Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Whole Armor of God

Be Strong....The Apostle Paul is not saying to stop crying, or big boys/girls don't cry.  He is encouraging us to "Be strong, but in the Lord and in the power of His might."  You can look around and see we are not and cannot build utopia, Some are trying hard, but how's that working for you?  It all seems to be getting worse.

The Christian must not go into hiding or quit, in order to live in a comfort zone.  Yes, we will spend eternity with God, all the while hiding in the safety of our homes, computer or an undemanding church life,  full of self. That is living in defeat, not the victory, we are called to.

Therefore put on the whole armor of God! This is a Spiritual warfare and He said it was not by our power or might, but by His Spirit.
                                                         A Spiritual Combat Zone

Who is attacking us?  It is not flesh and blood but the ruler, authorities, powers and wicked Spiritual forces.
They fire the rockets and darts of; worry, doubt, fear, the list goes on. We must spend much time with the Sword of the Spirit (God's Word), in order to have true enemy recognition and stop wounding friendly forces!

Let's move forward in our circle of life that God has placed us in, sharing and showing the Gospel, armed with the mind of Christ.

1John 2:15-17,  James 1:12-17,  John 8:32-37,  2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Romans 10:9-15, 1 John 5:1-5.

                                       ****WE ARE TO PUT ON THE ARMOR OF GOD****


Be alert, watching as if we are on guard duty. Watching also for what God is going to do.  Then having done all to stand, stand.

Remember we are the Church/Army of God we need His relationship and also the unity of others. Remember the idea;  NO SOLDIER LEFT BEHIND.

Let us be a one another body of believers! Standing fast, strong in the power of His night.

EPHESIAN 6: 10-20.


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