Wednesday, December 18, 2024

BE RICH ! (On little or no money).

"It's a Wonderful Life" the movie with Jimmy Stewart showed us how to be rich with little or no money.
For many the indicator of success is the amount in the bank account. Even George Bailey, after his angel Clarence told him they didn't have money in Heaven replied: "It comes in pretty handy down here bub."
     Three short ideas, though there could be quite a list on how to be truly rich.

1.  Friends--We cannot and should not try to go it completely alone. God said that it was not good for man to be alone.  Beyond spouse or significant other the importance of friends cannot be measured.  God is a relational God and we, being made in His image desire relationships and community as well.  It is important to remember as we look for friends, that we become a friend.  A true rich person is one who also adds value to the circle of life God has placed us in.  It will require patience, love, listening and input as well, to have a well rounded life of pure wealth when we all do life together.

               "To George Bailey. The richest man in town." ( enough about George).

2.  Passion--We can be challenged to live life in prosperity or poverty with passion.  Passion adds steam for direction and purpose. A life lived with passion is an abundant life. With a lively desire to be what we are to be, wherever God has planted us.  One picture of passion is when a mother fights a would be kidnapper from her child. A prosperous passion is one that again, is directed for the good of others, and strives and thrives when our hearts are touched by and moved forward to help those in pain.

3.  God---- We can have a million dollars $$$ and that's all we'll have.  But if all you have is GOD, God is all you need. Remember Jesus said: "I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly." He wasn't speaking about finances or position but a true Biblical relationship with God through faith in Him.  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Roman church and us today: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," that's priceless! Only Jesus was enough to pay for that.

                    We might be living the financial dream or financial nightmare, but if you are a believer and follower of Christ, sin forgiven, the Bible states:
  And if His children, then heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ: if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Three Concrete Steps

The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem"  did not wait for an announcement on Face book or church stage.  They witnessed on the job or considered their lifestyle a ministry to the circle of life God had planted them in.   The church came together to pray, hear the Word, even eat a meal or two.

    In our Christian walk or ministries we can become cold and indifferent (of whom I am chief).

We find we are cold and indifferent, even leaving our relationship and disciplines behind.  Where did you stop.  Prayer? Begin to pray.   Bible reading/study? go back and start there, Worship? Go back, draw near to God, He will draw near to you.

We find we have been going through the motions.  Keep on truckin',  keep reading, etc. praying for God's grace, forgiveness and Holy Spirit love and empowerment.

Whether it's a single worshipper or a local body of believers called a church. (It doesn't matter the size of a church).  What is required is effort, investing time etc. We are to grow Spiritually and that doesn't happen willy nilly (by accident). we draw close to God, He will draw close to us.

When you find yourself in the muddy clay of the steep path of life, you need concrete steps; 

  • Intentionality  I believe God desires us to walk with Him on purpose.  This is not legalism. Try that legalism talk when you tell your spouse or person you're dating or friend; "Whatever." or "I might make it, I don't want to be bogged down with a lot of rules."  Pray on purpose, read/study His Word on purpose and consistently.  Be prepared for the love and grace of God to shine in your intentionality and provide Divine direction.  God sees your love when you act intentionally!
  • Faithfulness  Throughout God's Word He calls for faithfulness.  The list is long that contain Biblical examples of faithful men and women as in Hebrews 11.  You might not hear or learn anything new every time you are at church or in a Bible study etc.  The cool thing is when someone sees you, in your mess, show up.  Many people like you have been a great picture of God's faithfulness. Faithful Available Teachable.
  • Communication  God calls us to prayer.  The book of Psalm is filled with conversations with God.  This walk is a relationship not a world religion.  Relationship requires communicating. How often I go to Him with my Santa Clause list.  You know it yourself, when we spend that  time with God; meditating, praising, interceding for others, while listening for that Divine direction, there is life!  Talking with other believers, even non believers will again require, intentionality and faithfulness.  You will be making a great impact on the lives of others.
Luke 18:1 and the letter to the Philippians!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

An East Chicago Christmas.

rocking' in a chair, watchin' Christmas arrive on t.v.
Rin tin tin and Lassie
A ton of icicles on the green tree.

Concrete everywhere from the barber to the corner store
Apartments and houses, stairs up to a second floor?
Kids down the street galore.

Comin' home from school on a street of unknown danger.
Can't talk with a stranger.
Home for Christmas vacation with a lunch box showin' the Lone Ranger.

Tonight there'll be popcorn and fudge, counting gifts under the tree.
Wonderin' how many for me.
And fallin' asleep, watchin' Christmas arrive on t.v.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

A Christmas Carol Scrooge's Transformation

So, This is Christmas?

There seems to be something missing this Christmas.  Oh the stockings are hung with care and cookies are being made for Santa.  There is this disappointing numb emotion that creates in many,  a zombie like feeling this year.

The magic has dissipated into a soon evaporated mist.  Selfishness is under the tree as well a judging eye for an eye, you must apologize to me, vote for me and I'll set you free!  Holier than thou, criminals shouting they are the victims.  Parents want A's for Jr's failing indifferent efforts.  Not only is it black vs. white but also white against white,  black on black.  It is all in color on the flat screen t.v. she beat someone up for on Black Friday!

One segment out of touch, while another is out of reach.  Evil is called good and good evil.  Everyone is quoting the Good Book without knowing the author.  Some sing the anthem as their neighbors are burning the flag.  Masses curse the country while refugees insist on being here.

Not as many battles for Cabbage patch dolls or Tickle me Elmo.  Instead there is a choking polluting cancer called mistrust and hatred.  It would be a Wonderful Life but Potter is selling and we're buying. and we will all soon be in the emotional slums of Pottersville. USA.

That's why true Christmas is only found in Christ.   God sending His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life spent with God.

 Hallelu- jah! Hallelu- jah!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

"I'll Be Home for Christmas."

Army basic training in the 70's was all you hoped and feared it to be.  Christmas came and they sent us home.  Whether you were thrown out of the house and told to go join the military or if you enjoyed a great family growing up, you were homesick and looking forward to new family memories.

While on a day off before the Holiday leave, I was at a USO, where a band played that song: "I'll be home for Christmas." I became very homesick and knew I would go crazy if they had kept us away from family and friends, ham and fudge.

 I can remember as a boy, watching ol' Bob Hope's military Christmas special during the Viet Nam "conflict." It would be hauntingly quiet when someone sang that part: "I'll be home for Christmas."

This Christmas is no different with Sons and daughters, moms and dads, husband or wives, in harms way!  I suppose many a recent letter or phone call ended with "I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams".  Remember those in prayer.

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Three Concrete Steps

The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem"  did not wait for an announcement on Face book o...