Thursday, October 9, 2014

How did I get here?

You ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, you will get a list of careers, some you never heard of.  We might be surprised in fifteen years when that young boy or girl has created that business, service or ministry we didn't have the imagination to achieve.

The young girl wasn't born a Doctor, or have all the needed.skills and knowledge at three years old.  There would be daycare, she would attend elementary school.  The parents had to drop her off at High school. She might be top of the class, yet not be ready to do surgery in the local operating room.

Policemen, lawyer, doctor, Pastor, soldier, CEO, fireman, truck driver, NBA/NFL star. all require steps of growth and training.

"Yeah, we know that!"  Then why do some students have to be class clown or sleep in class. (that only works for comedians).

No matter the age of a person, you will become tomorrow, what you are making of yourself today! Some men and women during prosperous times, sat in unemployment offices with their head in their hands. Why?!
That is what they trained themselves to do while in school, as they sat their looking at the clock with their head in their hands.

Teenager to senior citizen if you wish to accomplish some dream or career, begin now to develop yourself.  Those in school, have a great time!  Also study and  receive an education, not just a letter grade.  We might be an adult.  Read, read ,read and get those Cd's maybe those old cassettes,take a leadership course or get a coach and teach and motivate yourself.  You and I might be surprised at the dreams and accomplishments!  Others will be surprised at the business, service or ministry they didn't have the imagination to achieve.

"Lord, You are the Potter.  I am the clay."

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