Wednesday, March 5, 2025


  Christ follower Paul is in the middle of a storm, on a ship headed for Rome, where the Apostle Paul is to stand trial for causing riots and turning the world upside down for merely speaking and teaching that; "You can spend eternity with God when you believe it is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone."

  He told the sailors not to set sail but who's going to listen to a preacher on the way to court?  
   Later Paul says, "Keep up your courage, don't be afraid."  DON'T BE AFRAID?!?  Paul, perhaps you didn't read there in acts 27: verse 20.  (Of course not. He was busy living it).  "Now when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest beat on us, all hope that we would be saved was finally given up."  That was written by Luke.

  Ever been there, in a hopeless situation?  It seems there is no way out. Ol' Devil says "You aint comin' out of this one!"  Maybe you are there now, (living it).  Dr. report comes back, and he wants to see you A.S.A.P. refrigerator goes out, there's divorce court or the grave site. You might be handed a hard time because you are a follower/believer in Christ.

  Paul shouted, "I have faith in God, that it will happen just as He told me!" Good or bad, God is in control.  God knows the big picture.  You and I see one float at a time, while God sees the whole parade.  In Pauls' storm and yours, you'll get to see the Power, Provision and Purpose of God.  The Lord had told Paul he was going to Rome.

  Rome was God's plan and vision for Paul.  I'm sure it was not the mission trip he would have planned, but on the other side of the storm we discover the purpose and character of God.  The message Paul gave while in court and Roman prison is still today, causing a riot and turning the world upside down.

  We have had storms. Keep trusting God.  In a hopeless situation- that seems easier said than done.  That is why I have to trust His promises and not my emotions.  God has a direction for you to go.  Across the world or across the street.  He wants us to go and make disciples.

Bed of ease or fiery seas; Let us simply, intentionally and with courage and compassion enter our community; and Worship God, connect with His Word, and serve others. Living by faith and not by sight!

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