Thursday, April 20, 2017


Seasons are changing, Easter has come and gone bringing New Life.  During the long, cold and snowy winter, we still had hope remembering that this flower, was over here, that rose bush over there.  Though it was miserable and barely any life outside, we had hope.

With the strum on an invisible harp, even this morning the Sun woke up and the daffodils miraculously appeared!  Talk about a peaceful feeling.  We all enjoy something new; new clothes, car, house, babies.

Paul wrote many times in the Bible about old things passing away all things made new.  He said to renew your mind! This is a great time to start a new relationship with God, maybe renewing our commitment to the relationship.

Jesus said:  "Marvel not, that you must be born again." Later He said: "I came that you might have LIFE."

Again Paul wrote to Christians:  "Therefore we do not lose heart.  Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day." This is not just repair or rehab this is new life!!

Those that are followers and believers in Christ can say "Amen."

(pic is from 2014)

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