Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Same old, Same old

Ask someone how they are doing and the answer to your; "How's life?" question is; "Same old thing." When I say "Happy New Year" I truly desire you to have one.  The goal is not just to merely have another year but one that is bringing glory to God as we make an impact in the lives and events around us.

Living intentionally and focused in the name of Christ is to insure those around you will hear the good news of Jesus Christ and see the great love He has for those in your circle of life!

Feeling lonely during this time?  Make and be a friend. The body of Christ is to be a loving community.  Be a blessed addition to it. 
I have to be aware of having a "what have you done for me lately?" attitude. Maybe no one shares your passion at church?  Start a ministry outside of the building of your own. (it only takes a spark).

Begin to read the Word for familiarity but most obvious, for your heart/life transformation.
 Let's always pray and not give up.  Draw close to God and He will draw close to you.

It's time the Christian said so...We have a great message to share.  I often hear; "Give a sermon and use words when necessary." I get what they mean but there has to must be a balance of deeds and words to share the truth and love of the gospel.

We believers have to agree in this new year, it cannot be business as usual! We are to grow up walking in the Spirit. We can have a new answer other than; "Same old thing."

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, thinking and speaking on things above.

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