Saturday, August 10, 2013

Whatever!...It Takes.

There are many ways and methods a ministry/church can be a part of community development.  A great idea is for the church to donate and provide for others that help, and piggyback/partner on the good works of other good churches/organizations. The church or small group can even identify a family/person in need and choose to come to the aid of individuals in need.


Some have the ability to provide finances,time and energy to these needs. Efforts can be directed through the church or from their overflow of being a true christian can chose to work independently.  Many Bible studies or small groups pray and decide to raise funds or needed items to give to others.

These efforts are not only to be a hand out but also a hand up thus resulting in community development.  In the past I have been part of a church that out of their love freely combined resources to provide for others. They provided the items from the above picture and more so to help/serve others. I belong to a church now that makes and distributes homemade laundry soap to the community. That in itself requires donations of containers, workers, finances. It requires a united team effort as the church (body of Christ) is reaching out to those that are wealthy and in poverty, educated and not.

The most  important building phase of community development is heart transformation.  It was Jesus who said to go into all the world and make disciples.  We as believers and disciples of Christ do not serve the community so we'll go to heaven. We are involved because we are his disciples and on our way.  We are not trusting in our good works but in the work of Jesus Christ and His birth, life, death and resurrection  as our only hope for eternity spent with God!


True community development is accomplished as we see others trusting in and following Christ. These humanitarian efforts are temporary at best but point many to the love of God and openness to trust and believe in Him

Community development can be accomplished through: 
                                                                                     -Planning work/working plan
                                                                                     -Partnering with others
                                                                                     -Proclaiming the Good news.
                                                                                     -Providing for needs.

We have been called and even commissioned to Go and  tell it and live it. Let's answer the call to involve ourselves and through God's message and love be an eternal part for spiritual community development.



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