Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thank you Lord

We'll have a house full, table full, a plate full, but will we be thankful?

Monday, November 12, 2018

Merry and Bright

Thinking back to Christmas, it was a special time, year after year.  The question is are those memories really as grand as we remember them?  People look back to years of the Great Depression as children and daydream of family unity. While the parents may have been greatly depressed; mentally and financially.

The entire family in my mind though were special people, making the Christmas spirit come alive.  Aunts and uncles, cousins, sister, mom and dad, from Thanksgiving, Christmas to the New Year made time stand still.  We knew there was no such thing as Santa.  The entire family did believe and celebrated Christ being the true reason for the season.  Yet Santa was credited for much of the presents.

The music and songs still bring a tear and a stream of memories of the tree and decorations and the food of course. Add the "classic"movies...It was all a "Christmas package."


Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Compassionate Leadership; Jesus Style

There are methods to getting things done through others. We can force, trick even beg others to accomplish a task or even the main mission.  You know the outcome might be the same but the satisfaction, joy and being in the zone, loving the momentum is often not experienced.

Whether it's family, business, school or church, we can lead by example and create a model and culture of unity, joy, momentum and accomplishment.

We are motivated many ways. "Because I told you so" might be at times proper but the continuous
desire and passion of seeing the task through again and again and loving the journey because you/they want to, is when the leader models a generous, compassionate, "for the kingdom" attitude.

We must study Gods' Word (proverbs), for direction and His will in all of our day to day leadership directions. We will discover the discernment the comes from the Holy Spirit and the power of his living Word.  We will experience the flow and appropriateness of a Christlike compassionate, model of leading for the good of others as well as the mission at hand.

Look into the book of Mark, Psalm, Proverbs, Acts, Ephesians, Colossians, as your manual for relationship with both God and those He has placed in your care. Let's do what God desires us to do but first, let's be what He desires us to be!

The souls and lives of men and women, boys and girls may depend upon it!

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Nobody presses like or loves it enough to share.

No one retweets my tweets not even on a dare.

It really brings me down although already pretty low

they post lol when my feelings are in tow.

An invisible man tapping on the computer screen.

Live post or edited with stylish video, I've been unseen.

I guess I'll not force myself on your valuable time

Wanting to write something you could read later's not a crime.

I guess I'm giving the devil rage.

they'll turn a deaf ear and I'll turn another page.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sunday school class

I began teaching an early morning Sunday school class. A new six week study Titled; Bible Basics.  Most of these adults are believers and been around church for quite awhile. Knowing that, it still never hurts to start in the beginning.  That's where we started; GOD.

Not to be as long here as I was that morning, we simply described the attributes of God.

  1. Eternal Creator-Acts 17:24,25
  2. Unique-Isaiah 45: 5,6
  3. Personal-Psalm 139:1-3
  4. Perfect/Holy-Psalm 99:3,5,9.
  5. All knowing/Wise- Hebrews 4:13
  6. Loving-Psalm 103:8
  7. Forgiving-Psalm 103:12
These attributes and scripture intertwine showing the continuity of God and His Word.  There are many characteristics. Realize it is more than head knowledge. It is heart knowledge even more!

I made an attempt to make it interesting but with also an effort of Sunday school Class.😎

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Little Women

We pulled out the VHS of  "Little Women" Sunday and watched one more time.  What a family , Mom and sisters, and then of course they were complete when dad came home from the war. 

I would not have wanted to live during that age but because they lacked the modern conveniences they did not lack imagination.  Women of that day were serving under submission and taboo. Because of a few like Josephine and The author of the story; the plight of  women and people in general were improved and advanced because of their "gumption."  One out of the family was willing to break loose (sneakingly encouraged by her mothers affirmations). While the other would have been satisfied with the status quo.

So what's our problem.  We need more Josephine s..no we need you to...   okay, I need to step up and change a few paradigms as long as they are not contrary to God.   Lives will remain under siege by  the comments of "You'll never amount to anything", or "in this economy it's impossible".  You hear that talk in church, I can only imagine in the little house down the block.

Josephine's  face showed anger or sadness even disbelief when someone talked of "second class" women.  That kind of talk inspired her to be and do whatever she could, as in author a book. What angers you....okay what angers me enough to get ourselves off the couch and into the think tank and behind a desk, shovel or  podium, spreading the good word of what God said or what someone can do even though others say it can't be done.

If they say I'm an inadequate leader then I'm reading books on leadership etc.  If I'm asked to speak on a subject, I must study to know it well.  I'm not physically working to well but I can do some things and inspire someone, even point people to God.

You can learn from the stories of and from  many a man, but you can also learn a thing or two, from "Little Women."

Thursday, July 5, 2018


If she was on trial by a jury of her peers, she would be found guilty of the occasional but mostly, premeditated acts of kindness. Many of these actions were well thought out and planned.  Many days of shopping for something she hoped was just right.  Hours spent cooking so someone that was sick or even to busy, would not have to.

She is guilty of consideration, putting others before herself.  She has aimed it towards me with her everyday life and a surprise dessert or meal or gift.  Loving God and others is her motive.

She in return has received gifts and cards of get well or thank you, from surprising sources; those that have been appreciative of her unselfishness.

She  experiences a second of self time, maybe because if you don't help yourself, no one else will.  Even with her unselfishness she often receives a request for another favor or a "what have you done for me lately."

She is guilty of sacrifice. Giving her time effort and other resources. She has given me her life and had to give more than what should be expected. Thank you!

She deserves mercy, love and appreciation. Her actions require the maximum. Life! with as much love as I can give. There's not enough space or time to say it all here.

But, I love you Linda.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Sound Bytes

Ministry is abundant, alive and well on social platforms... I will go "where the attention is."  It is a no brainer.
The sad thing is a number of us will use sound bytes and 2 minute videos sadly for our own glory.

We all minister through these venues.  Let's not hide behind it. Quality is important but content of the heart is all important in order to supply content of God's word, to His praise.

Let's be honest, worshipping Him/sharing God's Word, in Spirit and Truth!

Saturday, June 23, 2018


 In today's church attendance roll call you'll find the; hypocrite, gossip, complainers, faithful, team member, the righteous. You can add to the list: prideful patriarch and the opportunist.  I know this is a negative look and we get enough of that but I believe we have to start at home.

 Acts 20: 27-31

In the world of dying churches and the work of revitalizing them, as well as churches planting the new futuristic contemporary plant, that brags "it's not like grandma's church" soon realizes it's still the same song and dance since the fall of man.

The pastor or planter arrives with a new vision and direction of evangelizing and service to the community looking  forward to those who according to Galations 5:22 exhibit; "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance."

As they develop a core group,
the boa constrictors called patriarch and opportunist begins to squeeze the life out, hijacking the dream or vision of ministry God has given.


THE PRIDEFUL PATRIARCH is more concerned about meetings, votes and show of power. The prideful patriarch (God bless the humble patriarch) argues about "carpet color" and the cruise ship (church) than the ones drowning in the lost eternity they themselves had been rescued from.  In the Bible John writes in 3rd John about Diotrephes, vs.9 "who loves to have the preeminence among them, receives us not." The prideful patriarch says: "The church was full (or) we had a great park ministry when we played  the banjo and kazoo. Let's keep or go back to doing that." If they would look out the window or take a few steps down the street they would discover the kazoo lovers have moved away.  Soon the life, desire, maybe the pastor is departed.


THE OPPORTUNIST has to be seen, has to be on the platform, video screen "leading a class" and if they are not, they are gone.  The opportunist usually slithers into a small dying church or a new full of blood church plant.  Many times hijacking the direction and Godly vision of a Pastor or group, with their agenda, grieving the spirit of God. They dislike the vision and teaching of the leadership and attempt to spread their negative poison. There is also the wolf that will turn worship into a time of self promotion or a time of entertainment. Soon the life, desire, God's love and power is gone.

In these last days, many of the prideful patriarchs and the opportunists are soon exposed yet damage has been done. They move on to another ministry or church. While the prideful, complaining, venom filled, having to have a committee patriarch, arrives at your third pew/row. You then are shaking hands with the opportunist that can "be a blessing" and has the songs he wrote and the list of small group sessions he's led and is here to be a blessing to you,  because they "limited his creativity and anointed ability" at the last church.

 With the power and love of God let us pray for discernment to see this wolf in sheep's clothing, see life transformation, that they will be willing to submit and be a part, as well as follow God's divine vision for the church, wherever God has directed it.

It will take an empowered pastor and church, with a Divine vision, to disciple us all.  Jesus said: "I will build my Church." so... let's (you and I)  pray; not my will, but yours be done.

Friday, June 22, 2018

In Christ Alone!

Life without love
needs a touch from above.

Sad tears indicate no hope.
Arise! in Christ you can cope.

New heart realized
maniac civilized.
                                -Tim Flener

Summer Rain

The hot sun beating down making temperatures rise to headache levels, can bring havoc to some flowers and farms.  The absence of rain obviously will bring drought and death to life.

Gardens of flowers and vegetables have to be maintained.  Weeds are to be pulled out, stems occasionally need pruning. Many a gardener spends countless hours, working prior to sitting back to enjoy the fruit and beauty of their labor.

No difference in our Spiritual growth and exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5/ Rom. 8). There are harmful beliefs, thoughts,  as well as behaviors, needing to be rid of.   The watering of the Holy Spirit is needed to clean, nourish the church and individual believer!


Ephesians 3,4.

1 Corinthians 13.


It's not always a process.  We don't have to take a class to see change.  The new mind and heart revival, can come at a time spent in prayer and standing on the promises of God's Word!  Jesus says, He is the Way, Truth and the Life.

Friday, June 15, 2018


  Christ follower Paul, is in the middle of a storm, on a ship headed for Rome, where the Apostle Paul is to stand trial for causing riots and turning the world upside down for merely speaking and teaching; You can spend eternity with God when you;  believe it is by grace alone, through faith alone,  in Christ alone.

  He told them not to set sail but who's going to listen to a preacher on the way to court?  Later Paul says; "Keep up your courage, Don't be afraid."  DON'T BE AFRAID?!?  Paul, perhaps you didn't read there in acts 27: verse  20.  (Of course not. He was busy living it).    "Now when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest beat on us, all hope that we would be saved was finally given up."  That was written by Luke.

  Ever been there, in a hopeless situation?  It seems there is no way out. Ol' Devil says "You aint comin' out of this one!"  Maybe you are there now, (living it).  Dr. report comes back and he wants to see you A.S.A.P. refrigerator goes out,  divorce court or the grave site. You might be handed a hard time because you are a follower/believer in Christ.

  Paul shouted "I have faith in God, that it will happen just as He told me!" Good or bad, God is in control.  God knows the big picture.  You and I see one float at a time, while God sees the whole parade.  In this storm and yours, you'll get to see the Power, Provision and purpose of God.  The Lord had told Paul he was going to Rome.

  Rome was God's plan and vision for Paul.  I'm sure it was not the mission trip he would have planned, but on the other side of the storm we discover the purpose and character of God.  The message Paul gave while in court and Roman prison is still today, causing a riot and turning the world upside down.

  We have had storms and some are always in one. Keep trusting God.  In a hopeless situation- that seems easier said than done.  That is why I have to trust His promises and not my emotions.  God has a direction for you to go.  Across the world or across the street.  He wants us to go and make disciples.

Bed of ease or fiery seas; Let us simply, intentionally and with courage and compassion enter our community; and Worship God,  Connect with His Word, and serve others. Living by faith and not by sight!

Friday, April 6, 2018

A Beautiful Morning

 "Thank You, Lord," overflows from my heart and mind.  I can hear the familiar singing before the Sun rises as birds are just arriving or waking up.

It is awesome to consider that God took care of them, provided their inborn GPS as to travel to warmer climates (if there were any this year).  We of course saw other birds sitting outside in five degree temperatures, perched above a foot of snow. They looked as if they were chilling in a coffee shop, sharing stories and the seeds we had left for them. I suppose this morning, it was a "Thank you Lord," overflowing from their heart and mind as well.

Jesus said:  "Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns: yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?"

"...Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning."  Psalm 30:5

"...Yes, I will sing aloud of your mercy in the morning...." Psalm 59:16

Monday, February 26, 2018

Tired and "Board of Censorship?"

  I'm growing bored with the frequent "Red Carpet" shows and the fashion gurus(?) that critique the clothes of the stars. The big screen humans that now, thanks to the camera, have been given the status of "Voice from the gods", experts on everything, depending on the subject matter of their last movie.  The entertainment of today including the Oscars presentations won't be as classy as the previous era's.   

The classic shows from the beginning days of television are still being enjoyed today.  Family comedies, adventure, drama and slapstick.  Happily married couples sleeping like brothers and sisters in twin beds sharing a bedroom, yet  Little Ricky, Ritchie, etc become part of the act. 

Classic movies would  have you sitting on the edge of your seat. There were hours spent laughing or we cried out and out, boo hoo tears. The actors from both entertainment venues were great actors/actresses,  that could portray characters you loved or hated and you loved them for it. Beautiful stories brought to life by these great role models... Weren't they?

                                                            CENSORSHIP BOARDS

We then discovered there were censorship boards keeping everyone accountable.  It appears to be a good idea that they were.

Members of the entertainment industry complained about censorship and made those doing the censoring out to be bitter, archaic people, out of touch with  the reality of modern times.   The 1970's brought the freedom of "true expression" to those with the goal of reflecting the global community.

                                                  "WE HAVE RIGHTS"!!--Adam and Eve.

                                                        "And the Loser is..."

What do we look like without restraints?  The painting of Dorian Gray is coming out of the closet, and do we like what we see?  Actors and actresses are elated and proud of this liberty to be "real".  What are these scripts and so called beautiful roles?

Violence, Demon possession, Vampires, Stupid parents, stupid authority figures.sexual references on steroids,  anti family roles. Man is that all of it?  Did I say demon...yes that's on the list. If you don't agree with that review, stop at the movie kiosk and take a look.  Alright then, that's what we have become without the bondage of standards.  I personally hope that's not mirroring the community at large.

No Thanks!  I'll just get out a good book.  Have you read some these books?  they..........

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Euthanasia in the "Church".

  1. "The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries."  This practice is usually brought up when mentally/physically challenged senior citizen, is the topic of a solution to "get rid of a problem" that won't improve.

    Todays churches and many blogs I read are promoting replacing seniors and their old music and paradigms because "The times they are a changin."  I'm all for the youthful, full of life church, I attend one that doesn't discriminate.  Many church plants and restarts desire to grow, but... at the expense of a group deemed unessential? They should give their building to a younger, maybe even a shallow theological "Church"? The fact that you can draw a crowd doesn't imply you have perfected evangelism and discipleship.  It's easy to say, when you change the definition of  the words.

    Yes, the congregation has retired and moved back to where they were raised as children.  The rest have stayed. Some have merged with other, even younger church plants. One thing you can bet on, they are well aware of the youth of the following generation believing; "We got this." Allow them to worship where they will, doing what they did... build your own church/bldg.

    Get ready for the next generation pushing you aside, that needs a venue to play their cultures music as they roll their eyes as you walk to the seniors section with a walker. Smirking as you voice your preferences, while they pretend as if they are not worshiping in preferences of their own.

    We should never exclude anyone for race/political/economic reasons, nor for age.  "Get out of the way if you can't lend a hand.' is a Dylan idea not Paul the Apostle.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


True Biblical Christianity, makes no one behave perfectly!  It is an incorrect starting point for "nonreligious" persons to think that if say; Billy Graham committed some small, medium, or large sin, that it would negate God and the rest of truth.
There are those who laugh (media/news or entertainment, etc.) when a well known or any Christian experiences a fall in poor judgement even out and out sin. Pointing fingers bending over with laughter saying ; "See there is nothing to this, religion doesn't work!"

Our disliked, unbelieved, Bible, is jam packed with it's characters being sinful and doubting.  I suppose an individual would have to study the Books and commentaries, to see it.  It is also laughable that some religion professor at the University doesn't get it, while using the flaws of man to deny scripture. Read the letter to the Corinthian Church, Paul wrote not only the good news of faith in Jesus Christ, but a good portion of it trying to get Christians to act right. He did so out of love.

It is obvious to Christians that Christianity has been lived as a religion and ceremonially by millions of the unknowing or hypocrites and even phony baloney "preachers"! So, if someone entered a hospital and pretended to be a doctor and patients were to die, it would not prove the true practice of medicine incorrect.
If Tim Tebow (during his fifteen minutes of fame), Billy Graham, and uh.. Rick Warren, or the skinny/fat pastor down the street left with all the money, it isn't favorable to be sure, but has nothing to do with the legitimacy of true Christianity.  PLUS (Though Christians are to live by Biblical doctrines), if a great number of relationships and Christian marriages end in divorce it has nothing to do with the truth of peace with God through faith in Christ. There's a lot more to this stuff.  They say it's so shallow even a child can get it and so deep that many "doctrines" will never be agreed on.

"God demonstrated His love toward us in that while we were yet still sinners Christ died for us"-The Bible.  "You can't tell me what the Bible says , I don't believe it"!.  That is a problem.  Because it is not  based on me or you. If I, me myself doesn't believe it, it is still true.  The purpose here at this writing is not to defend but declare it. The rest is up to you.

Christianity is a relationship. It is not a religion.  "Being justified (Court of law word), we have peace with God through faith in Christ"-The Bible.

  I hope we're cool.  Drive safe!

Monday, January 8, 2018

New Day, New Year!

Through blogs, books, ministry and entertainment, may God direct us through many open doors!  I'm looking forward to new methods and opportunities for each of us to; evangelize and equip one another as we exalt Him, while engaging the circle of life God has placed us in!

This year let's expect great things from God and attempt great things for God! Dead to self but very much alive to God.

Let's be in much prayer with praise and submission to the will of the Lord.  We can seek to be the conduit which God's love can flow.

                                                         Have a Happy New Year!

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Three Concrete Steps

The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem"  did not wait for an announcement on Face book o...