Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fulness of the Time

We say the time between the Old testament and the new, is when God was silent.  We know now, that He was orchestrating history, according to His plan.

The Babylonian, Persian, Greek and then Roman empires caused a lot of havoc as well as movement and  creation of various cultures, each being the piece that fit perfect, into what would be God's "puzzle" and purpose.

The Grecian empire brought a unified language that God used to easily spread the good news of faith in Christ, throughout the known world!

The Jewish leaders and Roman government had the pride and temperament to have crucified anyone and did crucify Jesus the Christ.  In the fulness of time or at the right/perfect time Jesus was born, lived, Christ then died vicariously for the sins of the world.

"But when the fullness of times had come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. -Galatians 4:4,5.

You and I sometime wonder "Where is God?"  "How long Lord, will you hide your face from me?" There are those that even shake a fist in His gracious direction.

Soon we begin to see evidence of events that it only could be God. We, His followers, begin to realize there is nothing impossible for God and  all things do work together for those that love Him. While I prayed, He didn't yell out "I'm working it out!"  He may be silent but God is famous for being  involved.

Continue to or even begin to, trust and pray, realizing in the fulness of time God's plan, will be done in your life. "Thank you Lord" for your timing"

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