Friday, February 21, 2025

"Whatever things are true..."


Today's culture has many questions. Asking questions is the way we learn and discover new ideas.  We have great difficulty, when we think we have arrived and become unteachable.

                        "Knowledge puffs us up."-Apostle Paul

There are many questions. Your daily life has become filled with the noise of many answers. There may be no wrong question but there are obviously wrong answers.

 Libraries, bookstores, as well as the overstocked shelves on the internet, will provide you with an answer, right or wrong.

Today's thought influencer and ministry guru has everything covered from Heaven to hell.

Our duty to ourselves is to pray for discernment, wisdom, even awareness that in the Spiritual warfare, enemies use people and the harmful answers sent out as "truth that will set you free," only to enslave the questioner.

Within the noise of many answers, Christian believers are being deceived by twisted scripture in the name of love.  All roads don't lead to God.  With what the Apostle Paul calls "itching ears" and only hearing what we want to hear (selective hearing), we begin following the wolf out of the sheep pen.  In the book of Acts, Paul the Apostle warns the leaders from Ephesus, wolves will arise from within the flock.

We must test the spirits, test the conversation of the serpent offering growth in the world of intellegencia.

While there is gold in knowledge, discovering and digging in fools gold has wasted many a life.  

Jesus said that He was the Way, Truth and the Life.  Learn from Him the true Gospel. We need that truth at the point of becoming a believing follower of Christ and it is needed every day as a disciple of Christ.  I pray as you read say; The book of John or the letter to the Ephesians, the Holy Spirit will light your heart and mind with truth and answers for your questions.

Proverbs 22:17-21says:

Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise,

And apply your heart to my knowledge.
18 For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you;
Let them all be fixed upon your lips,
19 So that your trust may be in the Lord.
I have instructed you today, even you.
20 Have I not written to you excellent things
Of counsels and knowledge,
21 That I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth,
That you may answer words of truth
To those who send to you?

Keep praying and reading His truth and I'll see you next time.- Tim


Thursday, February 13, 2025

How's That Relationship Going?

  Many a person will seize the moment and boldly inform someone they L.O.V.E. them.  It is special for those in love, whether those dating or married when they will in some way, reinforce, maintain and turn up the intensity of their emotion and commitment.

To some, the relationship means nothing.  The excitement, emotion and thrill are gone.  They will intentionally never give or receive a gesture of love on Valentine or any other day...  Soon a friend asks; "How's that relationship going?"   To hear the answer; "It's gone."

Throughout the Bible and centuries, it has been the same for God's people. We "fall in and out" of Love with Him, often being unfaithful.

God told Hosea in the Bible to marry a woman that would be unfaithful.  The amazing thing is not that Hosea obeyed but that he did come to love her!  "How could you love someone who is continually unfaithful?  It seems impossible and crazy."  The correct question is "How could a Holy God, love and forgive a people that were always unfaithful to Him?"

Hosea's wife finally left and while he looked and looked for her (as God often looks for you and I), he found her. She had ended up at the slave table.  "Stop. Leave her alone!  That is my wife I shouldn't have to buy her but...How much does she cost?"   Oh God, is that what you did for me? While we were unfaithful and breaking your heart breaking our relationship. We ended up on the Devil's slave table and you paid a great price.

God says in Chapter two; "And it shall be in that day, That you will call me my Husband and no longer call me my master."   At the end of Hosea; "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely......."


A man from the crowd yelled:  "Hey Jesus, What's the greatest commandment?"  "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all soul, with all your mind and with all your strength."

Let today be the day you decide to commit to following and loving Christ!  

Remember GOD IS LOVE!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Little Women

One day we pulled out the VHS of "Little Women" and watched one more time.  What a family, Mom and sisters, and then of course they were complete when dad came home from the war. 

I would not have wanted to live during that age but because they lacked the modern conveniences they did not lack imagination.  Women of that day were serving under submission and taboo. Because of a few like Josephine and The author of the story; the plight of  women and people in general were improved and advanced because of their "gumption."  One out of the family was willing to break loose (sneakingly encouraged by her mothers affirmations). While the other would have been satisfied with the status quo.

So what's our problem.  We need more Josephine' we need you and I to step up and change a few paradigms as long as they are not contrary to God.   Lives will remain under siege by  the comments of "You'll never amount to anything", or "in this economy it's impossible."

Josephine's  face showed anger or sadness even disbelief when someone talked of "second class" women.  That kind of talk inspired her to be and do whatever she could, as in author a book.  What is your passion for 2025?

You can learn from the stories of and from many a man, but you can also learn a thing or two from "Little Women."     -Tim

What were you thinking?!?

Back in the day, my parents and teachers would ask;  "What were you thinking"?!?  Often times we will act in the heat of the moment, not thinking. The ideal is to think beforehand, living by principle and not reaction to an abrupt question, temptation or circumstance.  When we live intentional and on principles we have many battles won before they happen. For the most part we can make wiser decisions. Bible says to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

We are human after all. There are some methods and ideas to help us think correctly more often:
  1. Read biographies about people that made good choices.
  2. Read a good book on ethics and value.
  3. Read the Bible-Proverbs, Acts, John, for starters.
  4. Pray for wisdom
  5. Live for others.
  6. Stop, think, then talk.
  7. Have GOOD friends.
  8. Be a GOOD friend.
  9. Think with a proper (I'd say Biblical) worldview.
  10. Be a listener.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

See If I Care!

  Go ahead, walk on by like you don't see him hurting here.  See if I care!
  You see their house blown away on the news. Go ahead go to the fridge during the commercial.  See if I care!

  You don't go see/call them on the Holidays. See if I care!
  You didn't bring any food for your church community thanksgiving dinner.  See if I care!

 You wouldn't vote. See if I care!
 You weren't heartbroken about the school shooting.  See if I care.

  Three thousand churches die every year, and you go occasionally.  See if I care!
  You're lying there trying to breathe in a hospital room, dying yourself... See if I care!

                                                                                   Yours always.
                                                                                                                         Satan   a.k.a. De Devil

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Casual Christianity

  In the face of economy and persecution, first century Christianity was led, empowered and compelled, by the Holy Spirit.

The preaching of the Cross and heart transformation resulted in life transformation, as they sang on their way to the lions' mouths and being torn asunder.

  There were those people mentioned in God's Word, that weren't perfect and often failed or slipped up, followed by repenting, then returning to the journey they were called to. This gives me hope!

Many of today's believers appear to be not so committed or connected with Christ and power.  There is hope, there is also much to be shared and accomplished for the cause of Christ.  This includes the souls that are lost, plus those that are physically and spiritually hungry. I would suppose they will have to wait until we get over our buzz, laziness and church hurt.  
They and I must stand on the word of God and power of His Spirit. We in unity, caring not only for our own interests but also the interests of others.  If not us who? If not now when? The truth is Casual Christians soon become casualties!

There is love.  There is mercy.  There is also duty. What if we all just didn't feel like it?  Didn't feel called?  I'm glad the others before me had the love and fortitude, while in their mess, told me about the good news of faith in the Cross and blood of Christ!

Look into Ephesians, Acts, Thessalonians.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


 2025! Did you start over?  Begin something new?  Working to accomplish past dreams and plans?
The idea now, before this month/year (or time in general) slips away, is to evaluate and see if our effort and direction, is at the proper level to accomplish the goal/plan/mission heading into the rest of 2025.

Being empowered by the Holy Spirit, plan your work and work the plan.   Whether you are a Pastor, Salesperson, Writer, Farming, Athlete, Housewife, Drive a Tractor Trailer, Entrepreneur or Volunteer, you must be focused and intentional.  Remember if you shoot an arrow just anywhere, it will land just anywhere! Fire without aiming a rifle in competition, you'll miss the target every time.

It will require:
*Casting your God given vision with others
*Identifying the tasks required for accomplishing the mission

We live in light of eternity but remember time waits for no one.  The others around you need you to seek Gods: purpose, power and provision. Their soul and Spiritual growth and prosperity may depend on it. Let's be a part of what God is doing.

Check out Philippians 3:12-14.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Called and Sent

Jesus, while walking and teaching,  went around saying:  "Follow Me."   Later He went to a mountain and prayed,  followed by, choosing the twelve disciples. 

He chose men like: loud Peter.   Matthew, already unpopular as a governmental person, that ripped off the people.  Thomas is now known as a doubter.  We all know Judas betrayed Jesus.  Look around the room during your Bible study or those in your small group or maybe down the pew. You will see God chooses a variety of Human beings to call and send.

He soon sent these guys off to share the good news and heal the sick.  It seems to me,  that was a well rounded ministry.  They returned with good reports.

While fasting and praying, in the Book of Acts. The Holy Spirit called out Paul and Barnabas, and then the church sent them on their way.

We can doubt it or question God's decision, but God calls you and empowers us, for connection with God, others in the Church, and to do service in the community.

Monday, January 27, 2025


  The seasons of course come and go.  I have my favorite two, Spring and Summer.  The Fall season is a time of new shades of green, yellow and red.  For me though it is the introduction of a cold, windy, winter season of course that includes ice and snow.  I ask for Springtime and the warmer temperatures that give me the encouragement that Summer will soon be here.

  Life... (in case you were wondering where I was going with all of that).  Life also has its "seasons" that are more enjoyable and desirable. Some "seasons" I would rather not arrive.  They will arrive, and as in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall we must be prepared mentally, physically and spiritually. Great times are ahead for many, depression for others, employment and unemployment, a birth maybe a death. It is not if trials will come but when.

  Along with the weather seasons come years of maturity and age. Hopefully that is the case with the seasons of life.  I find time spent with some others will be a great help for the both of us as we can carry or encourage one another.

 Let me suggest not to go through the "winter" times of this world alone and make sure someone else doesn't as well.
  I find all this possible from the overflow of my relationship with God.  There is no time right now to debate theology. One thing I know that "seasons" of good times as well as bad times are certain.  Bible says "Let your request be made known to God (prayer) and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Meet God in whatever season you find yourself.

Thursday, January 23, 2025


Churches, businesses and lives, are born and with great expectations.  Imagination and vision run wild, followed by prayer and plans being drawn.   Pastors, parents,  proprietors and property managers as well as the public,  invest in the future of these endeavors, with their success in mind.

The wheels of the mind begin to roll, action get's traction, people are attending Church, kids are on the way to school or there is a line at your cash register.

Due to poor choices, weather, even government policies, business is soft, churches are dying, Families are breaking up.

Yours and the above scenario are not hopeless.  It isn't over.  While watching the evening news, after a flood, fire or tornado you see people that have every reason to collapse and call it quits or to be swallowed up by depression.  More often than not, when you hear the victim interviewed, they say: "By the grace of God. We will rebuild!"
Headed into 2025...

Look into the Book of Nehemiah in the Bible.  It will inspire you.  The wall and gates have been destroyed. God's people are vulnerable. On occasion they have been looted etc. One man described the situation as; "in great distress and reproach."

The man Nehemiah walks onto the scene. A person of dreams, vision and action! His thought is not to create a new development, but to REBUILD!

I'll shut up and let you listen to what the people of the city said:  "LET US RISE UP AND BUILD."
Then they set their minds and hands to this good work!

I think with the grace and power of God, as we share the good news of:  Peace and an eternity spent with God through faith in Christ, we can build.  Let us begin rebuilding our dreams and families, cities, churches and homes, even the next generations future.  Let us set our hand to do this good work.

Friday, January 17, 2025

I've got a mission

Queen Esther of the Old Testament  chose to come to the aid of her people. Her uncle said that she may have been "born for such a time as this".

Jesus went out early before Sunrise and prayed. They found Him, saying: "Everyone is looking for you." They may have supposed that their ministry would be in that city.  Jesus said, "No, let's move on and preach in other towns. For this reason I have come."

You and I have reasons and callings, being sent to the lives of others.  He sends us.  Jesus said: "Go into all the world." Sharing the good news of His life, death, and resurrection! I believe He desires us to go across the street and across the globe.

We have been reconciled and given the ministry of reconciliation.  Are we doing His will?
My new mission statement is:
  "To connect people; with Christ, His Church and the Community."  Amen.


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