Sunday, September 24, 2023

Religiously Devoted

  Back in the day, it was a compliment if someone said: "You must be religious!" "Yep, we go to the church down the street."  It was good (and still is), to be religious about, a clean house,  reading books, or exercising.

  These days,  many don't want to be called religious. I suppose the reason is, there were those that were boring, ritualistic with no life signs.  Soon the fuel source began to flicker and the church member became a dying ember.

  Whatever the label,  we now desire to be known as the Church, the body of Christ,  Jesus followers, and disciples of Christ.  I agree we do not need any stigma of death, or a lack of "evidence" of life, in the sanctuary, or store front church, not to mention at work, home and leisure time.

  Let's be a Body that is the world but alive to God!  A bunch that loves to worship God with our lips and lifestyle.  We can be known as those that, (unlike the Pharisees) know the Book and the Author as well.

  Perfect?  No. We are like King David. One minute we might be questioning God, and the next, we are proclaiming the faithfulness of God.  

  We ultimately know He came that we might have life and have it abundantly.  Paul said to shine as lights in a dark world.

  We can be committed to showing and telling the community, that we having been justified, & have peace with God, through faith in Christ Jesus, and they can to.

  I am without apology; religious, but this is not world religion, but a relationship with God!

Sunday, September 10, 2023


Twas the night before 9/11 and all through the house, no one even considered the evil that was lurking outside.  It was an uneventful night winding down the day that was like any other.  The neighborhood was quiet.  The building of new homes had ended, waiting for tomorrow.
  The problem of the day was where to eat the next weekend because the options were many.  Restaurants provided the getaway atmosphere from the seaside or tropical rain forest to the  hacienda south of the border.

     Attending college had begun with plans already being made for the flights somewhere for the next holiday. Gas prices were about an outrageous  $1.50 a gallon so you might as well fly and get there sooner.  Locally the children had just started school and no matter the grade level they were well on there way.  This was America after all. Even the President was planning to be in an elementary school on 9/11.

   On the day before 9/11 mega churches were sprouting, but weekly attendance had become another item on the check list, because the weekends were loaded with more entertaining activity. It was great to be alive and we could fit God in somewhere. There would be plenty time for "that" and don't push, after all on 9/10 we said all roads lead to "Him." 

   Church's on 9/12 were full of people praying. The next Sunday the church house was full of those looking for answers, looking for saving.. That also would later level off.

   On 9/10 we were the United States of America, The place to go for peace, safety and citizenship. We were the aircraft carrier that was providing the world with resources and an agenda for the worlds safety and prosperity.

   'Tis the night before 9/11 and things have certainly changed ... Haven't they? The question is are we ready and looking for 9/11 or have we forgotten and returned to business as usual.  (Matthew 24:36).

   Come what may, peace or war, prosperity or poverty, Psalm 33 is true. A portion says: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...."  Through a prayer of  repentance, thankfulness and commitment you can experience peace with God and then the peace of God, come what may.


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