Monday, February 29, 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Community investment

It is encouraging to see construction of restaurants and stores beginning to start in our areas.  Jobs will be created as a result.  Beautification of the area is happening again.  We see the wisdom in the usage of large unused parking areas to build businesses etc.  I have noticed masses of people out an about!


Let the church be encouraged as well,  to take advantage of open doors for sharing the Gospel to the millions of unreached and the discipleship training our own church's Biblical illiterate.  Improvement of our communities involve much more than buildings and restaurants for the belly.  If we truly desire community development in our neighborhood and families, we must declare and share the good news of Christ.


This is not a world religion that includes efforts to merely turning over a new leaf or just trying harder, but a new generation with a new birth, heart and mind.  It is not infrastructural, but crossing over from trusting self, to trusting Christ, to spend eternity with God.  Followed by a transformed life.

Now that is community development.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

"I am the Way!"- Jesus

                                          Lost.  Without God and hope in the world. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Sow and grow.

                                           Grow in Grace.


Jesus said they will know you are my disciples by your love for one another.  The Apostle Paul said we are to prefer others over ourselves.  He wrote that he could only send timothy because he was the only one who cared for others.

Being Christlike is loving others, including our enemies.  God so loved the world and Christ the incarnate God, loved the world.  Jesus stated: "As the Father has sent me, so send I you!"

I'm not to keep this Gospel of Christ death and resurrection to myself but share it with others.

Others Lord others,
 let this my motto be.
Others Lord others
that I might be like thee.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Be Still

                                          Spend some quiet time with God today.

Peaceful place

                                                  Enjoy Your Day!  Help Others Enjoy Theirs.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016

It's a Relationship

                                                       Do we have the wrong perception?

 "Something is always after my attention. They hound me from the time the alarm sounds off, all the way until I pass out in the evening.  Between breakfast, school, work and family demands, I am distracted."

  "I know we are to be disciples but people are just in the way.  I don't have the time to memorize the scripture or pray.  There are crafts or menus to get done for the church activities.  How am I going to accomplish great things with and for God with all of these distractions?"

                                                                Take a break and rethink.

                                                               STOP AND REGROUP

  Wait a minute!   We are to be intentional but... we are to busy in the culture we live in, we also get to "busy" in our religious activity.  It must be more than a list. This is not a world religion but a relationship with God.   A personal one.  Yes we may have to stop and prioritize our time.  I suggest that time of drawing closer to God.  The Bible says He then will draw closer to you.

 As we move about more in the Spirit, than being list led, we will find it "easier" as we grow and mature in the Lord.  We will find ourselves loving to rise and spend that quiet/loud time with God.  People will not be seen as in the way. People is where God is leading us to to serve, making disciples, In addition, doing the simple we are actually accomplishing great things with God.

It's about giving God glory, and ourselves as living sacrifices. It may be a difficult place, but not desiring to be anywhere else.  The Spirit will empower us to obey and love His Word. We will love His people. We will love His work. The Apostle Paul said that he was compelled by the love Christ!

As we seek first His Kingdom, we will not only love the work of the Lord but also the Lord of the work.

We are to seek Him.  God also knows who and where you are. He will meet you there.

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