Thursday, April 24, 2014


So many followers of Christ desire someone to lay hands on them and pray so they won't steal this, or do that, (we have our own list of sins and "mistakes").   But  Paul wrote in the Bible to; get rid of, mortify, and put off the old man. We bear much of the responsibility. It has been a matter of choice since "in the beginning." But through help of God's Holy Spirit and Christ's victory over sin and death, it is possible!


Lazarus had been dead four days.  Jesus said:  "Lazarus come forth!" Take off his grave clothes."  He was alive now and didn't need grave clothes anymore


Paul said to put off the old man, because you are not dead anymore with all the sinful nature with it's pride and excuses.  We are to repent and change.  It is more than turning over a new leaf!  Spiritually we will have a new life.  Old things having passed away all things made new. We then put on the new clothes of being a new man.  Talking the talk and walking the walk.Put off the old man and put on Christ and His righteousness.  Draw near to God and He will draw new to you.

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