Thursday, August 4, 2016

Time for Discipleship. Time to Pray!

We know that our weapons are not carnal, they are mighty in God.  This culture is calling good evil and evil good.  With space age speed this secular worldview is headed away from God and it is in your face, talking trash.

This impacting your culture for God, even a reformation of the church's worldview, will require prayer.  Nehemiah had a broken heart for the city of God.  The walls, as well as people, were in ruin.  I wonder when was the last time we prayed for the souls of men and women, boys and girls, that are in ruin?

Let us pray now for our nations, cities, churches, family and any personal requests. The Apostle Paul encouraged us to pray for one another, Jesus disciples asked Him to teach them to pray. Jesus also awoke early to pray.

                                                             IT IS TIME TO PRAY


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