Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Tear Down Those Walls!

   When it comes to the walls of Jericho in the book of Joshua, it appeared to be impossible to penetrate or even climb.  That's what walls are for, not to allow anyone in.

 You can hear them say; "It's going to take a huge tree to ram that wall."  But ramming the wall was not part of the plan. 


   Nothing new there.  Our plans are often different than God's plan and to us His plan doesn't make sense.

   That's how you know when the walls come down, it was all God and not us. How prideful I would be if I did all the work, and the obstacle came crumbling down.

   The battles we fight and the walls hindering us are not made of bricks.  This is a Spiritual warfare, and our plans and weapons are not carnal but God!

   We have built a few walls ourselves in order to keep others even God out. This is the day to knock down those walls, whether we or the enemy has built them.



Be in the Word, memorize and apply it.

Worshiping God. Joshua said, "Shout! for the Lord has given you the city!" Before any bricks begin to move.

   Some said, "I'm not shouting until I see the wall fall."  They missed out on the worship and unity they could have known with the others. Let's not miss out.

   Tear down those walls and allow God and His people in, and Shout for the battle is the Lords.'

      Checkout Joshua 6, and 2 Corinthians 10!

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