Wednesday, November 1, 2023

"Get Off My Bus!!"

Get Off My Bus!”

   Soon after deciding to enlist, the day had arrived. I said goodbye to family and friends.. My Dad took me to the train station where we had small talk and said so long. Later I discovered he had gone home and cried...  It was his Birthday (what was I thinking). I was glad to have made him proud, when I returned from my Basic Training. The plane ride was my first. I believe they had to pry my fingers off the arm of my seat!
   Finally after a few days we were to meet our drill instructors. “There they are!” They looked evil and full of military.
                                                         Get off my bus!!
 "You in the back, get up and have your pack in front of you. Go! Go! Get off my bus!!” Those that had been seated in the front were now outside receiving orders and doing push ups. The screaming and running around moved like controlled recklessness.     “Keep your head and eyes to the front. Choose you a brick on that wall and stare at it. Don't look anywhere else!” The guy in front of me was shaking like a leaf. We could hear those still in the bus being ordered outside and others doing more pushups. “This is the worst excuse for humans I have ever seen!”  
  There were about a hundred cool dudes being transformed into whimpering pups at an animal shelter. Some already wanting to go back home to mom's: “I told you so's.”
   Now, off the bus and seventy pushups later, we knew we should fear these men. I was afraid yet loving it and didn't want to be anywhere else. We were on our way to becoming soldiers!
  It's one thing to enlist and act and talk like a hero with mom and dad. You haven't really moved forward until you get up and “Off the bus.”

   This thing of being a follower of Christ, is more than sitting in church talking a big talk to the other pew fillers. It is you and I getting off the pew/couch/cot and going into the population or post, maybe even the next foxhole and walking the walk.
   Thousands of believers are still “on the bus," having no maturity, still unknowing what to do in spiritual combat. This world needs you to get up and get out and love the unlovable soldier next to you as well as those in the population. You decided to enlist? Now you have to get off the bus and into the purpose and plan of God!

Check out the Word:

"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you."  Matt 28:19,20. 



  1. May each person who enlisted in JESUS CHRIST, through repentence of trespasses and sins and water baptism (total immersion) search their own heart and seek God's will in their lives to carry JESUS' good news gospel to the unconverted. what a fantastic post is this...Thank you!

  2. May each person who enlisted in JESUS CHRIST, through repentence of trespasses and sins and water baptism (total immersion) search their own heart and seek God's will in their lives to carry JESUS' good news gospel to the unconverted. what a fantastic post is this...Thank you!


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