Thursday, January 14, 2016

"What is your Problem?"

Remember the time you went into a job interview and the manager asked: "What are your strengths?"  You were ready for that one. He began to nod off as you went on and on, painting the beautiful self portrait.
You waxed eloquently, sharing your powerful characteristics and benefits to mankind.

"What are your weaknesses?"

I can't tell this person my weaknesses and short comings.  They would never hire me.   You might be the one that doesn't know what your weaknesses are. "I... I'm sure I have some..," 

Whether it is a; career, friendship, dating, church, we might keep our distance.  "If they knew me and my : history, fears, laugh, finances, education, anger!   they would not like me. We then keep others far from  reach.


Billions of those even in a serious relationship and considering marriage, put there best foot forward.  They put the cap back on the toothpaste, have a clean apartment, and what a sense of humor!  When the "Honeymoon is over,"  on the way to the bathroom you trip over weeks of dirty clothes,  finding a sink filled with toothpaste and DNA,  Looking up into the bathroom mirror you can hear plates rattling from the kitchen and the spouse yelling something about how they as a young adult, had been mistreated by their mother. It would have been nice if they had told you and been truthful about these issues, they couldn't,  "You might not have married me." 

The answer is not a questionnaire for friends or marriage.  The solution is to "Know thyself."  No, not everyone will like us, or accept us.  There is a possibility that living truthfully and sharing what issues and circumstances, we might be experiencing, could connect you to the spouse or lifelong friend, even counsel, that God knows you need.

You can speak to God about your "secrets" after all, He knows all about you. You won't fool Him.  To have that true peace , we must have peace with God,  trusting in Christ as our only hope to spend eternity with God.  Will you have it all together then?  Maybe not, there are many people on their way to heaven, living hell on earth,  You obtain peace with God and then can receive the peace of God.  You can look into His word. It will transform you and it can maybe guide you to a place of yes,you helping others.

Face it. Let's be honest with ourselves. Your problem is;  we all have sinned and fallen short of Gods' standard.  The Bible says, if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Before you even click to another site, begin to be truthful to Him right now. No, you may not be liked or accepted by him or her,  but God loves you and so do I !

Look into the Bible and please read the letter to the "Ephesians."

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