Friday, April 24, 2020


“He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk as He walked.”- 1John2:6
His life in us working, that our walk (the outward expression of the inner new life) becomes like His.  Paul wrote: “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me.”

Quickly you’re Christlike when:
* You abide in Him.
* You serve others
* Deny self
* Are not OF this world.
* You are Fulfilling our mission.

In this hour it should/can’t be business as usual.  Not just another phase or fad.  But faithful followers and disciples of Christ being Christlike!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Quarantined with the Slobz family. (sequel to Christmas with the Slobz family)

(To be read with an English accent)

"I have lost track. How long have we been quarantined together? Asked Antwerp.
"I haven't any idea." Shouted his wife Sally, as she wiped her mouth of the last piece of blueberry pie.
"Two weeks and seventy-three hours." My wife whispered to me in the kitchen.

"What's for lunch?" Ima asked.  She was finally growing bored. Her and Ura (her brother) had hid my antique glass chess pieces playing hide and seek, and were unable to find them anymore.

"I'm wondering if this is all a bloody hoax!" coughed Antwerp.  "If only Sally hadn't caught it from the pub and brought it here, but our two families wouldn't have had this quality time together."

"What did you say was for lunch?"
"I didn't say sally." My wife looked as if she was about to do something she would regret.
"How about chops and chips." I intervened.
"We had that yesterday." Both kids shouted, sounding like fingernails on a school chalk board.

It sounded as if the entire Manchester football team was quarantined with us. The sound was unbearable.  Antwerp was begging the children to let him play the video games (they had brought with them).  While Sally continuously bragged about their ability to stack my books from our shelves so neat and so so high.

My wife ran in the living room with a grin.  "It's over.  A nurse from the hospital just called and the time has expired.  Now you all can go back to the place you call home!"

The children began to whimper and cry. 
"Ima Slobz, pack up your things in your back pack and let's go!"
"I'll help you!" I said jumping into action.

"Bit of tough news" Antwerp came from outside.
"The car won't start and there is petrol all over your lawn. the man from the garage said they were under quarantine as well and it would be a week until they could take a look."

My wife and I went to the back garden and collapsed in the chairs by the water feature.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Palm Sunday Full Service




Fear: Kill the spread.

Many times Christians are guided by fear.  The consequences can be long lasting and damaging.  We can experience the appropriate fear of snakes, lions, tigers and bears.  These fears may resemble wisdom, when facing a snake... it might be time for flight rather than fight.

Fear is a God given emotion. I believe God understands when we experience the rise of physical reaction inside our bodies. It's natural to be there. I believe God does not desire we park there.

You may think it strange I suggest standing, even moving in the face of fear, while we face the dangerous/deadly Coronavirus event.  I am not by any means suggesting to go out and infect or be infected by the community around you. On the contrary, I myself am staying home as wisely directed to.

We might recognize a snake or bear when we see one, but it's the wolves in sheep clothing that capitalize on times of separation like the one we are experiencing now.  These talk peace and safety as not to stir up the appropriate fear the sheep should have. This results in the division of the flock and the wolves devouring them.

The actual idea is; Though this is a difficult time, It is a great time for ministry and coming to the aid of others, building and encouraging each one, informing them we are praying for/with them! We must not take a step back but lean in.

We must seize the day! This is not the time to be paralyzed by fear but rather mobilized by HIS peace.  We have entered a "New normal."  Today we can call, text, tweet, Facebook, e-mail etc, etc.  Even if this situation is short-lived, there are many things we have realized, as the need for and doing the great commandment and of course the great commission, as well as the "golden rule."

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord,
Who delights greatly in His commandments.
His descendants will be mighty on earth;
The generation of the upright will be blessed.
Wealth and riches will be in his house,
And his righteousness [b]endures forever.
Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness;
He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.
A good man deals graciously and lends;
He will guide his affairs with discretion.
Surely he will never be shaken;
The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.
He will not be afraid of evil tidings;
His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
Psalm 112: 1-7

While it is natural to fear, let the church walk in Supernatural courage.
Stand fast. Be of good courage!

                                                                             -Tim Flener

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