"Why do you do this?" is the question, of many receiving help. They search your motivation, supposing it's out of guilt or pity, maybe your own; "look what I do" thinking. "You're different" someone might say at the office, or car ride, even over a cup of coffee. Many similar questions or statements could be answered by; "The love of Christ".
Christ's love is what transformed His followers lives into culture changers, moving throughout the entire world, now entering our places and time, one by one, transforming hearts. Godly love compelling them from their locations to remote parts of the world, with the Good News of Christ's love. Persecution could not stop these initial disciples and followers. In Acts 8: 4 "Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went."
The Apostle Paul, had been persecuting the Church. He met Christ, believed and received God's mercy. His "heart" being, transformed and empowered by the Spirit of God. With the same zeal he had used for persecuting, Paul went through weather, sea, robbers, stoning, to speak about what God had done through Christ.
Every first Saturday of the month, the Church I attend named "The Bride" will again open it's doors to the community for free clothing and homemade laundry soap. The Pastor and his wife are intentional about building relationships and service. They share with those, information about; "why we do what we do."
When someone asks: "What really makes you tick?" or "Why do you do this for me?" even asks directly about Christ and God. The believer can say something like Paul said in a Corinthian letter:
"For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly view....Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation....." 2 Corinthians 5:14-21.
Let me encourage you to receive the love of Christ and realize peace with God through faith in Christ. Then let us together live life compelled by that Love, for our circle of life, God has placed us in and beyond.
Encouragements from Tim to travel life's journey together guided by the light of God's Word!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
An Example for Life and Ministry.
The Book of Acts chapter 20 speaks about Paul headed for Jerusalem. Paul assumes this is a one way voyage. So while on the way and not having E-mail, fax or facebook, he takes time to send word to the Elders of the church in Ephesus to meet him in Miletus.
They arrive and he begins speaking, saying: "You know how I lived the whole time I was with you. See the word whole. He was consistent in his lifestyle and ministry. I'm sure you knew you could come to Paul with questions and he would always make himself available. You can bet there was stability and consistency in his message the whole time.
He told how he served the Lord with humility and tears. Oh I pray while you and I teach, preach and work in the neighborhood it is with a soft heart and a Godly desire for the souls of men, women, boys and girls. Pride is a big killer in ministry from the pew to the platform. May you and I, do ministry with tears and a broken heart for souls and christian growth.
He preached the word. I believe he stood before the church publicly, during those years, teaching and encouraging and warning. Paul said that he also went from house to house. I see him visiting and praying at the homes of the church at Ephesus. I bet he went and knocked on a few neighborhood doors to see if they were open so God could love them through him.
What was his message? vs.21, They must turn to God in repentance, AND have faith in our Lord Jesus.
Paul, always developing disciples and leaders, encouraged these men to watch over there flocks as shepherds. It is sad that we have ranchers instead of shepherds, herding there cattle to get work done and to build our kingdoms.
20:31-35. His ministry was day and night. "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak...."
He left and sat sail for Jerusalem. Along the way his team did not want him to go, for it would be dangerous. He then said something that I wonder if I could say: "I am ready to die in Jerusalem for the name of Jesus Christ."
In all we do let us agree as they did in chapter 21:14: "THE LORD"S WILL BE DONE!"
Please go and read Acts Chapters 20, 21 for yourself and see, with intent to follow Paul's example in life and ministry.
They arrive and he begins speaking, saying: "You know how I lived the whole time I was with you. See the word whole. He was consistent in his lifestyle and ministry. I'm sure you knew you could come to Paul with questions and he would always make himself available. You can bet there was stability and consistency in his message the whole time.
He told how he served the Lord with humility and tears. Oh I pray while you and I teach, preach and work in the neighborhood it is with a soft heart and a Godly desire for the souls of men, women, boys and girls. Pride is a big killer in ministry from the pew to the platform. May you and I, do ministry with tears and a broken heart for souls and christian growth.
He preached the word. I believe he stood before the church publicly, during those years, teaching and encouraging and warning. Paul said that he also went from house to house. I see him visiting and praying at the homes of the church at Ephesus. I bet he went and knocked on a few neighborhood doors to see if they were open so God could love them through him.
What was his message? vs.21, They must turn to God in repentance, AND have faith in our Lord Jesus.
Paul, always developing disciples and leaders, encouraged these men to watch over there flocks as shepherds. It is sad that we have ranchers instead of shepherds, herding there cattle to get work done and to build our kingdoms.
20:31-35. His ministry was day and night. "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak...."
He left and sat sail for Jerusalem. Along the way his team did not want him to go, for it would be dangerous. He then said something that I wonder if I could say: "I am ready to die in Jerusalem for the name of Jesus Christ."
In all we do let us agree as they did in chapter 21:14: "THE LORD"S WILL BE DONE!"
Please go and read Acts Chapters 20, 21 for yourself and see, with intent to follow Paul's example in life and ministry.
Monday, January 27, 2014
In the past two or three years, I have adopted a few words that can help you as well. As we are empowered by God's Holy Spirit our lives and ministries can be helped as we filter them through two of the words that will keep us on track: FOCUS AND INTENTIONAL.
There are three areas of ministry and life we must live out focused and with intention. These have become my life's filter and topic. now that we have become followers/disciples of Christ, How then shall we live and minister? Everything we do must go through the filter and purpose and mission God has given us, otherwise it would be a hindrance or distraction.
Area number one: WORSHIP (God). You and I whether it is individually or corporately will worship in Spirit and in truth as we do it lovingly with focus and done intentionally. Many know it is not just singing or clapping hands but it is also an attitude and lifestyle. God mentioned, His people worshiped Him with their lips but their heart was far from Him. Not only an action on Sunday morning, we also praise God every morning and night and various times throughout the day. Good times as well as bad. It is surprising how many do not give God a thought all week or do it when we get a break in our schedule. I want to constantly and intentionally during quiet time and at work, home and play live a lifestyle of worship.
Area number two: CONNECTION (relationship with God and others). If we have a relationship with God we may from time to time need to be focused and intentional. It is a great idea to spend time with Him in prayer and the study of His Word listening as well as speaking. We usually don't experience a "blow out" we usually have a "slow leak" when we allow a distraction to cause a disconnect in our walk with Him. While we point upwards, we say if we are okay this way, we are okay this way, while pointing out to those around us, in our circle of life. The ten commandments as well as the Bible has to to with our connection or relationship with God and others. We don't do this alone we are to connect with a community of believers for love and accountabilty, not forsaking the assembying of ourselves as is the habit of some.
Area number three: SERVICE (community). Following our becoming Christ followers (believing in and trusting in Christ's work as our only hope to spend eternity with God), we are called out of the world and then with Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we go back into the community to make other disciples and finding needs, to be of help as we are compelled by the love of Christ. I believe that is toward those in the church house and outside of it. We have locked ourselves in the temple forgetting where we came from. We are to be focused and intentional about loving God and loving others.
Jesus said:" Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you mind." and to "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."
Paul wrote: "Therefore I urge you, brothers in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, Holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship(service)."
Remember when Jesus said to those who offered food drink and relationship. "When you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to me."
We have been commissioned by Christ: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always".
Let us keep focused and be intentional in our Worship,Connections and Service.
God Is Still In Control.
Diversity is a popular term we could use in life's circumstances, good and bad. No matter the education or economic level, opportunities of prosperity as well as trouble arise. You can stay in the house to avoid the trials but others can soon testify, that trouble can eventually knock on your door, or yell "surprise!" when you open the mailbox.
Job in the Bible said: "Man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward." Others in the Bible have come to poverty, sickness, persecution and death (For being a believer in Christ).
In that same Bible, we see the bigger picture. Those who haven't read or understood it, see every circumstance as out of control and without hope. Fear and anger are the obvious thoughts and emotions. Life decisions are based on- self preservation and all the way to, "whatever" attitudes. It is not wrong to fear etc. you do not want to park there, living in a paralyzed state.
The idea is not to trust or be guided merely by your emotions. Emotions will lie to you. "Follow your gut" is not always the best policy. Remember the song we sang or sing in worship services declaring "we are Standing on the Promises of God" and the other; "Leaning on the everlasting arms" add to that a new song to God; "Your lover never fails".
While reading the Bible we see that God is in control. We can see His creating and leading of man and nature. From Beginning to end we realize God's Presence, Purpose, Provision and Power! The Apostle Paul didn't say "Trust your gut" He Said "Having Done all to stand, stand."
This is basic but I will not be absent in putting this to your remembrance. When the car breaks down, the washing machine leaks, a bill is due, at the Dr. Office, the divorce papers come, at the grave site, the layoff, persecution, and martyrdom.
Remember: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition , with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.-Phil 4:4-7.
King David said "I will continually praise Him with my lips." In Psalm 37 he wrote "Trust in the Lord and do Good." As well as "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me."
Job in the Bible said: "Man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward." Others in the Bible have come to poverty, sickness, persecution and death (For being a believer in Christ).
In that same Bible, we see the bigger picture. Those who haven't read or understood it, see every circumstance as out of control and without hope. Fear and anger are the obvious thoughts and emotions. Life decisions are based on- self preservation and all the way to, "whatever" attitudes. It is not wrong to fear etc. you do not want to park there, living in a paralyzed state.
The idea is not to trust or be guided merely by your emotions. Emotions will lie to you. "Follow your gut" is not always the best policy. Remember the song we sang or sing in worship services declaring "we are Standing on the Promises of God" and the other; "Leaning on the everlasting arms" add to that a new song to God; "Your lover never fails".
While reading the Bible we see that God is in control. We can see His creating and leading of man and nature. From Beginning to end we realize God's Presence, Purpose, Provision and Power! The Apostle Paul didn't say "Trust your gut" He Said "Having Done all to stand, stand."
This is basic but I will not be absent in putting this to your remembrance. When the car breaks down, the washing machine leaks, a bill is due, at the Dr. Office, the divorce papers come, at the grave site, the layoff, persecution, and martyrdom.
Remember: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition , with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.-Phil 4:4-7.
King David said "I will continually praise Him with my lips." In Psalm 37 he wrote "Trust in the Lord and do Good." As well as "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me."
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Truck Drivers/Soldiers
Two professions we can't do without are the Soldier and Truck Driver. They both, even with a war on and stocked shelves at the local store, are usually out of sight and out of mind.
Loneliness as well as danger, (The soldier more so of course), plague their daily environment. A deadly surprise can be around any curve in the road. Driver and soldier alike, may or may not, have someone that is waiting breathlessly for their return home.
The Soldier not only protects our country but that of others around the world. Many times in a hostile culture they are defending and placing themselves in harm way.
The driver not only delivers our food but also clothing and even materials for shelter. That Tractor Trailer and it's driver are A MAJOR PART OF OUR ECONOMY AND PRODUCTIVITY.
I just wanted to say I'm proud to have been both in the past and "Thanks for all you do!"
Loneliness as well as danger, (The soldier more so of course), plague their daily environment. A deadly surprise can be around any curve in the road. Driver and soldier alike, may or may not, have someone that is waiting breathlessly for their return home.
The Soldier not only protects our country but that of others around the world. Many times in a hostile culture they are defending and placing themselves in harm way.
The driver not only delivers our food but also clothing and even materials for shelter. That Tractor Trailer and it's driver are A MAJOR PART OF OUR ECONOMY AND PRODUCTIVITY.
I just wanted to say I'm proud to have been both in the past and "Thanks for all you do!"
Thursday, January 23, 2014
If I was only Them!
Spellbound, we have watched well known people whether in, entertainment, sports or politics and desired to have the popularity, notoriety and personality of the talented as well as the rich and famous.We imagine ourselves on the "Red Carpet" posing for pictures, singing on stage or speaking behind a well know pulpit.
You have seen others in your family and thought I wish I had their life,their education, marriage, money and on and on it all goes.
Then finally...You hear about them in the news or read their autobiography. You are now sitting with that family member listening about all they have and their plans and opinions, and after twenty minutes you see they haven't got a bloody clue. You discover their marriage is crazy sad or their method for developing their children is lunacy. They've checked into rehab...again. That pastor ran with the money
Multitudes of your favorite celebrities have great characteristics and make time to invest in the world around them. Millionaires donate finances, Sports and movie stars give back time to the public that rewards them. We also realize no one is perfect. It is very true; money, church, education makes no one without blemish and fault. When we idolize and place these stars high on that pedestal,they have farther to fall, hurting themselves and "fans" harder than it should.
Some basic good advice, some even Godly advice to you and I:
You have seen others in your family and thought I wish I had their life,their education, marriage, money and on and on it all goes.
Then finally...You hear about them in the news or read their autobiography. You are now sitting with that family member listening about all they have and their plans and opinions, and after twenty minutes you see they haven't got a bloody clue. You discover their marriage is crazy sad or their method for developing their children is lunacy. They've checked into rehab...again. That pastor ran with the money
Multitudes of your favorite celebrities have great characteristics and make time to invest in the world around them. Millionaires donate finances, Sports and movie stars give back time to the public that rewards them. We also realize no one is perfect. It is very true; money, church, education makes no one without blemish and fault. When we idolize and place these stars high on that pedestal,they have farther to fall, hurting themselves and "fans" harder than it should.
Some basic good advice, some even Godly advice to you and I:
- Be content.
- Seek wisdom.
- Pray!
- Don't envy anyone.
- Read biographies of helpful people. maybe follow their lifestyle.
- Become a follower of Christ. (foundational of the list).
- Study book of proverbs in the Bible.
- Plan your life for the good of yourself and others.
- Look first to God's Kingdom.not others "utopia" (It doesn't matter what I or some celebrity is failing at, keep your heart and focus on God. It's not about religion but relationship and peace with God).
- Be Content
Saturday, January 18, 2014
I Want To Go To Heaven but....
In the past I was a commercial over the road truck driver. Today, on the news, there were truck crashes on the snow covered roads. I began to have flashbacks of my own "near death" experience. Please allow me to go off road from my christian, inspiring and encouraging,(?) blog to my "Jesus take the Wheel" blog.
1990 something, I was headed West bound on I-80 in Wyoming on a Sunday morning. Snow, as well as freezing rain began to cover the road. I slowed down to a safe speed. We always said "If it's freezing on your windshield there might be ice on the road (who said truck drivers weren't smart).
I had to pass a few cars with a number of senior citizens in each, dressed for church. I remember thinking they should have stayed home. Not wanting to run them over I had to pass and you do not want to make any unnecessary moves side to side.
Traffic was moving very slow. except the "Supertruckers" driving to fast for conditions, driving to impress. "They are going to have a wreck"
Just about that time my tractor turned North, while my trailer was still headed West! I was going over an icy bridge with a road running underneath. So this is how it's going to end. I'm going to get traction and fly in the air, off the bridge onto the road below crushed by my very heavy loaded trailer on impact. On the hill I could see North for a long way meaning I was driving on a large hill. (I was ready to meet my maker. How about you?) I thought this all in a split second.
They say your life passes in front of you before you die. I pictured the State police, knocking on my parents door to tell them I had died in an accident. I thought about my two boys.....
I did get traction and to my surprise there was a grassy hill or viaduct. I assumed I would begin rolling side over side, down the slick embankment! In stead I was riding upright ,at a high rate of speed down the side of this tall hill holding on for dear, dear life. I was bouncing in the chair. The truck was rocking and rolling...what was going to happen? It seemed like an eternity. I then realized, I'm headed for a fence and a corn field. I began to brake and gain control. Arriving at the bottom and hoping not to roll over, turned the vehicle to the left and come to a much desired stop....Did I mention my team driver was back in the bunk during the ride ? Asleep?! "Hey! look where we are"
After a few minutes, I figured it wasn't as steep backing up the other hill. I could back up out of this valley and end up back along side the interstate. Amazingly that is what happened. I was soon safely along side of the road, ice storm over and only flurries. Later, it appeared to other drivers, I had merely slid off the side of the road. I told them on the C.B. "No I went down that valley on the side of the hill and backed up this hill, to here". A few yards from the road I could safely drive back onto the Highway. Not so! On top of the hill, the ground was still snow covered and frozen. We would just spin our tires.
After all that ;a couple of hours later, a tow truck had to pull us onto the dry shoulder. While waiting for the tow truck I paused to thank God we were not hurt. We took off again. The other side of that hill for a few miles looked like a war zone, with tractor trailers turned over and cars off in the ditch.
The next day we made our delivery on time, hopefully headed to Florida with the next.
1990 something, I was headed West bound on I-80 in Wyoming on a Sunday morning. Snow, as well as freezing rain began to cover the road. I slowed down to a safe speed. We always said "If it's freezing on your windshield there might be ice on the road (who said truck drivers weren't smart).
I had to pass a few cars with a number of senior citizens in each, dressed for church. I remember thinking they should have stayed home. Not wanting to run them over I had to pass and you do not want to make any unnecessary moves side to side.
Traffic was moving very slow. except the "Supertruckers" driving to fast for conditions, driving to impress. "They are going to have a wreck"
Just about that time my tractor turned North, while my trailer was still headed West! I was going over an icy bridge with a road running underneath. So this is how it's going to end. I'm going to get traction and fly in the air, off the bridge onto the road below crushed by my very heavy loaded trailer on impact. On the hill I could see North for a long way meaning I was driving on a large hill. (I was ready to meet my maker. How about you?) I thought this all in a split second.
They say your life passes in front of you before you die. I pictured the State police, knocking on my parents door to tell them I had died in an accident. I thought about my two boys.....
I did get traction and to my surprise there was a grassy hill or viaduct. I assumed I would begin rolling side over side, down the slick embankment! In stead I was riding upright ,at a high rate of speed down the side of this tall hill holding on for dear, dear life. I was bouncing in the chair. The truck was rocking and rolling...what was going to happen? It seemed like an eternity. I then realized, I'm headed for a fence and a corn field. I began to brake and gain control. Arriving at the bottom and hoping not to roll over, turned the vehicle to the left and come to a much desired stop....Did I mention my team driver was back in the bunk during the ride ? Asleep?! "Hey! look where we are"
After a few minutes, I figured it wasn't as steep backing up the other hill. I could back up out of this valley and end up back along side the interstate. Amazingly that is what happened. I was soon safely along side of the road, ice storm over and only flurries. Later, it appeared to other drivers, I had merely slid off the side of the road. I told them on the C.B. "No I went down that valley on the side of the hill and backed up this hill, to here". A few yards from the road I could safely drive back onto the Highway. Not so! On top of the hill, the ground was still snow covered and frozen. We would just spin our tires.
After all that ;a couple of hours later, a tow truck had to pull us onto the dry shoulder. While waiting for the tow truck I paused to thank God we were not hurt. We took off again. The other side of that hill for a few miles looked like a war zone, with tractor trailers turned over and cars off in the ditch.
The next day we made our delivery on time, hopefully headed to Florida with the next.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
You'll find in your attempt to develop your community; mentally, physically and spiritually that not everyone desires to be developed. Some do nothing to help themselves or family. There's a percentage that don't want your fishing lessons "just give me the fish". Your group or you, as an individual plan to offer as much as you are able, yet many still feel the need to manipulate or even steal after you have given, That hurts and smacks you in the face so many times you wonder if you are helping anyone.
You help and are even instrumental in others rising again from the lifestyle and bad decisions and abuse, only to see them fall and they seem very happy to descend. I realize there is an awkwardness about needing someones help and we have our unnecessary shpeal and fibs or manipulation in order to keep face.
It shouldn't have to be, but some have to hit "rock bottom" to be willing to have that relationship of peace and receive what's given, then arriving to a place they can be of help to others.
It hurts as you get hurt and unappreciated time after time. Jesus and some of the Bible writers spoke about giving and doing unto others, just as you would want it done for you. Throughout history heroes have acted and come to the aid of others without reward or a thank you.
So let's keep on truckin' baby trying to be a blessing, giving water to those that are thirsty and food for the hungry, while visiting those in prison for whatever reason. We have been commissioned by Christ to go and make disciples and invest in the lives around us.
Easier said than done? Let's pray for God's power, purpose and provision to be a part of community development; mentally, physically and spiritually!
You help and are even instrumental in others rising again from the lifestyle and bad decisions and abuse, only to see them fall and they seem very happy to descend. I realize there is an awkwardness about needing someones help and we have our unnecessary shpeal and fibs or manipulation in order to keep face.
It shouldn't have to be, but some have to hit "rock bottom" to be willing to have that relationship of peace and receive what's given, then arriving to a place they can be of help to others.
It hurts as you get hurt and unappreciated time after time. Jesus and some of the Bible writers spoke about giving and doing unto others, just as you would want it done for you. Throughout history heroes have acted and come to the aid of others without reward or a thank you.
So let's keep on truckin' baby trying to be a blessing, giving water to those that are thirsty and food for the hungry, while visiting those in prison for whatever reason. We have been commissioned by Christ to go and make disciples and invest in the lives around us.
Easier said than done? Let's pray for God's power, purpose and provision to be a part of community development; mentally, physically and spiritually!
Value Statement
In order to be focused and headed in the right direction, business and Churches etc. usually have a mission statement, maybe a vision and value statement
The value statement obviously contain the words; We value__________. they are then guided by that "list," and if accessible, customers will have confidence in said Company or Church or even individuals.
For one reason or another what is intended to guide and motivate are forgotten or never intended to be, (once on the bulletin board) to be noticed again.
Here are some questions to businesses, churches and I will throw in the rest of us:
It's a good idea that I actually value something before I say that I do. If there is an ideal or cause etc., I should have, but do not have, it would be a benefit to me and other as well, if I could work on developing a proper (I would say Biblical) worldview.
Love God Love others.
The value statement obviously contain the words; We value__________. they are then guided by that "list," and if accessible, customers will have confidence in said Company or Church or even individuals.
For one reason or another what is intended to guide and motivate are forgotten or never intended to be, (once on the bulletin board) to be noticed again.
Here are some questions to businesses, churches and I will throw in the rest of us:
- If you say you value the prosperity of the community...then why are your prices high and employees poor?
- If you say you value the community around the Church...Why doesn't your congregation look like the community?
- If you say you value customer satisfaction...Why the hassle with the nose in the air when someone requests a repair/exchange/refund/guarantee honored.
- If you say you value church planting...then why aren't you planting churches?
- If you say you value your guests visiting your church...why do you ignore them?
- If you say you value all children's education...Why do you push them through without one?
- If you say you value your child's education...Why is there nothing to read in the house?
- If you say you value your little children...why would you leave them alone to go to a party all night?
- If you say you value your community, physically, mentally and spiritually...Why don't you volunteer?
- If you say you value your eternity....Why don't you experience eternity with God the creator though faith in Christ?
It's a good idea that I actually value something before I say that I do. If there is an ideal or cause etc., I should have, but do not have, it would be a benefit to me and other as well, if I could work on developing a proper (I would say Biblical) worldview.
Love God Love others.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Fulness of the Time
We say the time between the Old testament and the new, is when God was silent. We know now, that He was orchestrating history, according to His plan.
The Babylonian, Persian, Greek and then Roman empires caused a lot of havoc as well as movement and creation of various cultures, each being the piece that fit perfect, into what would be God's "puzzle" and purpose.
The Grecian empire brought a unified language that God used to easily spread the good news of faith in Christ, throughout the known world!
The Jewish leaders and Roman government had the pride and temperament to have crucified anyone and did crucify Jesus the Christ. In the fulness of time or at the right/perfect time Jesus was born, lived, Christ then died vicariously for the sins of the world.
"But when the fullness of times had come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. -Galatians 4:4,5.
You and I sometime wonder "Where is God?" "How long Lord, will you hide your face from me?" There are those that even shake a fist in His gracious direction.
Soon we begin to see evidence of events that it only could be God. We, His followers, begin to realize there is nothing impossible for God and all things do work together for those that love Him. While I prayed, He didn't yell out "I'm working it out!" He may be silent but God is famous for being involved.
Continue to or even begin to, trust and pray, realizing in the fulness of time God's plan, will be done in your life. "Thank you Lord" for your timing"
The Babylonian, Persian, Greek and then Roman empires caused a lot of havoc as well as movement and creation of various cultures, each being the piece that fit perfect, into what would be God's "puzzle" and purpose.
The Grecian empire brought a unified language that God used to easily spread the good news of faith in Christ, throughout the known world!
The Jewish leaders and Roman government had the pride and temperament to have crucified anyone and did crucify Jesus the Christ. In the fulness of time or at the right/perfect time Jesus was born, lived, Christ then died vicariously for the sins of the world.
"But when the fullness of times had come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. -Galatians 4:4,5.
You and I sometime wonder "Where is God?" "How long Lord, will you hide your face from me?" There are those that even shake a fist in His gracious direction.
Soon we begin to see evidence of events that it only could be God. We, His followers, begin to realize there is nothing impossible for God and all things do work together for those that love Him. While I prayed, He didn't yell out "I'm working it out!" He may be silent but God is famous for being involved.
Continue to or even begin to, trust and pray, realizing in the fulness of time God's plan, will be done in your life. "Thank you Lord" for your timing"
Monday, January 13, 2014
An active and Effective Follower of Christ.
What would it take to be an active and effective Christian? It can't be business as usual. In the Book of Acts of the Bible there was something different about the first century church. It could have been that, previously they had stayed at home, cookouts in the back yard or washing the car in the driveway nothing wrong with that of course. You see, there lives soon changed after deciding to believe in /follow Christ. They may have sold the car after losing there jobs for being a christian or the house and traveled to a safer place for now, and start a Bible study or church in the RV or new apartment sixty miles away.
People saw something different in them and maybe see something different in us now. Listen to the alternative title; inactive and ineffective Christian. It doesn't even sound right, or look right. When the community sees the difference they will desire what you have.
What's it going to take? :
1. PRAYER - The Bible says we are always to pray and not quit. We do not walk confidently in ourselves, but in Christ. We are to "Cast our care on the Lord for He cares for us. David, king of Isreal prayed before he moved even attack. God blessed him! Prayer consists of: Praise, Confession, Asking, Meditation,
*Going to school? Pray about it.
*Family issues? Pray about it
*Finances? Pray about it.
*Ministry? Pray about it.
*employment? pray about it.
Pray for you and pray for others.
2. PURPOSE - Apostle Paul wrote for us to be vessels of honor. Vessels to be used for God's purposes and God's glory. Joseph in Genesis, Elisha, David, Paul, Peter and now ,you have a purpose and be open while in prayer and reading His Word, finding what it is, as well as discovering how to accomplishes it.
3. POWER- Power to say "NO" and power to say "YES" "Yes Lord not to my agenda but your plan to be accomplished" We have been given ability and authority to behave and speak as ambassadors of Christ. BIBLE SAYS: "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and will be witnesses unto me....(Active and Effective).
Let's be Christians with a pulse, active and effective, living with prayer, in His Purpose and by His power.
People saw something different in them and maybe see something different in us now. Listen to the alternative title; inactive and ineffective Christian. It doesn't even sound right, or look right. When the community sees the difference they will desire what you have.
What's it going to take? :
1. PRAYER - The Bible says we are always to pray and not quit. We do not walk confidently in ourselves, but in Christ. We are to "Cast our care on the Lord for He cares for us. David, king of Isreal prayed before he moved even attack. God blessed him! Prayer consists of: Praise, Confession, Asking, Meditation,
*Going to school? Pray about it.
*Family issues? Pray about it
*Finances? Pray about it.
*Ministry? Pray about it.
*employment? pray about it.
Pray for you and pray for others.
2. PURPOSE - Apostle Paul wrote for us to be vessels of honor. Vessels to be used for God's purposes and God's glory. Joseph in Genesis, Elisha, David, Paul, Peter and now ,you have a purpose and be open while in prayer and reading His Word, finding what it is, as well as discovering how to accomplishes it.
3. POWER- Power to say "NO" and power to say "YES" "Yes Lord not to my agenda but your plan to be accomplished" We have been given ability and authority to behave and speak as ambassadors of Christ. BIBLE SAYS: "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and will be witnesses unto me....(Active and Effective).
Let's be Christians with a pulse, active and effective, living with prayer, in His Purpose and by His power.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
"Busy Night at Downton, My Lord."
Well it was good to see Downton at full capacity. Of course, after all, there were sixteen guests and a singer visiting.
Mr Carson was at full capacity as well. Not since the war had he been so busy with such a staff. A bloody sneaky one at that. One would be wobbly after the head cook looks to have had a heart attack but was only keechy.. I for one thought it was time for daisy to step up.
Meanwhile Mary is having mixed emotions concerning the interest being paid her. Matthew has not been gone long and his mother has one eye on Mary, and an eye on her very own flirt, the doctor. She is obviously experiencing depression.
Lord Grantham loses a few acres worth of money in cards (and is hiding the lapse of good judgement from his wife). His daughters' married boyfriend, who is planning to go to Germany to obtain a divorce, won her fathers money back, while cheating the cheat who cheated her Pa Pah. Meanwhile one of the maids is trapping Tom Branson, which may result in another scandal and the maid's second dismissal, maybe.
While guests and staff, listen to the entertainment from the opera, Anna goes down stairs and is raped by a demanding footman/or something. A sad event indeed that is being kept secret from Mr. Bates, lest he kill the man and return to prison.
My wife is calling me to go to sleep. "Yes, My Lady!"
Mr Carson was at full capacity as well. Not since the war had he been so busy with such a staff. A bloody sneaky one at that. One would be wobbly after the head cook looks to have had a heart attack but was only keechy.. I for one thought it was time for daisy to step up.
Meanwhile Mary is having mixed emotions concerning the interest being paid her. Matthew has not been gone long and his mother has one eye on Mary, and an eye on her very own flirt, the doctor. She is obviously experiencing depression.
Lord Grantham loses a few acres worth of money in cards (and is hiding the lapse of good judgement from his wife). His daughters' married boyfriend, who is planning to go to Germany to obtain a divorce, won her fathers money back, while cheating the cheat who cheated her Pa Pah. Meanwhile one of the maids is trapping Tom Branson, which may result in another scandal and the maid's second dismissal, maybe.
While guests and staff, listen to the entertainment from the opera, Anna goes down stairs and is raped by a demanding footman/or something. A sad event indeed that is being kept secret from Mr. Bates, lest he kill the man and return to prison.
My wife is calling me to go to sleep. "Yes, My Lady!"
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Same Ol' Song and Dance.
When I was a young kid and the bully found out you went to church, you were called a "Chicken" scared to be tough, not wanting to fight you got beat up. Recess in elementary school, to attending High School, many a person was circled and laughed at for being seen walking into Sunday School the Sunday before. Years ago, you might be made fun of in the military. "Here comes Holy Joe, goody two shoes". Occasionally the military itself was afraid of Christians that they might not fight.
Well, those attacks didn't work. They now call the Sunday School kid the bully... a hater!?
The Church kid and the Followers of Christ have the same message that the Holy Joe sissy chicken kids had back in the day.
Seems to me just another change in direction of attacks. It's laughable to see comics and prime time cartoons bash Jesus Christ and His followers. They try to destroy the foundations of Christianity, and yes, some Christians are giving them ammunition. The source of their ideas and tactics always have to change when they don't work. So, we'll just go on in our life journey spreading the Word and hopefully good deeds, showing the love of God.
Seems to me just another change in direction of attacks. It's laughable to see comics and prime time cartoons bash Jesus Christ and His followers. They try to destroy the foundations of Christianity, and yes, some Christians are giving them ammunition. The source of their ideas and tactics always have to change when they don't work. So, we'll just go on in our life journey spreading the Word and hopefully good deeds, showing the love of God.
Old Testament, New Testament and present day believers, believe in the same God and message. It appears then someone is confused about who the hater is and what the Bible contains and speaks. They have not got a clue. They pick and choose what part of Jesus or the Bible they like, and the rest is mythology. (When everyone knows we are here because a star exploded and it's from goo to the zoo to you?)
It's a different attack just the same old song and dance.
"I will know you will stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the Gospel, without being frightened in any way by those that oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved--and that by God".----Apostle Paul
The message is still God loves us and we are to love others. Jesus said "I am the light." Bible says but they loved the darkness and hate the light. So, we're not surprised, The Bible says: "All men will hate you because of me".
Now back off...I'm going to Sunday School!
It's a different attack just the same old song and dance.
"I will know you will stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the Gospel, without being frightened in any way by those that oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved--and that by God".----Apostle Paul
The message is still God loves us and we are to love others. Jesus said "I am the light." Bible says but they loved the darkness and hate the light. So, we're not surprised, The Bible says: "All men will hate you because of me".
Now back off...I'm going to Sunday School!
Friday, January 10, 2014
An old man, walking a lone highway,
Came, at the evening, cold and gray,
To a chasm,vast, deep and wide,
Through which was flowing a sullen tide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim;
The sullen tide had no fear for him;
But he turned, when safe on the other side,
And built a bridge to span the tide.
"Old man," said a fellow pilgrim, near
"You are wasting your time with building here;
Your journey wil end with the ending day;
You never again will pass this way;
You've crossed the chasm, deep and wide-
Why build you this bridge at the evening tide?"
The builder lifted his old gray head:
"Good friend, in the path I have come," he said,
"There follows after me today,
A youth, whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm, that has been naught to me,
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building this bridge for him."
-Will Allen Dromgoole.
Came, at the evening, cold and gray,
To a chasm,vast, deep and wide,
Through which was flowing a sullen tide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim;
The sullen tide had no fear for him;
But he turned, when safe on the other side,
And built a bridge to span the tide.
"Old man," said a fellow pilgrim, near
"You are wasting your time with building here;
Your journey wil end with the ending day;
You never again will pass this way;
You've crossed the chasm, deep and wide-
Why build you this bridge at the evening tide?"
The builder lifted his old gray head:
"Good friend, in the path I have come," he said,
"There follows after me today,
A youth, whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm, that has been naught to me,
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building this bridge for him."
-Will Allen Dromgoole.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Cold temperatures crippled the area and drifting snow piled up, blocking front doors and closed interstates and local highways. Government offices, schools, transportation plus many stores and businesses closed for a few days.
Looking out the window, not a creature was stirring not even a snowman. Everyone stayed in doors, attitudes and temperatures were to negative for building a snowman or going sledding. We huddled in the warmth of our homes. Trapped, was more like it.
What if before the storm, you had company that required "extra grace" and they/you were all "trapped" together! They were already eating all the food. She laughed to loud, He wasn't as funny as he thought he was. Your nephews were Bungie jumping" off the kitchen table!?
Imagine the guests had only planned visiting for the day. While you loved to keep your house looking like (in your meager way) "Downton Abby", the visiting Duke and Duchess and prince and princess had it looking more like "Hoarders." Watching the T.V. news, they yell: "Looks like we are snowed in! Look honey,they got a frozen pizza"
You then make call after call to the State Police asking if the roads are open yet..... When the rubber (or ice) meets the road and you're snowed in?...........
We might have to pray about it. It's going to be a long winter.
Looking out the window, not a creature was stirring not even a snowman. Everyone stayed in doors, attitudes and temperatures were to negative for building a snowman or going sledding. We huddled in the warmth of our homes. Trapped, was more like it.
What if before the storm, you had company that required "extra grace" and they/you were all "trapped" together! They were already eating all the food. She laughed to loud, He wasn't as funny as he thought he was. Your nephews were Bungie jumping" off the kitchen table!?
Imagine the guests had only planned visiting for the day. While you loved to keep your house looking like (in your meager way) "Downton Abby", the visiting Duke and Duchess and prince and princess had it looking more like "Hoarders." Watching the T.V. news, they yell: "Looks like we are snowed in! Look honey,they got a frozen pizza"
You then make call after call to the State Police asking if the roads are open yet..... When the rubber (or ice) meets the road and you're snowed in?...........
We might have to pray about it. It's going to be a long winter.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
More Than One Way to Skin a Cat!
Christians and Christianity can have many different facets/interests. That may come as a surprise to even them. I don't always have to write preachy, teachy every time. Though time in this life, for the reader, may be short and need to hear a quick message, you know.. just in case.
Anyway, I may write about something I have read, say on leadership or community service. If some thing strikes me funny, look for it here. When I wake up in the morning I might be sad or boo hooey. After all my "inspirations" come when, shopping for groceries to reading the Psalms.
You see I believe in trusting in Christ as your only hope to spend eternity with God, (I lose more followers that way). I know the first priority is to become a follower of Christ and receive peace with God through faith in Christ. I know we need heart transformation then followed by life transformation.
There is more than one way to skin a cat, but there is only one way to spend eternity with God. Check out Romans 5: 1-11.
God is concerned about His followers; physical, mental and spiritual well being. So I'll write a blog hopefully for our complete wellness. My idea is to also write something that intentionally brags on God.
Different titles and categories but the point in all this is to intentionally; Love God and Love Others!
Anyway, I may write about something I have read, say on leadership or community service. If some thing strikes me funny, look for it here. When I wake up in the morning I might be sad or boo hooey. After all my "inspirations" come when, shopping for groceries to reading the Psalms.
You see I believe in trusting in Christ as your only hope to spend eternity with God, (I lose more followers that way). I know the first priority is to become a follower of Christ and receive peace with God through faith in Christ. I know we need heart transformation then followed by life transformation.
There is more than one way to skin a cat, but there is only one way to spend eternity with God. Check out Romans 5: 1-11.
God is concerned about His followers; physical, mental and spiritual well being. So I'll write a blog hopefully for our complete wellness. My idea is to also write something that intentionally brags on God.
Different titles and categories but the point in all this is to intentionally; Love God and Love Others!
Friday, January 3, 2014
On Your Mark..Get Set...
For those that saw the New Year as a new start and made goals, the odds are against you. Many of us forget the resolutions and goals, at the latest; February first! By April first we begin rehanging clothes on the workout machine. "I need the space for Spring clothes."
I'll be looking far down the road. So in July, we should again start in small increments of reachable tasks to accomplish the monthly mission to arrive at the year end goal. We wonder, could it be?
life systems and planning will result in an enjoyable flow,resulting in less stress and drudgery?
Weekly and monthly, after prayer; I can track and evaluate to adjust or keep intentionally walking toward the target or desired attitude and/or action.I have experienced the alternative wondering "How did I get here? The answer being; that's what I prepared for myself. They say: Fail to plan and you plan to fail! Planning from God's leading and purposes may take you out of your comfort zone but you'll discover you wouldn't desire to be anywhere else.
In a lifestyle of loving God and loving Others! What can I do this weekend, to be off out of the blocks, headed down the course Monday?
I'll be looking far down the road. So in July, we should again start in small increments of reachable tasks to accomplish the monthly mission to arrive at the year end goal. We wonder, could it be?
life systems and planning will result in an enjoyable flow,resulting in less stress and drudgery?
Weekly and monthly, after prayer; I can track and evaluate to adjust or keep intentionally walking toward the target or desired attitude and/or action.I have experienced the alternative wondering "How did I get here? The answer being; that's what I prepared for myself. They say: Fail to plan and you plan to fail! Planning from God's leading and purposes may take you out of your comfort zone but you'll discover you wouldn't desire to be anywhere else.
In a lifestyle of loving God and loving Others! What can I do this weekend, to be off out of the blocks, headed down the course Monday?
- Pray
- Consider the actions of last year. Think/dream what you need this year to look like.
- review goals/reevaluate smaller goals and effectiveness. (every month!)
- make a list of the desired books to read (changeable). Read the introduction of first selection this weekend.
- Slightly exercise if beginner. (especially if we are a couch potato).
- plan for free down time
- print out/buy a daily weekly planner. Begin to fill it in for the next and following week.
- plan what's best for you not what others are doing.
- begin looking for an organization/cause/church to volunteer.
- Pray
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The Extra Mile
People love the person that goes beyond the call of duty. Employers dream of the man or woman that not only get the sale but also delivers the item on the way home to insure customer satisfaction.
Most of us know to aim for a distant star we might still land on the moon! We.have heard it said: "we're in second place, so we try harder." Though second place is great many will use that extra "umph" to do or be even better.
In this new era, it can't be business as usual. The company/church/person that goes the extra mile and does it sincerely will be the attention getter and will achieve true success.
Jesus Himself told if a Roman soldier tells you to carry his duffle bags a mile take it two miles. He said something like if someone were to ask for your sweater give them your coat as well.
The Church in the book of Acts (of the Bible), The Christians were being persecuted but still loving. The neighborhoods and the then "known world" took notice and many accepted their belief and trust in Christ!
Superstars, Non-profits, Churches and Businesses that "WIN" for all the right reasons and the good of their "community", are disciplined beyond the "Norm"and go the extra mile!
Most of us know to aim for a distant star we might still land on the moon! We.have heard it said: "we're in second place, so we try harder." Though second place is great many will use that extra "umph" to do or be even better.
In this new era, it can't be business as usual. The company/church/person that goes the extra mile and does it sincerely will be the attention getter and will achieve true success.
Jesus Himself told if a Roman soldier tells you to carry his duffle bags a mile take it two miles. He said something like if someone were to ask for your sweater give them your coat as well.
The Church in the book of Acts (of the Bible), The Christians were being persecuted but still loving. The neighborhoods and the then "known world" took notice and many accepted their belief and trust in Christ!
Superstars, Non-profits, Churches and Businesses that "WIN" for all the right reasons and the good of their "community", are disciplined beyond the "Norm"and go the extra mile!
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The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem" did not wait for an announcement on Face book o...

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The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem" did not wait for an announcement on Face book o...