Thursday, December 28, 2017

T'was The Night After Christmas

The kids slept after Christmas all at Grandmas house,
not a creature was stirring not even a keyboard mouse.
Grandmas ugly Christmas sweater put away with a tear.
She won the contest with Grandma got ran over by a reindeer
Down thru the hallway there arose such a clatter.
Grandpa had knocked down a picture, Christmas cookies had made him fatter.
"Why is the Christmas tree smashed in that box?"
"Where are the Christmas decorations and socks?"
They hugged in terror when GiGi picked up the robot St. Nick
 placed him in the plastic tub & locked the lid; click,click, click.
dash away, dash away, dash away all!
The gift pile next year... will be very small.

                                                         Ho! Ho! Ho!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

T'was The Night Before Christmas.....

My younger days were magical.  That means they quickly disappeared.  The great memories I often mention, are still alive, some in black and white, some color.  The Christmas recollections are as if they happened yesterday.  The sounds and colors, church, people, school, home, Christmas T.V. shows and  popular music of the day

Christmas Eve included a family get together and  food.  Usually we could open a gift before we left for the party.  Usually I would be hoping for a toy!  Usually it was the shirt my mother bought and wanted me to wear to the Christmas celebration.

Before going to bed and trying to sleep, the night would be topped off with Andy Williams special and late night: "The Christmas Carol" followed by, "It's a Wonderful Life"  movies on television.  Preceded by a month of Christmas sermons, plays at church. I went to sleep with the proper perspective about Christmas (later in life, at least).

My poor parents would have to stay up or awaken early to put together bikes or just sit out a microscope set or a doll for my sister as well as all the wrapped gifts under the tree.  "Mom! Dad!  You should see what Santa brought!" I remember them one time, looking at each other and now realize it was the look of; "mission accomplished, we made "Christmas" real again."  My night before Christmas was spent dreaming about reindeer on the roof.  For my parents it was some unselfish speed and effort in order that someone else could enjoy the season and create a special event for the family.

 I remember knowing that Christmas was all about the birth of Jesus, (I still do) that He came to live a Holy life and even die a sacrificial death. It wasn't as a martyr, but as a savior to pay for sins, in order that believers would be reconciled to God. A gift from God in that He "so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son that whoever Believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life!"   Merry Christmas!

"And to all a good night!"

Decide to Decide!

 You never know if you are preparing a Daniel!

In Daniel Chapter one we see Daniels commitment to God and His Word.  In a time where they were big on beheading, Daniel placed himself in harms way to obey God's dietary laws.

I can imagine Daniel in Children's Church or vacation Bible school making the decision then, to purpose in his heart not to defile himself with any thing that would be sin against God!

They say they might have been around fourteen to nineteen years of age.  That would be very frightening to be taken away into a far unGodly land.  To bad ol' devil, Daniel had a Biblical worldview, and an
unshakeable faith.
The Persian Empire defeated the Babylonian empire and Daniel was still Standing for God and God for him!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Here I Stand

I gave God my soul,
I then take my role.

Fight the good fight,
walking by faith, not sight.

On His truth I stand and sit,
standing fast no thought to quit.

Blast the past.
the vision cast.

He's my shield,
to Him I yield.

He's not the latest rave,
He shed His blood for all, to save!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Reason for the Season

I can remember receiving great gifts. School activities that celebrated Christmas. Many a family get together Christmas Eve, were highlights of a lifetime.  These and more make up the list of special moments that are a part of that most wonderful time of the year.

Church Christmas plays as simple as some were, painted the picture of that Nativity that is ever etched on my mind, portraying the birth of Jesus. We had Santa all around, but that was merely a fun, mythical part of Christmas.  The reality of my life was that Jesus came from Heaven to Bethlehem born to die.

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given."

Jesus born in a manger and growing in wisdom and stature, came living a sinless life, dying a sacrificial death on that cross that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

We are not celebrating the birth of a mere man, even a president or earthly king, or a person with great teachings. We celebrate the birthday of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The Son of God!

He is the reason for the season.

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