Saturday, June 23, 2018


 In today's church attendance roll call you'll find the; hypocrite, gossip, complainers, faithful, team member, the righteous. You can add to the list: prideful patriarch and the opportunist.  I know this is a negative look and we get enough of that but I believe we have to start at home.

 Acts 20: 27-31

In the world of dying churches and the work of revitalizing them, as well as churches planting the new futuristic contemporary plant, that brags "it's not like grandma's church" soon realizes it's still the same song and dance since the fall of man.

The pastor or planter arrives with a new vision and direction of evangelizing and service to the community looking  forward to those who according to Galations 5:22 exhibit; "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance."

As they develop a core group,
the boa constrictors called patriarch and opportunist begins to squeeze the life out, hijacking the dream or vision of ministry God has given.


THE PRIDEFUL PATRIARCH is more concerned about meetings, votes and show of power. The prideful patriarch (God bless the humble patriarch) argues about "carpet color" and the cruise ship (church) than the ones drowning in the lost eternity they themselves had been rescued from.  In the Bible John writes in 3rd John about Diotrephes, vs.9 "who loves to have the preeminence among them, receives us not." The prideful patriarch says: "The church was full (or) we had a great park ministry when we played  the banjo and kazoo. Let's keep or go back to doing that." If they would look out the window or take a few steps down the street they would discover the kazoo lovers have moved away.  Soon the life, desire, maybe the pastor is departed.


THE OPPORTUNIST has to be seen, has to be on the platform, video screen "leading a class" and if they are not, they are gone.  The opportunist usually slithers into a small dying church or a new full of blood church plant.  Many times hijacking the direction and Godly vision of a Pastor or group, with their agenda, grieving the spirit of God. They dislike the vision and teaching of the leadership and attempt to spread their negative poison. There is also the wolf that will turn worship into a time of self promotion or a time of entertainment. Soon the life, desire, God's love and power is gone.

In these last days, many of the prideful patriarchs and the opportunists are soon exposed yet damage has been done. They move on to another ministry or church. While the prideful, complaining, venom filled, having to have a committee patriarch, arrives at your third pew/row. You then are shaking hands with the opportunist that can "be a blessing" and has the songs he wrote and the list of small group sessions he's led and is here to be a blessing to you,  because they "limited his creativity and anointed ability" at the last church.

 With the power and love of God let us pray for discernment to see this wolf in sheep's clothing, see life transformation, that they will be willing to submit and be a part, as well as follow God's divine vision for the church, wherever God has directed it.

It will take an empowered pastor and church, with a Divine vision, to disciple us all.  Jesus said: "I will build my Church." so... let's (you and I)  pray; not my will, but yours be done.

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