Sunday, September 22, 2024

No Parking!


We used to see a car parked in a downtown area with ten to fifteen parking tickets under the windshield wiper. The car has been sitting there for a long time, maybe abandoned.

   Your spiritual life can be seen the same way. God knows we will be sad, depressed and feel like quitting; your job, church, and life, but He doesn't want you to park there.

   Strong worry and fear will paralyze us, where God's peace will mobilize us. It's only obvious that the Lord desires we move along and pray and read His Word.

   Life is like a garden, even our relationship with God must be maintained. To get anywhere our life must be on the move as you live life and not allow life to live you.

   Spiritual maturity is not that you never fail or get down emotionally or spiritually, but how soon we recover. repent, and rejuvenate. 

  Check out Philippians 4:6-8.  It says, No Parking!


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Tear Down Those Walls!

   When it comes to the walls of Jericho in the book of Joshua, it appeared to be impossible to penetrate or even climb.  That's what walls are for, not to allow anyone in.

 You can hear them say; "It's going to take a huge tree to ram that wall."  But ramming the wall was not part of the plan. 


   Nothing new there.  Our plans are often different than God's plan and to us His plan doesn't make sense.

   That's how you know when the walls come down, it was all God and not us. How prideful I would be if I did all the work, and the obstacle came crumbling down.

   The battles we fight and the walls hindering us are not made of bricks.  This is a Spiritual warfare, and our plans and weapons are not carnal but God!

   We have built a few walls ourselves in order to keep others even God out. This is the day to knock down those walls, whether we or the enemy has built them.



Be in the Word, memorize and apply it.

Worshiping God. Joshua said, "Shout! for the Lord has given you the city!" Before any bricks begin to move.

   Some said, "I'm not shouting until I see the wall fall."  They missed out on the worship and unity they could have known with the others. Let's not miss out.

   Tear down those walls and allow God and His people in, and Shout for the battle is the Lords.'

      Checkout Joshua 6, and 2 Corinthians 10!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


   The Christian is in a spiritual warfare.  The enemy is not people, and the weapons are not missiles and rocket launchers.  

   Since the fall of man, it has been an internal conflict. Old Satan loses in the end, so the believer must fight with the knowledge of through faith in Christ we win. 

   The Bible says the follower of Christ is seated in Heaven as we speak. HOW? In Christ, who is seated there.  But the ultimate terrorist, The devil himself. with his army of sneaky demons, is harassing and fighting guerilla warfare in the spirit arena, and in the minds of people everywhere.

                 WE WILL NOT NEGOTIATE

   As in every battle there are casualties.  The partner disciples are to come along side and help the other. No one left behind!

   We do not look the other way or put our head in the sand and ignore the bad guy who is trying to destroy the glory God gets, as well as our influence in the community.  


   We will fight the enemy by going into the neighborhoods with the good news of Jesus Christ, in the power of Gods Spirit and the Word of God. This is not defending but proclaiming:


Sunday, April 28, 2024

How Do You Eat an Elephant?!?


This will be a helpful word to those that follow us.

Many goals are quite often out of reach, as we look to be a vice president of Sales in six months, and we are a ground floor beginner.  Many in churches want to immediately be an elder or deacon or teacher before they receive any knowledge or spiritual maturity.

We plan to far out of reach, and we soon quit. We plan for quick results, and we burn out and quit when we don't meet our new expectations.

Without a doubt we must have a vision for where we are headed. While we seek divine help, we can also take intentional calculated steps. 

As followers of Christ, it will take:
  1. Prayer
  2. Purpose
  3. Planning
  4. Power
We desire to plan our work and work our plan, (easier said than done.)  It all will not come over night.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Same Page and the Same Message.

The church has the message for the hour.  It is a message of faith, hope and love.  The church desires the story (and it is more than a mere story) be told.

Whether it is face to face or online, the vision and mission of the church is to make disciples.  Those that work as greeters, hospitality and teachers go the second mile to see to it that, love and learning are to the maximum, while ensuring the distractions are at a minimum.

 I personally envision for the church a new energy and purpose.  The why we do what we do, being the souls and wellbeing of men, women, boys and girls.

We are usually surprised if someone is casual or cavalier, when it comes to participating in ministry, not taking it seriously. The prayer is for co-laborers, and unity among us. All churches seek to move believers on to their next step and encourage involvement in and out of the church building.

We know it is an awesome responsibility and privilege to serve and lead the people in discipleship to our Lord and savior.

The Pastors and congregation are not the main thing though. Rather it is God, and for us to know Him and make Him known. 

May the Church be a light on every street and neighborhood God has planted us! -Tim

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Schools at all levels issue KNOWLEDGE and information.  We can never get enough knowledge.  Our goal is not to be illiterate or in the dark about important facts and numbers.
Churches that are Bible believing, desire that all that enter their doors receive a Bible education.  They will teach Chapter and verse.  The Apostle Paul often said, "I would not have you ignorant."  Many churches, encourage scripture memorizing and meditation.


The important point to remember in regard to our school math and history lesson and Church scripture memorizing is the APPLICATION. What do you/I do with it? We are not to be hearers of the Word only but doers as well.  Knowledge is useless if we do not apply it or acquire wisdom to worship God, and use it for others and eternity.

People in New Testament times knew the Old Testament well but crucified the one it speaks about.  They know the Book but didn't know the author.

Knowledge and doing, will not earn an eternity spent with God. But while in our daily walk at work, home and play we need to; do/ live out, what we know. It is the sign of maturity that we walk with the balance of knowledge and application/wisdom.  It was Jesus who taught the crowd a principle and said, "Go and do likewise."

Obviously if we walk without that balance, we stumble and disrupt not only ourselves but the lives of others!

Walk with balance!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Comforting in the Uncomfortable

When many Christians say they are living "in the zone." Yeah, they mean the comfort zone.  Leaning back in the recliner or asleep in the rocking chair, while the rest of the world is on their way to Hell or at least to bed, cold and hungry, some by no fault of their own.

There are those that love to minister at the church house (and they should). The body of Christ is not yet in heaven or eternity, and there are issues and circumstances the believer goes through in the here and now.  In the building or on the phone, even face to face, we are to pray for one another, carry each other's burdens, even be the answer to the prayers of others. etc.

Though church is messy, takin' it to the streets is also uncomfortable.  While headed across the auditorium to sister Smith we should remember Mr. Johnson, living down the street, or across the globe, is broke mentally, physically and spiritually.

We look out of the window of our comfort zone and also see people rich, well fed, driving fast cars and on phones while headed into an eternity of torment and without God.  What can we do ?!?

1.  Pray- "God give us a burden, a broken heart for the souls of men and women, boys and girls!"

2. Get in the Word.  See in the Book of Acts the actions of the Holy Spirit and Apostles.  Not any indication of a Holy comfort zone. We have been given a great commission to make converts and disciples. In God's Word, we will read of the heart of Jesus. We've memorized John 3:16, it's in our head but not in our heart.

3.  Share the Word.  Christians attempt to be undercover.  Plain and simple we also need to speak and not be silent about the gospel of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of the world. The Holy Spirit will provide power and comfort to us all until the time we are absent from the body and present with the Lord!

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our afflictions, so that we may able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the same comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." -2 Cor 1:3,4.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Another Wicked Pitch

It's your biggest game! You have practiced throughout the week. Taking practice swings, investing time at the batting cages.  There are many details involved in swinging the bat at the plate;  The stance or the placement of the feet and proper distribution of weight for balance.  Many spend much time developing a good grip.  Hours off the field invested in weight training to build power and speed in your swing.

Now you step up to the plate, feet dug in, good grip, balanced. The wind up, the pitch... the ball is headed for your shoulder at a high rate of speed, flinching and waiting for the pain from this throw you hear.."Strike!"

Your heart drops and ego deflated hearing the jeers of the opposite team and fans. You had been duped by a deceptive pitch by the cunning wicked pitcher. He's practiced as well. He throws a wicked curve, slider and fast ball just out of reach.


You start off to Worship service and/or Bible study and check it off the list of "things to do."  We casually read our Bible and pray before we fall asleep.  Others religiously/habitually attend church and even teach a class etc.

Be alert and "Keep your eyes on the ball" being focused and intentional.  Praying and watching...because your opponent roams around seeking whom he may devour.  The deceptive pitch is his specialty.  It looks and sounds good but what you thought was just what you needed curved or dropped out of reach and you missed the mark.  We have stood there deceived, tricked by a wicked pitch;  "No one will see," "You won't get caught,"  "just this once." etc.

Being more than a game, many a life has been ruined, testimony damaged, families torn apart.  We know we will fall for the deception occasionally, yet not wanting to fall into a lifestyle of "swing and a miss." Let's walk in Spirit and TRUTH.

                                                             Luke 15:11-32

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Rounding the Turn!


Thinking about being filled, whether it is The Indianapolis 500, Kentucky Derby, Rounding third base, Olympic 1500 meters, or NASCAR...

 the most exciting part of a race, is as they are rounding the last turn. The announcer gets louder, and the crowd stands to their feet as they round the last turn.

When they round the last turn, it's usually where someone falls but gets up again to finish, maybe the car, horse or human, comes from behind with that last "Kick" of energy to win the race and more!  History has been made many times, as they come around the turn.

Most of the time a thrilling finish is the result of preparation long before the race ever begins. Life is a journey it's even a race against disabilities/handicaps, reputation, failures, low esteem.
 Sadly, some participants never leave the locker room.  

Envision rounding the turn! Prepare for it now.  That might include prayer, reading, taking a class, even starting slow to pacing yourself up to speed in whatever endeavor.  That old saying of; "Plan your work and work that plan!" applies here.

I have to remember; it's not always how we start today's race. It's about when we round that turn to accomplishing a task, mission or God's plan... We then decide to leave it all on the track, office, keyboard, kitchen, garage, or pulpit.  While rounding that last turn a great cloud of witnesses are shouting: "Here they come!"  People in your circle of life, are watching and many need you to win.

Bible says something like; "Let us run the race set before us!" 
 So, remain faithful to your calling, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and on that eternal prize.


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