Monday, September 22, 2014

Pages from the book: "Back to School"

From the book,   Back to school -the chapter: "Project Nehemiah."

   Soon the project began looking for volunteers to sweep and clean park areas. Car washes at a local store with kids wearing the tee shirts, were done in a few areas.
Mothers for Development,” began to have bake sales, sending their little cute children door to door. “Who can turn down these little kids.”
  On Monday through Thursday, students were able to fill a coffee can that had the names of there favorite player on the football team., The amount of money would be your vote. The player with the most money wins. The money would be donated to the project. It all was seen as a win, win.
  It seemed like to Paul, there was a test every Tuesday in one of his classes. He was getting to busy with the friends and back packs. He was finding it more difficult to get an "A"  these days, but he managed to do it.When he arrived home his cell phone's ring tone blasted the “Batman” TV theme song. It was the owner of J.T. 's grocery store.
 “Hello Mr. Thompson.”
 “Remember, you can call me Jack. Anyway, I was wondering where you wanted the backpacks delivered. My son usually takes care of these things. But I said I wanted this one personally.”
 “You can have them delivered to Franklin elementary school over on Walnut St. School's started, I imagine they need those as soon as possible. Mr. eh, Jack, you have been a great help to us and the people that are in need.”
   “When I hear the name Paul Anderson or Project: Nehemiah I want to be a part of it.”
Thank you sir. It's been God doing this just like in the book of Nehemiah. I'll let people down but God is there in everyone's mess. I pray that He will let us be a part of what He is doing.”
That's right. Tell that youth pastor of yours, the ice cream will be there for the Back to school rally.”
Okay, thanks again and keep praying.”
  In case he forgot, Paul sent a text to pastor Will, right then about the ice cream. He was thinking there was so much to be involved in and a large list of items to coordinate. Why God had given it to him was a mystery. He knew from the Bible and the youth group Bible study of the Book of Acts, that God uses normal people and empowers them to do the tasks and mission. He went over to his Bible and opened it to;  Acts and wrote: “Ordinary people doing extraordinary things through the Holy Spirit!”
  Another Monday at school rolled around and there were fliers everywhere about the need of back packs and ski caps. Mr. Johnson had added that they would be giving caps and gloves away even to their own students, made available through the community club and project: Nehemiah.
  Paul went to look for his coffee can, but he was not winning for Mr. Football, but there was a large amount of money; change and dollars in each can.
Paul joked within himself thinking: “I guess you have to be the quarterback to win anything around here.”
  “Paul Anderson .Please report to the office. Paul Anderson, report to the office.”
He didn't like to have much attention drawn to himself. The school loud speaker was not helping.
What you do now Anderson? Cheat on a test?” some one yelled. Shrugging his shoulders, Paul headed to the office.

Who wrote this?”
One of the teachers, Paul. He is against the school participating with your Project: Nehemiah.”
But it's helping so many people. Kids for that matter. Isn't that what we are supposed to do, love other people?  He is against that?!”
Well, not so much the help, as it is the school and The Bible, Nehemiah and everything.
He told me that he might be getting a lawyer, if we don't stop this immediately.”
Paul and the Principal both felt like crying. It was frustrating that someone and so far only one person could stop so much good. What could you do? Do you feel angry or throw up your hands and quit. “That's it.” Paul thought. “It's over, there is no use trying to help people if people are going to slap you right in the face. Why is there so much hatred in the world? After practice, I'll just go home today, watch TV and live my own life. What's the use."
I suppose that's it then." He said aloud. 
"I know these things drag out and win or lose, we are the ones that look like the haters. I'll let the others know and......”

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