for each other?  Think about it.

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