Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Can you imagine telling your significant other you love them but you never have time...(no you never make time) to speak to them, and they are very aware of it.  How much more, concerning our quality time with God.  This is to be our most important love relationship, yet often times by many, He is ignored or placed on a check list so as not to forget.

Many of you view prayer as a vivid part of our relationship with God to you it seems to be a no brainer.  To the rest that call themselves Christian (75%+ Americans say they are Christian) never spend time with God resulting in no worship or lifestyle lived in Spirit and Truth!

Most reading this, live by John 15:1-11.  There is great joy and peace as you walk in relationship, friendship and love with God.  You know what it is to walk through your day hand in hand with God in an attitude of prayer. While others wait 'til bedtime and then fall asleep in 30 seconds.

To save you time allow me to do it this way:
  • There are hindrances to prayer; materialism, culture and even good things.
  • Prayer consists of; 1.Praise, thanksgiving, and worship. 2.Confession and repentance. 3.Asking. 4.Intercession. 5.Meditation
  1. Prayer is essential to our revival and awakening!
  2. Prayer is an essential piece of your arsenal
  3. Prayer is crucial to putting on the whole armor of God
  4. Prayer is the primary way we exert spiritual authority
  5. Prayer is crucial to our mission/evangelism
2 CHRONICLES 7:14+++++++++++++++++++++++++Psalm 23

Our prayer should be intentional and continual but not out of duty or a religious formality.  Our conversation will be one of overflow of love, partnership and relationship

Jesus occasionally spent all night in prayer. He also prayed alone.  Great ministry followed these times of fellowship with His Father.  As we often say, if Jesus saw the importance of a prayerful lifestyle how much more for you and I.  What a great example!

Let us always be on speaking terms with the God we Love.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

No Substitutes


While reading in First Kings we read about King Rehoboam.  The King of Egypt came and stole the gold articles, shields etc.  Rehoboam substituted the golden pieces, Solomon had made, with bronze.

You and I often sadly substitute an inadequate item for what God had intended for us.

We substitute
The Brass of Activity for the Gold of Sincerity.
                       The Brass of reading a good book for the Gold of The Good Book.
                       The Brass of Personality for the Gold of God's Power.
                       The Brass of Preference for the Gold of Principle.
                       The Brass of temp
oral for the Gold of Eternal.

Let's not be busy doing the work of the Lord and forget the Lord of the Work!


Monday, January 13, 2025

The Ins and Outs of Christian Development.

                                    EFFORT GOES INTO GOOD THINGS COMING OUT

Words like; endeavor, long-suffering, bearing, yoke, indicate effort and maintenance.  They come along side words like; grace, love, faith, hope etc.

Being a Christian is a result of Godly sorrow, choosing to cross over from trusting myself to trusting in the work of Christ's death and resurrection in order to spend eternity with God.

When we are weak, He is strong. As I work at Prayer and meditating on His Word, I know His commandments are not a burden and my efforts are a labor of love, out of my relationship with Him.

The true believer relies on the grace of God as we walk by faith and not sight. That believer also desires the pure milk of the Word to grow by it. We intentionally take time and energy to be in quiet (sometimes loud) moments with God. We enter that prayer closet being still before God, followed by going out and living out loud.

While many are immature, demanding their way and agenda...there comes times in our spiritual growth (though we never arrive) we are then faithful, mature, unselfish, follower/leader, resilient and a team player in the body of Christ.

No matter the time as a christian,  spiritual maturity can be described by how much of God's Word has been converted into lifestyle.  We often talk the talk but do we walk the walk?

The leadership of organizations as well as churches must then slow the progress in order to put out unnecessary fires. Instead of discipleship the spiritual toddler turns it into a tug of war of preferences and demands.

Enabling instead of equipping, results in an unhealthiness that not only dwarfed the immature believer but the rest of the body of believers,

Let me encourage us all to be teachable, humble, loving God and loving others.

Read the letter to the Ephesians and Philippians.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Church Matters

I usually wait until I arrive home after church to talk about it.  I'm talking about it today on the internet!

Many say the church began on the day of Pentecost.  Initiated by the arrival of the Holy Spirit on believers accompanied by thousands of souls being added by the Lord to the Church.

Hey Three ideas:
               1. Who is the Church?
We know it is not the bricks and steeple.  (though I'll continue to call the building a church).
Rather it is those who have believed and placed their faith in the Son of God!
                2.  We have a Mission!
Jesus said:  "Go there fore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, of the Holy Spirit.  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you."
                3.   We have a destiny.
Peter wrote: "To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled and that fades not away, reserved in heaven for YOU."

Colossians 1:18 says "He is the head of the body, the Church."

Are you a part of that Church?

Thursday, January 9, 2025

You can't get there from Here.

Where are we headed? What's the "destination?"  What's our plan? What adjustments will we have to make? If we want to receive, or be in education, business or sport, what classes or creativity will we have to acquire now, to get there?  If you and I have a mission we will have to consider the smaller tasks to arrive at completion.  
  1. Pray.
  2. develop a core group.
  3. set a time table and plan
  4. inform public.
  5. Pray.
Starting a business would have related plans, as in; permits, payroll and performers and prayer.

Desiring numerical and Spiritual growth in your church would require; group prayer, Bible studies and community engagement. Wanting more money in the bank at the end of the year, would require a weekly or monthly deposit. When we made our New Year resolutions we decided to remember and commit to intentionally, performing  minute tasks to achieve the grander objective.

When distracted from approaching the goal, remember to stay at the ready with wisdom and discernment, in time to make the proper adjustments.   PLAN YOUR WORK AND WORK YOUR PLAN! Have a great year and let's go through it together.

Proverbs 3:5,6.

Sunday, January 5, 2025


I know you have heard the saying: "Money can by you a house, but it can't buy you a home." or "You may have a king size bed, but it doesn't mean you be able to sleep at night."

That's no way or place to live. A few of the people we often admire, even idolize, live life;  mentally, physically and spiritually in sadness, loneliness and hopeless.  In our nations, cities, and families  we see those that are merely existing.  Paul the Apostle wrote to the readers in Ephesus informing them they were at one time lost, without God, without hope.  It's a dead, undesirable hellish place to be.


 We would love to live in a penthouse or a large flat or apartment in downtown Chicago or New York. We become thirsty when we see the mansion by the beach. We see the: "Great places to retire" stories on the internet. I worry about those that live on a mountain side in fear of mudslides.  I personally do not want to live that way.

Whatever your career path or economics or education, ask yourself where do I live?  Do my neighbors live in a different place than I do?


Three great places to live:  In Faith.
                                              In Hope.
                                              In Love.

Faith:  In Christ
Hope: because of Christ
Love:  Moved by His Love

Paul was speaking to a group and said: " For in God we live, move and have our being."

"For by grace you have been saved, through faith, and not of yourself it is the gift from God. Not of works lest anyone should boast."

Peter said that we have been called to a lively hope! Paul told us that we do not grieve as those without hope.

"There are three things that remain-Faith, hope and love- and the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13

Those are three great places to live!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Same old, Same old

Ask someone how they are doing and the answer to your; "How's life?" question is; "Same old thing." When I say "Happy New Year" I truly desire you to have one.  The goal is not just to merely have another year but one that is bringing glory to God as we make an impact in the lives and events around us.

Living intentionally and focused in the name of Christ is to insure those around you will hear the good news of Jesus Christ and see the great love He has for those in your circle of life!

Feeling lonely during this time?  Make and be a friend. The body of Christ is to be a loving community.  Be a blessed addition to it. 
I have to be aware of having a "what have you done for me lately?" attitude. Maybe no one shares your passion at church?  Start a ministry outside of the building of your own. (it only takes a spark).

Begin to read the Word for familiarity but most obvious, for your heart/life transformation.
 Let's always pray and not give up.  Draw close to God and He will draw close to you.

It's time the Christian said so...We have a great message to share.  I often hear; "Give a sermon and use words when necessary." I get what they mean but there has to must be a balance of deeds and words to share the truth and love of the gospel.

We believers have to agree in this new year, it cannot be business as usual! We are to grow up walking in the Spirit. We can have a new answer other than; "Same old thing."

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, thinking and speaking on things above.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

BE RICH ! (On little or no money).

"It's a Wonderful Life" the movie with Jimmy Stewart showed us how to be rich with little or no money.
For many the indicator of success is the amount in the bank account. Even George Bailey, after his angel Clarence told him they didn't have money in Heaven replied: "It comes in pretty handy down here bub."
     Three short ideas, though there could be quite a list on how to be truly rich.

1.  Friends--We cannot and should not try to go it completely alone. God said that it was not good for man to be alone.  Beyond spouse or significant other the importance of friends cannot be measured.  God is a relational God and we, being made in His image desire relationships and community as well.  It is important to remember as we look for friends, that we become a friend.  A true rich person is one who also adds value to the circle of life God has placed us in.  It will require patience, love, listening and input as well, to have a well rounded life of pure wealth when we all do life together.

               "To George Bailey. The richest man in town." ( enough about George).

2.  Passion--We can be challenged to live life in prosperity or poverty with passion.  Passion adds steam for direction and purpose. A life lived with passion is an abundant life. With a lively desire to be what we are to be, wherever God has planted us.  One picture of passion is when a mother fights a would be kidnapper from her child. A prosperous passion is one that again, is directed for the good of others, and strives and thrives when our hearts are touched by and moved forward to help those in pain.

3.  God---- We can have a million dollars $$$ and that's all we'll have.  But if all you have is GOD, God is all you need. Remember Jesus said: "I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly." He wasn't speaking about finances or position but a true Biblical relationship with God through faith in Him.  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Roman church and us today: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," that's priceless! Only Jesus was enough to pay for that.

                    We might be living the financial dream or financial nightmare, but if you are a believer and follower of Christ, sin forgiven, the Bible states:
  And if His children, then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ: if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Three Concrete Steps

The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem"  did not wait for an announcement on Face book or church stage.  They witnessed on the job or considered their lifestyle a ministry to the circle of life God had planted them in.   The church came together to pray, hear the Word, even eat a meal or two.

    In our Christian walk or ministries we can become cold and indifferent (of whom I am chief).

We find we are cold and indifferent, even leaving our relationship and disciplines behind.  Where did you stop.  Prayer? Begin to pray.   Bible reading/study? go back and start there, Worship? Go back, draw near to God, He will draw near to you.

We find we have been going through the motions.  Keep on truckin',  keep reading, etc. praying for God's grace, forgiveness and Holy Spirit love and empowerment.

Whether it's a single worshipper or a local body of believers called a church. (It doesn't matter the size of a church).  What is required is effort, investing time etc. We are to grow Spiritually and that doesn't happen willy nilly (by accident). we draw close to God, He will draw close to us.

When you find yourself in the muddy clay of the steep path of life, you need concrete steps; 

  • Intentionality  I believe God desires us to walk with Him on purpose.  This is not legalism. Try that legalism talk when you tell your spouse or person you're dating or friend; "Whatever." or "I might make it, I don't want to be bogged down with a lot of rules."  Pray on purpose, read/study His Word on purpose and consistently.  Be prepared for the love and grace of God to shine in your intentionality and provide Divine direction.  God sees your love when you act intentionally!
  • Faithfulness  Throughout God's Word He calls for faithfulness.  The list is long that contain Biblical examples of faithful men and women as in Hebrews 11.  You might not hear or learn anything new every time you are at church or in a Bible study etc.  The cool thing is when someone sees you, in your mess, show up.  Many people like you have been a great picture of God's faithfulness. Faithful Available Teachable.
  • Communication  God calls us to prayer.  The book of Psalm is filled with conversations with God.  This walk is a relationship not a world religion.  Relationship requires communicating. How often I go to Him with my Santa Clause list.  You know it yourself, when we spend that  time with God; meditating, praising, interceding for others, while listening for that Divine direction, there is life!  Talking with other believers, even non believers will again require, intentionality and faithfulness.  You will be making a great impact on the lives of others.
Luke 18:1 and the letter to the Philippians!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

An East Chicago Christmas.

rocking' in a chair, watchin' Christmas arrive on t.v.
Rin tin tin and Lassie
A ton of icicles on the green tree.

Concrete everywhere from the barber to the corner store
Apartments and houses, stairs up to a second floor?
Kids down the street galore.

Comin' home from school on a street of unknown danger.
Can't talk with a stranger.
Home for Christmas vacation with a lunch box showin' the Lone Ranger.

Tonight there'll be popcorn and fudge, counting gifts under the tree.
Wonderin' how many for me.
And fallin' asleep, watchin' Christmas arrive on t.v.

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Three Concrete Steps

The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem"  did not wait for an announcement on Face book o...