Sunday, September 22, 2024

No Parking!


We used to see a car parked in a downtown area with ten to fifteen parking tickets under the windshield wiper. The car has been sitting there for a long time, maybe abandoned.

   Your spiritual life can be seen the same way. God knows we will be sad, depressed and feel like quitting; your job, church, and life, but He doesn't want you to park there.

   Strong worry and fear will paralyze us, where God's peace will mobilize us. It's only obvious that the Lord desires we move along and pray and read His Word.

   Life is like a garden, even our relationship with God must be maintained. To get anywhere our life must be on the move as you live life and not allow life to live you.

   Spiritual maturity is not that you never fail or get down emotionally or spiritually, but how soon we recover. repent, and rejuvenate. 

  Check out Philippians 4:6-8.  It says, No Parking!


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