Wednesday, December 31, 2014

In Christ, Of Christ, For Christ


Reconciled in Christ

19 For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, 20 and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.
21 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled 22 in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— 23 if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.

Sacrificial Service for Christ

24 I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, 25 of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, 26 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. 27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which[d] is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 28 Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. 29 To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily

Friday, December 19, 2014

Readers are Leaders

A list of good books.

1. 52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life...Bob Welch
2. Axiom...Bill Hybels
3. Holy Ambition...Chip Ingram
4. Dying for Change....Anderson
5. The Evangelist...Billy Graham
6. Christ Based Leadership...Stark
7. Simple Church... Thom Rainer
8. Preaching and Teaching with Imagination...Weirsbe
9. Between Two Worlds...Stott
10.The Power of Loving Your Church...Hansen

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas with ..The Slobz family.

(to be read with an English accent)

It was a few days before Christmas, the Slobz came for a visit.  Antwerp and Sally Slobz and their children Ima and Ura Slobz.  My heart dropped, as Sally hung her coat on the three foot tall glass Nativity scene by the door. Ima just threw his coat and boots under the tree.  "He's so cute." Said Antwerp.

"What's for supper?" asked Ura, as she came through the door.
"I'm hungry again!"  Demanded Ima.
"Here's three banana's, on the table." Sally gladly said, knowing they both would throw tantrums if they didn't eat every five minutes.
"Those were for my food for work."  My wife said.  "But you eat up."

"We were hoping you'd have those Christmas cookies you had last year." Antwerp said looking around the kitchen.
"Maybe she can make them tonight, and you can eat them here in the morning." Sally comforted him.
"In the morning?" My wife and I said together.
"Surprise!   We decided...look Ima has taken all of the Christmas ornaments off the tree."
"What" I said with heart dropping.
"He's so smart...Ima put all the blue ones together and pile the angels over in this pile."
"I'll stack the green bulbs on the fire place!" Shouted Ima.
"Okay but move all the other decorations to the side. ..He knows his colors."
"Where's Antwerp?" I asked worried.

Feeling right at home, Antwerp and Sally laid across the couches, while my wife sat in the chair from the kitchen, already worried about the morning.

"Ima stop shaking the Christmas tree!" Yelled Sally, as she handed Ura to my wife.
"I want to see the angel at the top." He moaned
"Well I'll get it for you!" She accommodated.
"Hurry, Hurry." He demanded.
"They just love Christmas." said Antwerp
My heart dropped again, when there was a knocking at the door.  I hoped it wasn't anyone that I knew.
It wasn't.

"We called and told the Messes, we'd be here. We thought we would play a game!  Isn't Christmas fun? Are you going to play?
"The radio just said there may be a blizzard.!!" Antwerp rejoiced.
"No. I'll not play.  I better go to bed."
To be continued;   Have a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Good News!

Born of a virgin, a Holy baby in a barn and feeding trough. Arriving into a dark dusty world. Born in the smells of sheep and donkeys.  No room for Him, then and none now.

Day after day, year after year, schooling, family, and the nation under the rule of another, this child grows and matures.  This is more than a teacher, Rabbi, or prophet, this is Holy God to man. A Holy God living in "submission" to His creation, in order to reveal Himself to them.....

....In order to save them and reconcile them to Himself.  His Holy birth made it a Holy life and a Holy cross. The Holiness made it a terrible cross.  Others had died on crosses.  But this was as the Roman soldier said;
"This is truly the Son of God!"

"But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." 
Romans 5:8

He said "IT IS FINISHED!"  He died, was buried and rose again.

"For if we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life."
Romans 5: 10

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.  He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."-Jesus

"Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Romans 5:1.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Let's Do Life Together

Let's not do life alone. Or, Let's just hang out together from time to time!  If needed, we can encourage each other, be an welcome addition  You pray for me and I will pray for you!

We all live far away from one another so, I'll meet you here! 


p.s You Rock!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pray for one Another!

     We have those looking in today from; U.S. France, Ukraine, Brazil, Czech Republic, Israel and India.  Let's pray for each other right now.  "For God so loved the world..."

Friday, October 31, 2014

Biblical worldview

You may live in a different city, even continent than I do. We can agree we both live in a crazy, selfish, Godless world.  Knowing the Word of God and looking at this world in light of eternity, we are aware those attitudes and behaviors are not surprising.

As believers in Christ, as disciples empowered with His power and love, we are to live in the culture with a Biblical worldview.  You can know who you are, based on God's Word and principles.  You and I then, receive our direction from the Bible. Those with a secular worldview will be rolling their eyes about now. Yet we can stand on the truth with confidence and like Daniel of the Old Testament, we remain faithful to God, realizing true peace and righteousness. (promoted or Lions den).

Religious habit has nothing to do with it.  There has to be that love relationship. That we spend time conversing with God, while listening to His direction from His Word. This culture will attempt identity theft and indoctrinate you with their ideas. We read in Daniel, that he had "purposed in His heart" not to defile himself with the culture of the Babylonian empire.

This week, believer look into the word of God,  let it define who you are and what you have; in Christ! and it will direct us as we walk this society as Christian ambassadors,  in this foreign land. We can live with Biblical conviction based on Biblical principles.

Whether we leave for work, the family reunion, or the University, we can return home with our Biblical worldview intact.

At your first opportunity read the Letter to the Ephesians, written by Paul.

Monday, October 27, 2014

In Christ!

What a miracle being; in Christ is. At one point you are dead in sin, realizing the call/draw of His Holy Spirit.
you hear: "Follow Me." You do.  You then are born again.  Your sin is covered by the blood of Jesus. The believer walks now in Spirit and in truth. Now I'm dead to this world but alive unto God.

When it comes to God, your ; "Do I have to?" turns into "I love to." Religion turns into a relationship!   That person now knows what it means to have old things passed away, all things are made new.  Paul wrote that, His Spirit and Word,  assures us we are the Children of God.  John said that those who received Him, to them, He gave power to become the children of God.!

 "But God who is rich in mercy, because of His great love, with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses,  made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been sasved), and raised us up together, in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus."  Ephesians 2:4-6.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcome Home

  Another great man  is absent from the body, and now present with the Lord.  Through Church, I have known Carl Stokes since I was an elementary school student. I knew even then, he was in charge.  From the beginning he was a friend to our family and a great example to me as well.

 Carl was among some good men in our church body.  That might have added to his strength, not having  to go it alone.  Being a man among men, this was a  man of  God, family, and others.  He was the conduit through whom Gods' blessings would flow, as he shared his resources of;  time, finances, effort, and love.

I remember, in my young teenage years, announcing I was a follower of Christ. Soon I began going on church visits with  pastor or mostly Carl, visiting those who were;  faithful, shut-in and the indifferent.  We went to the homes of the flock, sheep, and some goats, as well.  Carl could engage with both.  I have seen him at the altar, both repenting and praising.

I'll always have great memories of him,  as  the coach of our church softball team.  Many that were teenagers and young men then, are now grandfathers themselves.  Men and women in the body of Christ, some still involved in Church work,  because of that church having a team and Carl as our leader. He did what good coaches do and attempted to develop us for life and disciples of Christ.

Now, his family are my friends and family as well.  They know he loved them. We all do not grieve, as those without hope. We shall meet again! 

The other day He gave Jesus a very firm hand shake, and when they broke from their hug, Jesus looked him in the eyes and said:  "Well done."      

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Dear God;

Lord I pray now, interceding for the weeks readers in the;  U.S., France, Ukraine, United Kingdom,
Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, and Iraq.  Give them peace, strength and your grace.  May they find a relationship with You and live as lights in a dark world.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sunday Morning prayertime

Please God,
     Don't send me far away from home...or the nursery dept.

                                                                             Your servant,  Tim

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Let's Pray right now!

This is to the people that have read so far, today from; The U.S., Ukraine, United Kingdom, China, Denmark, France, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, and Singapore.


How did I get here?

You ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, you will get a list of careers, some you never heard of.  We might be surprised in fifteen years when that young boy or girl has created that business, service or ministry we didn't have the imagination to achieve.

The young girl wasn't born a Doctor, or have all the needed.skills and knowledge at three years old.  There would be daycare, she would attend elementary school.  The parents had to drop her off at High school. She might be top of the class, yet not be ready to do surgery in the local operating room.

Policemen, lawyer, doctor, Pastor, soldier, CEO, fireman, truck driver, NBA/NFL star. all require steps of growth and training.

"Yeah, we know that!"  Then why do some students have to be class clown or sleep in class. (that only works for comedians).

No matter the age of a person, you will become tomorrow, what you are making of yourself today! Some men and women during prosperous times, sat in unemployment offices with their head in their hands. Why?!
That is what they trained themselves to do while in school, as they sat their looking at the clock with their head in their hands.

Teenager to senior citizen if you wish to accomplish some dream or career, begin now to develop yourself.  Those in school, have a great time!  Also study and  receive an education, not just a letter grade.  We might be an adult.  Read, read ,read and get those Cd's maybe those old cassettes,take a leadership course or get a coach and teach and motivate yourself.  You and I might be surprised at the dreams and accomplishments!  Others will be surprised at the business, service or ministry they didn't have the imagination to achieve.

"Lord, You are the Potter.  I am the clay."

Monday, October 6, 2014

What have I been up to?

Have I been sharing the love of God?

Have I been aggressive?
Have I been blessing the Lord?
Have I been celebrating Gods' creation?
Have I been dedicated to God?
Have I been encouraging God's people?
Have I been faithful to God?
Have I been guiding others to God?
Have I been hearing God speak?
Have I been Interceding for others?
Have I been justified by God?
Have I been kind?
Have I been learning God's ways?
Have I been making disciples?
Have I been near to God's word?
Have I been others minded?
Have I been pursuing God?
Have I been quiet in His presence?
Have I been resting in Christ?
Have I been serving God?
Have I been teaching others God's ways?
Have I been united to His Church?
Have I been victorious in Christ?
Have I been worshiping Him?
Have I been xpecially giving? huh?
Have I been zealous for God?

Flannelgraph and Puppets.

This is the age of  the "phone so smart"; babysitter, teacher, and short attention span getter. Resulting in the year "2525", song from the 1960's, making appearances at a house, day care, or church near you!

If you can hear me over the screaming and  bossy monster you've created Mr. and Mrs Frankenstein..."By all means throw that kid an I phone."  (just kidding).

From teaching, training, to entertaining, we think this technology is all there is.  I know without a doubt it has to be, and should be used,  but the Zombies we are destroying are not only on the kid's phone games.

Let's use the relationship of; Prayer, Gods' Word, Human leadership/interaction coupled with today and tomorrows technology.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Praying for one another.

Today so far, people from the Ukraine, Thailand, Germany, and the U.S. have read  this blog and I'm sure, looked into others,.  I pray for you all. I ask you pray for me!

Nothing is so wide or deep, that it can stop our intercessory prayer from being heard by God.  Be praying and watching!

We salute You!

Red and yellow back and white, Recruit, Veteran, Private, General, Presidents George Washington to Obama. From battles fought in Boston to Afghanistan. A Salute is more than ceremonial !

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Who is my Neighbor?

Depending on where you live, your neighbors can be in the next apartment, the house twelve feet away, or three miles down the road.

It might be the whole city attitude, but those with far away neighbors seem to know names and addresses, and if needed, will go out of their way to help the other.

There are those neighbors that sit and stare out the window all day, but it's "I didn't see anything. "  When asked about the violence today, at the street curb.

Church buildings may be sitting on a beautiful campus, or in the middle of the block. The large steeple rising above the rows and rows of houses.

Some Church groups send money to Africa, but don't acknowledge the African-American families down the street.  They had testimonies last Sunday from the young kids that went on a mission trip to Mexico.  That morning, on the way to worship, they drove by the  Hispanic kids, sitting on the steps of their apartment building.

Try to enter a few churches, of a different race, or style of worship and dress. If looks could kill, you'd be dead at the greeters post.  In these places the only church, is the building!

Good news!  There are those, that know no racial, economic (rich or poor), or educational barriers.  Many  followers of Christ that be of like doctrine, but different appearance and needs, worship together and welcome "Whosoever Will!"  I personally have attended churches, that celebrate; unity of Biblical principles with a diverse congregation. We used to say the U.S. is the melting pot of the world. If that's true, the local body of Christ, can be the melting pot of the community.  That being said, to me it is alright to attend the worship service of  whatever like affinity group you wish, yet ministering to those outside the four walls or rodeo grounds you might worship at.  "Yee Haww!"  I mean; "Praise the Lord!"

Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.”[a] For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
                                                                    Romans 15: 2-6

Sunday, September 21, 2014


 looking at this blog so far today from: U.S. China, Italy, Slovenia, Ukraine, France, Germany, Russia!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Love God Love Others

I f we love God we will love others.  The Apostle Paul said he was compelled by the love of Christ.

Hudson Taylor the missionary to China, was asked "Should loving people be the prerequisite for being a missionary?" "No" he said.  "The main prerequisite to being a missionary is to love God, then the loving of people will come. If you love God,  whether the people hate you and throw tomatoes, or sing your praises,  the missionary will better remain faithful."

"Hey Jesus. What's the greatest commandment?"
"That you love God with all of your heart, mind and soul. The second, is to love your neighbor like you love yourself."

Jesus challenges us to step up our game and said one time ; "Love your enemies! Do good to them! and don't worry if they can't repay you."

For God so loved the word that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

They were told and I believe we were to; "When you have done it to the least of these you have done it to me."

Monday, August 18, 2014

Put a handle on it.

This weekend, many went to worship, There will be time spent in the word.  Some study in a class and/or hear a sermon message.  Some receive a speech while others, received a message from God; directed and focused,  empowered by God's Spirit.

Sadly these moments  (if allowed to, or if I'm speaking) can be; sleepy, sneezy, grumpy.... well, you get the picture.
The time we come together as a community, This time can be inspirational, educational, convicting, repenting, redeeming,and encouraging!

If you meet with a group of loving, Bible believing followers,  allow your worship to bless God.  Remember what you have heard .  We can then, allow our lifestyle during the week, to bless God and be a light in our circle of life, God has placed us in.

Don't waste that time of worship and the message from God. Put a handle on the word spoken, and carry it with you and connect with Him  throughout the week!

you might not have given God a thought all weekend or even this month.  Take this time, or as soon as possible, to reconnect, then put a handle on it, carrying  His message with you, throughout the week. Connect with God moment by moment, daily and so on.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Be on the lookout for wolves in the church.
Be noticing eyes, when someone is talking to you.
Be alert while driving your car or bike.
Be kind to children.
Be involved in community and church activities.
Be a Follower of Christ.
Be reading good books.
Believe in God.
Be learning.
Be teachable.
Be Aware!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Inward Struggle

There is a battle for our minds .  We are not big on relying alone on a positive mental attitude.  But it is definitely something needed.  Some of the struggle is being "deceived" by our emotions that help, yet also have the tendency to "lie" to us. Whether correct or incorrect, we have perceptions on what is happening within and without us.   The inward plight of family or friends, many times go unnoticed or thought to be a phase. What is sometimes seen as lackadaisical, minute or just "in your mind" may be a  very real torment of the heart and thought process.  Life is seen as hopeless and no way out.


Since the fall of man we have been searching, even struggling to find ourselves. We may be looking in all the wrong places.   We are to first start with God.

 I believe a Biblical worldview, even a Biblical-lifeview is necessary.  Let me suggest having peace with God through faith in Christ is the answer.  This is not aimed at defending the good news but to lovingly declare it. Trusting Christ may not make you a perfect person. We still wear glasses don't we? Die from cancer, do we not?  We may find ourselves sad and depressed. Trusting Christ does make us righteous, forgiven. We then will not perish, but have an eternity spent with God (without glasses or depression).

The Apostle Paul wrote about a struggle:  "For the good that I will do, I do not do, but the evil I will not do, that I practice"  He said:  "Oh wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God-through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind, I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin."


To His followers Jesus said:  "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  Paul wrote to us;  "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God; and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

There is so much more to share. Will there be seasons of despondency? There most likely could be.  For the long haul, please trust Christ as your only hope to spend eternity with God. and know the source of our struggle and continue walking with God, living not based on  feelings but an accurate view of God and an accurate view of self.

God loves you. God is love He didn't make us robots. That would not be love,   Choose to follow Him today.   "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and Holiness."

Despondent, tormented....or  in peace;  don't do life alone.

Monday, August 11, 2014

God loves You!

For God so loved you that He gave His only begotten Son that if you would believe you should not perish but have eternal life!  Receive His love then tell that good news to others.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Keep that fishin' pole in the water!

You might have reeled in your line, turned around and headed for the car or cabin, when an older man asked if you were new. "You're  leavin' to soon."  You reply with;  "Haven't had a bite."
"In this river you got to keep the hook in the water and not give up!"

The  fishermen were cleaning their nets because they were done and disgusted with no product for the market.  Jesus told them to launch out into the deep. One time He even told them to throw their nets out on the other side of the boat. What's He saying?  "I'm God. Don't give up!"

Peter's about to leave the ministry. Jesus in a sense,
told him to keep the hook in the water.
Elijah?  Keep the hook in the water
David? Keep the hook in the water
Jeremiah? Don't give up. Keep the hook in the water

Reader of this paragraph, myself included; Do not give up. Have you failed? Do you think it's over? It looks hopeless.
Keep your hook in the water like all of the above characters, God still wants to use you!

Jesus told them:  "I gave you a large catch of fish, follow me and I will make you a fishermen of men, women,  boys and girls"

Jesus didn't give up (what if He had?).  He lived and died for us, according to the plan of God.
  That's good news.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

"You don't trust me!"

I have told lies, stolen and cheated on tests while in high school.  If someone were to say: "I don't believe you or , trust you." I would have to say  "I understand."  Even though I am not that person anymore ( I have matured and have developed into a more reliable human),  I am not perfect.

I have to snicker when I hear a young person say "I don't believe you don't trust me!" We would support, encourage, mentor them but the keys to the car every night?  "No. The reason is not the trust factor that you mean....." and so you explain for a number of hours until it's to late for them to go anyway.

You had better not trust every chair that comes along.  I speak from experience, sitting in some weak lawn chairs that have bent or snapped.

You can be sincere about believing the boat will get you across the lake, but you had better first look for holes and cracks.

When it comes to heaven or hell, living for eternity with God or not, there will will be many ideals and person,  asking for your trust.  Be sure to check for leaks.

Through life experiences and God's word and following Christ, being taught, comforted, and convicted by God's Holy spirit, we believers know it is trustworthy and reliable.  Jesus said: " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

 Psalms of the Bible tells us to;  "Trust God and do good."

Friday, July 18, 2014

Pass it on

This blog is alive and breathing merely, to cast excitement for interest and investment toward other people.  These posts are not here only, pushing human welfare, but also a burden for the eternal well being of men, women, boys and girls. Praying for heart transformation , followed by life transformation. That, equals community development.

You also know there are people on their way to an eternity spent with God, yet  living a hell on earth existence that may or may not be  a fault of their own.  I also pray for them and might desire to write something real, in order to wake us up to their plight and come along side with encouragement and God's word.

Using books, blogs and tweets let us share our hearts and minds, being this community for a community. We are in it but not of it. Our citizenship is elsewhere while being ambassadors for God here. It is all well and good to perform community service, but the individual, must hear or read the good news of Christ and of their believing and trusting, Christs life, death and resurrection,  and His ascending to God, as their only hope to spend eternity with God. Then, we Celebrate, connect and then do community.

In our ministries, church, computers at homes, if we are healthy, may we not just take up space.  We can make a commitment that through the love and power of God we will be the conduit through which He uses, for His purpose and glory in the world.

I'm not rich, highly educated or even very healthy but we can be the voice and the watchmen on the wall standing in the gap toward the goal of people following Christ and "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT."

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Whatever is written,  and  shared, is for YOU.
Whatever I have clicked "like" on, I thank YOU.

Sometimes I post something and realize that isn't appealing to YOU,
 and not even good to me, it gets deleted.

When I see something on another social media, I think.. YOU might like that.
When I'm out driving or taking a walk, I wish I had my camera, so I could show it to

I love YOU and God does to!

Friday, July 11, 2014


Most of us have seen water that has never flowed or has stopped flowing turning green.  We have to occasionally drain and clean out a water fountain when it hasn't been used for awhile, as the bottom tends  to get slimy.

That's not a good picture of a body of water.  You and I don't look so inviting, when it describes my/our lifestyle. 

Stagnant :  Characterized by a lack of development, or useful activity; as in water/ economy.
Stagnate:   To stop developing or advancing or usefully active.

What if we drained and cleaned ourselves and filled ourselves up with a flow of say; "Living water", that continually ran and overflowed to others.  We could accompany that with ; The Good Book, a good book, informative  videos, making informative videos, getting out more and smiling at people, even sparking up a conversation.  Attend Church and renewing that relationship with God and man and take notes and study God's word out in the yard or at the park.
 Text, facebook and twitter living encouragements!  What lives you could touch face to face and over air waves.

Be  the warm running living current of God's healing water.

Monday, July 7, 2014


You had a great time at the; Thanksgiving meal, tea party or church dinner.  Hilarious games and great food, but when it's time to go home there is a bad taste in your mouth. Some of the fun atmosphere evaporates, when the couple or person  that has  a good career or finances, walks with the last table full of leftovers, passing on the way out, an empty handed couple that doesn't have money for their next meal. Then there's the time all eyes pop open wide, when the well off couple, who are banking their money, eats most of the table while complaining, leaving no leftovers. Selfies!!  SHARE the food, SHARE the leftovers.

It's is amazing to see the opposite, when a frail older lady is giving food, clothing and all of her time, (after all, she has done that  her entire life).  Yet some of  us that have the opportunity to help in a little way financially, or maybe volunteer, or even clothes donations, usually offer what's leftover and unusable.

Many a pew filler, participates, worships, or volunteers when or if, they can fit it in. Their quiet time with God is thirty seconds before doze off.  They had all day/week, but He gets what's left over.


Monday, June 30, 2014

Blurred Vision

I read the other day:

"A man from Colorado moved to Texas and built a house with a large window in front from where he could see hundreds of miles of range land.  "The only problem is, there's nothing to see."

About the same time, a man from Texas moved to Colorado and built a house with a large window overlooking the Rockies.  "The only problem is I can't see anything, the mountains are in the way."

People have a way of missing what's right in front of them.  They go to a city and see lights and glitter, but miss the lost, lonely people. We hear a persons; bitter or critical comments, and we miss the cry for love and friendship."

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Armed and Dangerous!

You can bet in the dark realms of  who we call;  Devil, Satan, Smuttyface and Lucifer, they are planning on an attack on his enemy.  His enemies are known as;  Christ followers and prayer warriors.

We've seen "Wanted" posters.  Wanted posters also line the meeting rooms of hell, The heading on the bulletin board is titled:

These terrorists, against the gates of hell are;  Moms and dads, grandmothers, and elementary age prayers. It includes Pastors and Sunday school teachers and small group leaders.

Those on the bulletin board of hell, are called dangerous because, they stay in a spirit and attitude of prayer! They are dangerous followers of Christ, who taught them to pray.  The Apostle Paul after telling us to put on the entire armor of God, said to "Pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints"

James makes the devil anxious with;  "The effective prayer of the righteous man avails much." The Apostle Paul inspires the Believer when he tells them in their, prayer warfare, they receive;  "peace that passes all understanding."  While James says the demons are so disorientated;  they believe and tremble!

So Satan attacks the emotions and  twists the word of God even makes good things distract from God things. He's out  to destroy the Glory of god and the churches influence in the community.  He strives to have the prayer warrior to busy, or to go ahead and pray just make it a number on the list of things to do.  He encourages them to be content, in their comfort zone of;  career, family and "church work"  He also loves it when the Church lowers the alert status to safe, while they laugh off the seriousness of  his guerrilla tactics.

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles/schemes of the devil."  Ephesians 6:10,11.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Good Ethics?

The latest thing to making a comeback has been good ethics and values.  With that said, somehow it has tiptoed into all the crazy beliefs and anything goes of  relative truth,  blurred view of right and wrong and neo traditions and paradigms..
It's correct for them to do such and such, but your sin (whoever you may be.),  is played on every T.V. Channel in our nation.
 And They call the church hypocritical .  It's nothing new, the individuals trying to live a good moral life commits a sin, and everyone points their finger .
I have bad news: it doesn't matter who does wrong, it is wrong (duh). "Well who made you judge?" The same one that judged and gave Tim Tebow Hell for praying and glory, to Miley for bumping and grinding on everything on stage for your Disney kids to see.. The new ethics and morality.

 There is a spiritual battle going on inside a believer. It is difficult for everyone in one area or another. Good people, bad people... What matters is Peace with God through faith in Christ. Then living dead to this world and much alive to God!.

Good Ol' Bible says: "Woe to you that call evil good and good evil."

Monday, June 9, 2014


Investing can be risky. It most often involves a cost yet followed by a return.  I'm not speaking about the stock market. It might include everything besides the markets.

We invest our time, which is valuable . We invest our energy, love, property,  loyalty and trust. I think you get the picture.

We invest in a person, one on one. Teachers can invest in one as they invest their time and knowledge into an entire class.

Careers and position , blogging,  tweeting, calling a lonely person with your cell phone to tell them you love and  care for them.  You may write a book investing in a topic or worldview. You spent that time and energy, making an investment to; instruct, entertain or cause a revolution.

The return on any investment can be minimal to rich eternal results and rewards for you. Investing might accrue in value. We are also to add value investing in lives that might feel hopeless and unimportant or
unlovable. Plant a seed and watch it grow!

We make investment as we live for others bringing God the glory. Jesus Himself said:  "Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth or rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "

Let us again go, and invest into the lives adding value to men, women, boys and girls.  Share the good news of Jesus Christ. We just might have the reward of meeting  somewhere in eternity.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Launch Out.

When the boat leaves the dock it is launched out to do what it was meant to do.
A rocket is launched into the sky.
If we are to create a business, or go into all the world and make disciples, we'll have to leave the;  dock, launch pad or Church building.
You might have scores of people coming to you.
Then, you will have to launch your; self, ministry service, day, strength, time,  making the most of every opportunity and as Jesus said to do, launch out into the deep.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Prayer of Nehemiah

When Nehemiah heard the condition of God's city and people that were back in Jerusalem it broke his heart.  He was in captivity under the Persians. He was the cupbearer for the King.

"I sat and wept and mourned ,praying and fasted for many days." He wrote a journal or a blog and now we read it and observe God involved in the lives of people.

You can click on many audio Bible sites and read and hear the Prayer in Nehemiah chapter one.

His praying consisted of :
2. Reviewing God's Word
3. Confession
4. interceding for others
5. Asking

This prayer was the trampoline that moved him to action.  Nehemiah prayed for a miracle for his people that had returned to Jerusalem. He was to be the miracle and the answer to his and the prayers of many.

Pray, watching and believing. See God do extraordinary things, using ordinary people. We can converse with God not out of obligation but in a loving, powerful relationship.

"Call to me, and I will show you great and mighty things you know not of." Jeremiah 33:3.

Friday, May 23, 2014

When I Was a Kid...

You have heard about the good old days.  That's the time of life that things were good, tougher and  work ethic was the rule of the day.  "We didn't have video games when I was a kid." It's true we were outside playing all the known sports of the world.  Back in our day we also played Army, ("Combat" was on T.V. then). We also put many miles on our bicycles. Mom would have been very upset, if she knew how far off we had gone. Back then was the best of times!  Or was it?

When I was a kid..we had bullies. True they didn't shoot you in a drive by, nor did we have computers where they could use face book saying, someone was weird (Thank goodness), they just beat people up face to face.

There was that Asian war. It was not only fought before our eyes on television and  soldiers crying for help with an IV bottle in there arm, You might have had a brother or cousin fighting in the jungle not knowing who the enemy was for sure.

When I was a kid Kennedy was assassinated.  When I was kid Martin Luther King was assassinated. When I was a kid Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.

Detroit was on fire with riots and nearby Chicago and Gary were smoking hot with violence. The revolution was televised and rated V for violence!

When I was a kid..we had Students for a Democratic Society holding sit ins and maybe throwing a few bombs at the University.  Hippies, Draft Dodgers, Black Panthers, KKK, LSD, and Woodstock ("Don't take the brown acid"). The Chicago Democratic Convention and the National Guard shooting four dead at Ohio University.

When I was a kid we heard about War Hawks, Love ins and Napalm.  It was confusing.  And yet "The Beat Goes On." Beatles new record's a gas!  Somewhere in all this we had "The Summer of love."

When I was a kid we had Blues Mcgoos, The Association, Boxtops, Hendricks, The Doors, Yardbirds, The Byrds, Cream, Joplin, Shadows of night, The Animals, Dylan,
Aretha, Creedence Cleerwater, Temptations, the seeds, Cocker, Steppenwolf, James Brown, The Who,The Stones, The zombies, Ten years after, Jefferson Airplane, The Gaithers? (maybe they were later), and of course;  John Paul George and Ringo.

When I was a kid things were good. We still had "revivals".... "Well anyway, we didn't have cable and video games." (or seatbelts, and more died on the roads than in the Viet Nam War).  It's true we were outside playing all the known sports of the world. Back in our day we played Army. We put many miles on our bicycles, my mom would have been very upset, if she knew how far we had gone. Back then was the best of times!  Wasn't it?  We wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Life Without Me.

What if you could be invisible and could watch life happen without you?  I'm sure everyone could manage without me.  I wonder though would it be a better place. Would life be chaotic for not having me in it?

I've relived the movie: "It's a Wonderful life" a few times.  One minute I would think I'm worth more passed on than alive. Then here comes a miracle of someone else or I'm their shining knight. I then realize;  "I'm the richest man in town."

One moral of the story is to be patient.  Life is full of ups and downs.. It's a journey.  Someone said the journey is the destination.

Trust in God and do good!  The main need is to place our faith in Christ. Trusting in His work dieing on the cross. Live life saying; "The Lord is my shepherd."  Good times and and those..not so wonderful.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

I love You


Being in a community of people, whether they be friends, associates, and of course family is an important part of life.  To know and be known is completing and adds value to who you are.

Yet you can be lonely in a crowd.  Being viewed in public space is not necessarily building relationships.  The closer one gets into a private space is where we realize the best communion.  It is there we can have conversation and share ideas and news, when we might not in a public space from across the mall.

We can announce to the world, we love; our life's work, family, nation, Church and God!  At a party or family reunion , we enjoy working the room connecting and reconnecting with others of similar interests.

The best way to start any day is in relationship with God, speaking to Him in prayer and listening to Him from His Word.  We have a "letter" that let's us know; God so loved the world.  What better way to spend a day worshiping and letting Him know that you are thankful and love Him and the circle of life that you have been placed in.  We have that opportunity when the believers join together and worship.

In the yard you can see the birds male and female  creating a family.  It is amazing how they often feed each other and one builds a nest for the other. They  sit on a branch together for hours, without the need of a flock around them. 

Don't miss the opportunity to share time with another friend or spouse. Be intentional, tell someone, whether it is in prayer, across the room or softly whispered in the ear; "I love You."

Thursday, May 8, 2014

My Home.

We live in a little house that was new when we purchased it.  We call it more than a house, it is our home.  They say a carpenter builds a house, but love builds a home.

We have made a choice to love and cherish each other, 'til death do us part.  Love for a home and each other went into every flower planted and even the place for each ornament that is in our yard.  Like most people, efforts big and small, are made to make your place unique to who you are. 

Our home is a place where the children can play and act silly (and their kids can to).  We also love merely  to sit inside and read or watch some television.  Mornings are spent at the table looking out at the little island of flowers or twelve inches of snow depending on what season it is.

We have had our occasional sharp words, birth, sickness and death.  Storms will come to beat against your house, as well as your home.

That's why it's a good idea early on; as a young adult or a remarrying senior adult , to develop good ethics and values, deciding long before a spouse is met, that God will be honored in your home.

"Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
Where she may lay her young-
Even Your altars, O Lord of hosts,
My King and my God.
Blessed are those who dwell in Your house;
They will still be praising You." -Psalm 83:3,4.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Growing Community.

In the past, travel and information took; hours ,days, weeks longer, than it does today.  Christopher Columbus would have gladly taken the umpteen hour flight by plane (we complain about), over the big pond,  to discover the new world!

Improvements and innovation from telegraph, radio, newspaper, Television to now the internet, news can appear from Africa to my house in the click of a "like" button or the entrance of a password. 

This speed and closeness brings an awareness of the good as well as the dreadful plight of our global neighbors that we would otherwise be oblivious to.  The tornado disasters of nearby states in the U.S.  to the unthinkable terrors of  Sudan.  Areas our Christlike hearts, should love, pray for, even weep over. When was the last time I did?  According to my blog statistics;  people from all around the world will read this writing today.

This awareness of many communities within your own borders would hopefully bring a concern and a heart for the multiple affinity groups that need prayer and ministry as well. Policemen, fire dept. bicycle riders, motorcyclists, book scrapping groups, cowboys, teachers, business leaders, unwed moms, senior citizens. The soldier, etc. etc.

The local and global communities are growing larger and closer.  The excuse "I didn't know,"  has been deleted.  Spiritual souls are dieing without the good news of Christ.  I need to be aware of everything from; Kings to third world hunger.  All need to hear about, see and experience, The love of God.

Let you and I take every opportunity, seizing this day, of reaching out to an expanding, as well as close, local and global neighborhood.

"And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching, Jesus as the Christ." - Acts 5:42.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It Isn't Fair.

Nothing personnel just business;  When I worked in retail years ago, why did we have a six second say hello rule.While no one now acknowledges your presence. If they do it's because your in the way of "their work.".

Why was it the students fault for their "F" and now it's the teachers fault.

Why was the Kid going to Sunday School called the sissy now he's a hater or bully.

Why was the our generation told to speak our minds and now You are held back or fired for leaving the box.

Why were bigots, picking on certain groups back in the day, and  now the certain groups are bigots. Why not just drop the characteristic altogether!

Thursday, April 24, 2014


So many followers of Christ desire someone to lay hands on them and pray so they won't steal this, or do that, (we have our own list of sins and "mistakes").   But  Paul wrote in the Bible to; get rid of, mortify, and put off the old man. We bear much of the responsibility. It has been a matter of choice since "in the beginning." But through help of God's Holy Spirit and Christ's victory over sin and death, it is possible!


Lazarus had been dead four days.  Jesus said:  "Lazarus come forth!" Take off his grave clothes."  He was alive now and didn't need grave clothes anymore


Paul said to put off the old man, because you are not dead anymore with all the sinful nature with it's pride and excuses.  We are to repent and change.  It is more than turning over a new leaf!  Spiritually we will have a new life.  Old things having passed away all things made new. We then put on the new clothes of being a new man.  Talking the talk and walking the walk.Put off the old man and put on Christ and His righteousness.  Draw near to God and He will draw new to you.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thank You Lord!

I grew up in a church going family that believed  the Bible and loved God.  Were they perfect?  No, I was the only one.  My parents taught that it was not another world religion but that it was a personal relationship with God.

Thank you Lord that you loved us so much.  There are some who think He is intolerant or doesn't even exist.  I for one do not believe they have looked into, what is the Bible,  speaking and even listening to hear what God would say to their spirit.

I don't believe in everything that is out there in the name of the spirit realm, nor do I think masses would continue to worship  after all this time if the Spirit of God wasn't miraculously  transforming hearts and minds. I thank the Lord that we can be reborn into the family of God. realizing His presence with us.  He said :"I will never leave you or forsake you." I have found that to be true. Thank God for His peace, power, purpose and provision. Let me invite anyone to look for yourself. Check out the book of John or Colossians. you'll see, He loves you.

Thank you Lord!

COMPASSION gives food AND shares the Gospel of Christ

Churches are almost on every corner.  Food banks are located throughout cities and regions.  Both are emptying out.  Short on worshipers and those that share the gospel, short on volunteers to hand out or deliver food/clothing.

Short on Compassion.

"The world is quickly going to hell.  They don't come to Church and uninterested in the things of God!"  That's what makes them the world. They are doing what the world without Christ would do. We shouldn't be surprised when shootings, political and church scandal happens.  Hungry people without God in their lives stealing, is not a new concept.  The craziness in the daily news is par for the course.

Some fault might lie with me and...c'mon..some of you.  We know it to be true; throwing money at these issues, in the long run, will not help.  The Church says we love people but do not communicate with the people three city blocks in either direction. Many Church groups are irrelevant to the community.

Big on dinner on the grounds, short on compassion to the neighborhood.  Talk about a comfort zone and a safe place where the only hurt some people realize in the church life  is when the pastor is to busy to shake their hand.  Like the mother said to her whining child: "If that is all you have to cry about you're doing pretty good.."

I thank God for those Groups and the body of believers that are selfless, that  have and display compassion for those in and outside of the church house.We can applaud and get on board with church leadership to share the message and love of God. We can live to tell others about the way, truth and the life! Smiling and food is not sharing the truth of peace with God through faith in Christ.  Sorry, in sharing the gospel, we must also use words much of the time with the balance of compassionate action.(living in the park with the homeless alone isn't enough). Paul writes "How can they hear..."

Eternity spent with God?  is by Grace alone, through faith alone,  in Christ alone

Those churches  that continue; growing numerically and spiritually are living empowered by the Holy Spirit directed and going to the village and lakeside, with Christlike compassion.

Many individuals, groups and entire churches are providing:   Canned goods, fruit and vegetables, bread.  and giving resources of time, talents and finances.  including;  Bibles, education  and wisdom sharing,  for those in the community  to develop Godly life choices.

"And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, for they were like sheep having no shepherd.  So He began to teach them many things."  Mark 6: 34.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


We've heard for quite awhile how wonderful Government ran Health insurance will be. Past Presidents have desired to make it available, giving speech after speech of it's benefits  Now it is passed and they have nicknamed it; "Obamacare".  It has so far  lived up to the initial concerns or worries, that it's opposition warned about. There are worries and future concerns as well. Yet it sounds good to the "masses".

We just remembered  Palm Sunday.  We celebrate the kingly entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  The road was packed with travelers coming to Passover feast with Jesus riding a humble donkey. Those that already arrived went out to meet Jesus and they shouted, announcing; He was their King and Messiah. 

Many there, wrongly assumed He was there to defeat the Romans. Most of them either heard or witnessed Him miraculously  feed the hungry, heal the sick and even raise some of the dead. Obviously He had their vote.  They just knew when Jesus arrived into town this week, He would begin His earthly Kingdom.

That sounds like the twenty-first century church. Many of us are only concerned about our health, our money, and position on the church organizational chart!  ("Jesuscare").   Resulting in us, on our schedule, building our Kingdom.

Jesus Christ was not at this time intending to defeat the Roman Empire. Matter of fact, He spoke of peace and loving your neighbor. He even said if you wanted to be in charge you had to be a servant.  Don't get them started on what He said about dieing, and for them to pick up their cross and follow Him.  That doesn't sound like a great campaign speech for volunteers.  Some later left discouraged because of this kind of talk. The tide was turning maybe Jesus wasn't what they thought.  Duh.  Jesus later told Pilate, He was a king but His Kingdom, was not of this world.

He said that He came to; seek and save those, that are lost. He spoke of spiritual saving, spiritual healing.  He was their Messiah and King. His Kingdom was Heavenly and eternal !

"For this reason (Lazarus)  the people also met Him, because they heard that He had done this sign."John 12:18

He told them: "...I go to prepare a place for you....that where I am, you may be also."

"My Kingdom is not of this world.  If my Kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now my Kingdom is not from here."-Jesus.  John 18:36.

1 Corinthians 15: 3-11,  20-28.

Jesus our King, let us be a part of what you are doing to grow your Kingdom!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

hashtag contentment, hashtag getaway, hashtag home.

My wife and I had a  nice quiet day or two as we went over to Shipshewana, In. to buy some groceries we can't get in our stores.  Though it is an Amish/Mennonite commercial spot it is also considerably laid back.  We make the little drive, two to three times a year.  We sometimes make a two day event, accompanied with a motel stay and  head up to the Michigan shoreline.  Where rising early, we might head out to the beach for an early coffee and  day dream out loud  with one another.

Many times it is enough to drive, shop, have lunch and return home.  We live in a small quiet "subdivision" of homes. Houses in the neighborhood are a nerf ball throw away, yet walking out to the backyard looking out to our tree line you have the notion you are far away.  The reality of barely hearing the rushing sound of the interstate traffic a few blocks away, still it is peaceful to us (when company visits, it's still quiet yet, we are most likely the noisiest).

Even in our so called ; peaceful, just the two of us setting,  that we actually,very seldom leave, we look forward to an excursion toward some other community's "backyard".  We travel somewhere nostalgic resembling somewhere our parents perhaps would have gone to get away from occupation, even family, (Impossible thanks to cell phones).

Balance is the key.  Enjoying home as well a premeditated holiday.  The alternative is; not loving either place, desiring to always being somewhere else.  Groaning for the past or future not living in the present (feel free to rotate those tenses)

Live life for God and others and enjoy the journey.  Be content in whatever state you are in.  Regardless, if it is Michigan, Illinois, or Indiana......!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Exalt, Equip and ENGAGE!

Many consider themselves loners or the noncommittal type. We like to say we are non confrontational or neutral on most ideals and topics.   We can be those, but in order to have a good balance and even adventure to our lives we must occasionally engage.

Business and Churches of course are to intentionally engage;  the local and global community.  To engage is to commit to involvement or committing our full attention and efforts toward a person or cause.

Christians have received commission to engage  the circle of life He has placed us in or sent you to.  The directive was to "GO" not wait for them to come.  Put another way ; not to "come and see." but rather; Go and tell.  Both Creativity and compassion empowered by the Spirit of God brings unlimited engagement opportunities.

  • Volunteering to city community service (painting/ cleaning parks etc.)
  • prayer and help to single parents
  • class for good life choices 
  • providing food and/or school supplies providing clothes.
  • prayer walking the neighborhood/ telling the Good News of Christ's love!!                                                                                                                                      
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."  Ephesians 2:10

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." Matt 28:19.

The Apostle Paul wrote that it was the Love of Christ compelling him to others and God.
Look into Act 2:42-47

To keep it simple:  let the followers of Christ ; EXALT, EQUIP and ENGAGE!

Friday, April 4, 2014


When you by an automobile you like the sticker to say ; "Equipped".  In other words,  it will have more than enough gadgets and voices to meet whatever traveling can throw at you.  We think it insane for a car not to be equipped with safety features. There was a day, no one would have used seat belts if they had them.  It required Educating the public of the obvious positives and fatal consequences for not having or using them as well.

We are in an uproar and rightly so, when soldiers are sent into combat with inadequate weapons or protection  It would be ludicrous for a combat soldier not to be equipped with the correct attitude, knowledge, leadership, machinery and firepower!

The follower of Christ is to be equipped and given every opportunity for spiritual maturity and strength under the leadership and authority of God.  Through Biblical instruction, prayer and relationship with God the disciple develops into someone who is not paralyzed by fear but mobilized in His peace.  I should not just carelessly or unknowingly bounce off of one circumstance and temptation to another.  When you and I are equipped we can enter into eternity loving God and loving others.

"And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, "All Authority has been given me in Heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo I am with you always, even to the end o the age."  Matthew 28:16-20.

Read Ephesians Chapter 4, which includes: "And He gave apostles, some prophets, some evangelist, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the body of Christ....."

Remember Exalt, Equip, and next writing; is to Engage.

What did the testifying Christian say?  "I'm to Equipped to be whipped!"

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Exalt is not a word that your everyday twenty-first century person uses.  Those that have a relationship with God through faith and trust in Christ, use it, and other words quite often,  to express their action, feeling and submission.  God is value, He adds Value and is Valuable to us , so we exalt Him. If we value God why aren't we worshiping Him.  David is a great example throughout the Psalms of exalting, Him that made Himself of no reputation. The Bible says "We love Him because He first loved us." and  "He made Him sin, who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of God"  So, how then should we live?!  With a lifestyle of worship and exaltation.

We used to sing;  "How Great thou art." and  "Majesty"  We are giving the exaltation He deserves. It is more than singing but there has to me that Kingdom melody in my step or how I conduct myself.  God said "They worship me with their lips but their heart is far from me."  Have you ever said that about a person that you know?  Doesn't it break your heart when it is just lip service or a facade to get what they want. 

"And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the Cross.  Therefore God also has highly EXALTED Him and given Him the name that is above every name..." Philippians 2:9,10.

Thank You LORD!

Monday, March 31, 2014


  The Twin Towers in New York were more than building or property.  Though the buildings were important and special,  the stories of the lives and families, even dreams, memories and plans, meant nothing to the wild man in the desert whose hand is against every man. Without  respect for  the global community and the sacredness of human life; They Shouted and did not blink displaying, a lack of value, wasted and killed !

  It's a head shaker, when you see younger life forms shamefully, laugh at actions of aged senior adults.  These senior lives that made history being; soldiers, factory workers, politicians, teachers, parents, who carved a  nation and rich environment, that many youth in their lack of concern, maturity or values, will laugh and destroy it,  like locusts in an Egyptian plague.

Your chin drops when others don't value your things.  Something of value breaks or quickly wears down from their usage and they have a "whatever" attitude or, "what's the big deal?" look.

A Holy God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. We chose to sin, live for self, and break the heart of God without a thought.  We chose to live with the consequences and reject God and His love,  then blaming Him for our tragedy and hurt..Is anything sacred, to us?

Today, movies and T.V. still laugh at Him.  Cable talk shows roll their eyes at His claims, stating "He's no big deal, just another man."   Jesus knew the hearts of people: "you're only coming around for the bread."  They/ we could have so much more like "the bread of life!"   He once said something like:  "Oh Jerusalem , how I would have gathered  you under my wing like a mother hen with her chicks, but you would have none of it." They later shrugged there shoulders and crucified Him.  Because of who He was and was about to do, made this cross a terrible cross, Holy cross, a sacred cross!

Please take this time to connect or reconnect with God. It happens when we cross from trusting in ourselves, to trust in that sacred life's work, dieing on the sacred Cross as our only hope to spend eternity with God.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


  A great avenue of communication, community and College party pictures has been FaceBook. For me I have communicated through pictures, posts and messaging relatives I haven,t see since childhood.  It is both a deep as well as shallow channel for community relationship and conversation.  Face book also opens the door for ministry to scores of people anywhere at the same time.

  God's book is Him, communicating to us. It is His revelation of Himself and His desire for relationship, reconciliation and love!  Through the Holy Spirit the eyes of our hearts are enlightened  by the Word as to what God's will is.  Similar to someone commenting just a few minutes ago on Face book,  this word written long ago is just as real, personal and fresh today!
  As cool as everyone considers Face book (and  Twitter), Don't even think, I compare it to the relevance and importance of this Holy Word. God said to Joshua and us "You shall not let the law of the Lord depart from your mouth but meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it." 

  No matter your education level, finances or percentage of body fat, we are to face this book and respond to what it is saying.  Let me challenge us both to open it's pages, and post back to God:  "What are you trying to say to me?"

  In the New testament James wrote a post:  "But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.  For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing himself in a mirror, and walks away forgetting what kind of man he was.  But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it,  and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does."

  God had Paul post:  "For all  have sinned and fallen short of the glory of  God "
Paul also commented : "The wages or payment of sin is death."   "But the gift of God is eternal life.."
Jesus said:  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."   later Paul wrote" Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved"

  After we believe in Him and God  miraculously makes us new?  We share it.

                                   It's time to face the music. It's time to face the book!


Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Many of my favorite memories of life are from Church.  From childhood to young adult we attended every Sunday and Wednesday as well as any special services or revivals during the week.  The Church building would from time to time receive a make over; different lighting, carpet and new padding for the pew.  I can remember the soloists and the choirs.  Pastor and church leaders alike were everyday people that loved God and each other.

The Church has a mission:  "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8.

  "All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28: 18-20.

   "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind...You shall love you neighbor as yourself."  Matthew 22: 37-39.

The church has a Message:  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life".

The Church has a destiny:  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible  and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you..." 1Peter 1:3,4a.

My suggestion is to: Trust in Jesus Christ as stated above,
                                   Find and worship at a Bible believing Church (No matter the building or beneath a tree)
                                   Go, live and share being Christlike.

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