Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Can you imagine telling your significant other you love them but you never have time...(no you never make time) to speak to them, and they are very aware of it.  How much more, concerning our quality time with God.  This is to be our most important love relationship, yet often times by many, He is ignored or placed on a check list so as not to forget.

Many of you view prayer as a vivid part of our relationship with God to you it seems to be a no brainer.  To the rest that call themselves Christian (75%+ Americans say they are Christian) never spend time with God resulting in no worship or lifestyle lived in Spirit and Truth!

Most reading this, live by John 15:1-11.  There is great joy and peace as you walk in relationship, friendship and love with God.  You know what it is to walk through your day hand in hand with God in an attitude of prayer. While others wait 'til bedtime and then fall asleep in 30 seconds.

To save you time allow me to do it this way:
  • There are hindrances to prayer; materialism, culture and even good things.
  • Prayer consists of; 1.Praise, thanksgiving, and worship. 2.Confession and repentance. 3.Asking. 4.Intercession. 5.Meditation
  1. Prayer is essential to our revival and awakening!
  2. Prayer is an essential piece of your arsenal
  3. Prayer is crucial to putting on the whole armor of God
  4. Prayer is the primary way we exert spiritual authority
  5. Prayer is crucial to our mission/evangelism
2 CHRONICLES 7:14+++++++++++++++++++++++++Psalm 23

Our prayer should be intentional and continual but not out of duty or a religious formality.  Our conversation will be one of overflow of love, partnership and relationship

Jesus occasionally spent all night in prayer. He also prayed alone.  Great ministry followed these times of fellowship with His Father.  As we often say, if Jesus saw the importance of a prayerful lifestyle how much more for you and I.  What a great example!

Let us always be on speaking terms with the God we Love.

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