Monday, February 27, 2017

Trust God!

When you pass through deep waters I Will be with you; And the rivers shall Not overwhelm you." ~Isaiah43:2

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


  The seasons of course come and go.  I have my favorite two ; Spring and Summer.  The Fall season is a time of new shades of green, yellow and red.  For me though it is the introduction of a cold, windy, winter season of course that includes ice and snow.  I ask for Spring time and the warmer temperatures that give me the encouragement that Summer will soon be here.

  Life... (in case you were wondering where I was going with all of that).  Life also has it's "seasons" that are more enjoyable and desiring. Some "seasons" I would rather not arrive.  They will arrive and as in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall we must be prepared mentally, physically and spiritually. Great times are ahead for many, depression for others, employment and unemployment, a birth maybe a death. It is not if trials will come but when.

  Along with the weather seasons come years of maturity and age. Hopefully that is the case with the seasons of life.  I find time spent with some others will be a great help for the both of us as we can carry or encourage one another. Let me suggest not to go through the "winter" times of this world alone and make sure someone else doesn't as well.
  I find all this possible from the overflow of my relationship with God.  There is no time right now to debate theology. One thing I know that "seasons" of good times as well as bad times are certain.  Bible says "Let your request be made known to God (prayer) and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Meet God in whatever season you find yourself.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Three Areas of Discipleship


 Disciples study the teacher/leader and desire to imitate the paradigms/actions and obviously teaching.  Apostle Paul encourages us to have the mind of Christ.  The disciples followed Christ and did not initially comprehend the teachings and spiritual application. Following the death and resurrection of Jesus, the disciples made disciples, transforming hearts and lives of many in the known world!  Those men, remaining faithful, taught Christ's teaching in the face of persecution.

   Taking consideration for space and time, I will not place it here but I encourage you to read; Acts 2:42-47.  The focus of my blogs, videos and books is to encourage spiritual maturity and to develop disciples that make disciples. (that is what we are commissioned to do).


   Followers of Jesus Christ live focused and intentional. I read an acronym once; L.I.F.E.= Living Intentionally Focused Eternally.

                                                         Three areas for true disciples?

EXALT -  The disciple worships God in Spirit and in Truth.  We worship with our mouths and our DAILY behavior.  The follower knows the worthiness and majesty/Holiness of our Lord and desires to exalt Him.  Though none is needed, we are an "advertisement" for God. Our worship and joy are testimonies and proof that what we have is real!  Good times and bad we are not under the circumstances.  While at work, school, home and play, we live a life of thanksgiving and praise to God.  Others are watching as well.

EQUIP - You've heard we are to use the right tools for the right job.  Putting on the whole armor of God Paul described in Ephesians 6:10-20 makes us strong in the Lord.  Peter wrote to desire the pure milk of the Word that we might grow by it.  Ephesians 4: 11 indicates we are to be under teachers that will equip us for the work of the ministry.  We then after our own growth begin to equip others.    Being a born again Christian doesn't end at new birth.  The disciple spends much time in prayer and in the Word of God while reading other books and commentaries, to come along side. This all must be done under the submission and empowerment of God's Holy Spirit!

ENGAGE -  The New Testament followers of Christ were scattered by persecution but planted churches and engaged the communities they entered.  Christianity is a personal relationship with God.  We have peace with God through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.  It is personal but as Jesus and Paul displayed it is something to be shared.  Since the fall of mankind, God is a going God ("Adam where are you?") We are to be a going church, spiritually as well as socially. It is; "Come and see." then "Go and tell."  Whether it is in building relationships through service or spontaneous conversation we engage again; at Work, home school, home schooled or play, we are to go and make disciples and share the good news of Jesus Chris in our action AND in speech.  We engage not in order to get rewarded with eternity spent with God, but because we know we already are!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Blessing Your Community

We may have our physical limitations, that hinder us from being out in the neighborhood, doing good. Financial situations might hinder us from donating large sums of money.  Like everything else it is your attitude and heart, accompanying the effort that counts.

You may be in a wheel chair or bed ridden, but you can be a great member of your community and body of Christ, as you pray for others.

You may not be able to walk long distances to fight the ol' devil, but you can be mighty through God. Crossing the globe, empowered by the Holy Spirit, you and your key board are mightier than the sword!

You can do all thing through Christ which strengthens you.  In my weakness He is strong!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Takin' it to the Street!

This has been a divided few months. The causes and solutions must be addressed by the government and it's people.  Maybe in your house or personal life, even your thoughts and relationships have been divided.

Do you want to know the reason for this terrible season in our country and day to day lives?  You can look into the Bible initially; Genesis chapters 1-11 and find the answer, moving onto the letter to the Romans, then Ephesians.
                                                       WHAT IS THE SOLUTION?!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." -Jesus  (John 3:16-18).

This heart type transformation/revolution, most likely will not be televised!

"Go into all the world making disciples."-Jesus.  It's time to take it to the streets.

God's peace is not the absence of a storm and unrest, but here smack dab in the middle of the storm as well.

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Three Concrete Steps

The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem"  did not wait for an announcement on Face book o...