Thursday, November 9, 2023


Those were the days my friend, let me run down the list; Civil rights riots, protests for everything and college sit ins. There were Black Panthers and weathermen SDS (Students for a democratic Society) and the Hells Angels.  We had Martin Luther King Jr., JFK, Billy Graham, Timothy O' Leary, Hugh Hefner, John, Paul, George and Ringo, topped off with a little Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi. Throw in the entertainment provided by The BEATLES, Jimi Hendricks, The Rolling Stones, Andy Williams, Bobby Darin, Aretha Franklin, Bev Shea, Janis Joplin and of course the BEATLES.  T.V. had Lucy, Andy Griffith etc.

Every night the news showed pictures of soldiers fighting. We heard of POW's and hot landing zones.  They called it a Conflict,  some wanted to call it a War. Whatever it was, it was VIET NAM !   Our soldiers were armed with superior firepower. Artillery, tanks, Napalm, Fighter Jets and a bomber called "Puff the magic dragon".  The now famous Huey helicopter of the Calvary transported grunts and jarheads.  Once again the times had a cast of thousands led by JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Nixon,Throw in the entertainment of Bob Hope, Jane Fonda and the draft dodgers. Politicians were the top of the show.

The Viet Cong supposedly won using; tunnels, snipers, booby traps, bouncing Bettys, children , villagers, The Jungle, AK47s and  Chinese weapons.  The young men that were drafted experienced all of it.  Someone's son, after tossing in a grenade, went into the tunnels headfirst with a pistol. You can bet death by booby trap, made from bamboo, some with explosives, made the toughest shake a little when made to walk point.
I'm sure an enemy that remained invisible created a mindset that continued long after the "war" was over.

Kids. I spent the war at pep rallies and the High school library. Before the news came on t.v. from Viet Nam I had played a little street football.  Before going to bed I would listen to my A.M. radio playing "Stop, in the name of love."

By the time I graduated High school, the draft for soldiers was ended. The war was almost over. I volunteered to go into the Army four years after thw war.

Thank you who have gone before me and since.  Thanks to those that prepared to go and those that went. Thanks to those who go and "never return."  Thanks to those that are fighting to protect our nation and the world.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

"Get Off My Bus!!"

Get Off My Bus!”

   Soon after deciding to enlist, the day had arrived. I said goodbye to family and friends.. My Dad took me to the train station where we had small talk and said so long. Later I discovered he had gone home and cried...  It was his Birthday (what was I thinking). I was glad to have made him proud, when I returned from my Basic Training. The plane ride was my first. I believe they had to pry my fingers off the arm of my seat!
   Finally after a few days we were to meet our drill instructors. “There they are!” They looked evil and full of military.
                                                         Get off my bus!!
 "You in the back, get up and have your pack in front of you. Go! Go! Get off my bus!!” Those that had been seated in the front were now outside receiving orders and doing push ups. The screaming and running around moved like controlled recklessness.     “Keep your head and eyes to the front. Choose you a brick on that wall and stare at it. Don't look anywhere else!” The guy in front of me was shaking like a leaf. We could hear those still in the bus being ordered outside and others doing more pushups. “This is the worst excuse for humans I have ever seen!”  
  There were about a hundred cool dudes being transformed into whimpering pups at an animal shelter. Some already wanting to go back home to mom's: “I told you so's.”
   Now, off the bus and seventy pushups later, we knew we should fear these men. I was afraid yet loving it and didn't want to be anywhere else. We were on our way to becoming soldiers!
  It's one thing to enlist and act and talk like a hero with mom and dad. You haven't really moved forward until you get up and “Off the bus.”

   This thing of being a follower of Christ, is more than sitting in church talking a big talk to the other pew fillers. It is you and I getting off the pew/couch/cot and going into the population or post, maybe even the next foxhole and walking the walk.
   Thousands of believers are still “on the bus," having no maturity, still unknowing what to do in spiritual combat. This world needs you to get up and get out and love the unlovable soldier next to you as well as those in the population. You decided to enlist? Now you have to get off the bus and into the purpose and plan of God!

Check out the Word:

"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you."  Matt 28:19,20. 


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Stay the course

I believe God's Word encourages/commands us to remain faithful or stay the course.  With the Bible being our map, we might  have to do more than glance at it. Some of us should ask ourselves are we on the RIGHT course.  Many times we say we are sincere in the direction we are headed. We know we can be sincerely wrong as well. Confession and repentance will change our mind as well as our direction.

If you and I are guided by emotions or culture's behavior, we will soon discover, we have slowly gone off course.  The Word of God, prayer and depending on empowerment from His Holy Spirit is what the true Christian will need in order to navigate the "seas of life."

Truth will lead us where we NEED to go. Truth is not what we always want to hear. Paul writes to Timothy that in the last days we'll desire to hear only what we want to hear, having our ears tickled.

It is no secret that this culture and it's paradigms are headed for the "rocks of life."  The church in general, is joining the convoy as we veer off course away from God and his Truth.

We have been obsessed about painting the cruise ship, swabbing the deck (mopping?) Some are even down below sleeping in our bunks. We have lost sight of the mission and destination, content with floating aimlessly.

18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:18-20

We have been sent (rough waters and all) into all the world with the Gospel. We have chosen rather to dock in safe harbors on every street corner.  We are singing the songs of the sailor while actually being land lovers.  We have counted the cost and we're staying in safe waters. Ships are safer there but are built to handle the stormy seas.

Then there is joy and rest from a job well done.

We have been cruise ships alone for to long. We must also be rescue boats in the fog shouting "come aboard, come aboard!"  We need all hands on deck and full speed ahead.

Let's get the map out and read it. In these uncertain waters, we have to get back to the truth and stay the course!


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Religiously Devoted

  Back in the day, it was a compliment if someone said: "You must be religious!" "Yep, we go to the church down the street."  It was good (and still is), to be religious about, a clean house,  reading books, or exercising.

  These days,  many don't want to be called religious. I suppose the reason is, there were those that were boring, ritualistic with no life signs.  Soon the fuel source began to flicker and the church member became a dying ember.

  Whatever the label,  we now desire to be known as the Church, the body of Christ,  Jesus followers, and disciples of Christ.  I agree we do not need any stigma of death, or a lack of "evidence" of life, in the sanctuary, or store front church, not to mention at work, home and leisure time.

  Let's be a Body that is the world but alive to God!  A bunch that loves to worship God with our lips and lifestyle.  We can be known as those that, (unlike the Pharisees) know the Book and the Author as well.

  Perfect?  No. We are like King David. One minute we might be questioning God, and the next, we are proclaiming the faithfulness of God.  

  We ultimately know He came that we might have life and have it abundantly.  Paul said to shine as lights in a dark world.

  We can be committed to showing and telling the community, that we having been justified, & have peace with God, through faith in Christ Jesus, and they can to.

  I am without apology; religious, but this is not world religion, but a relationship with God!

Sunday, September 10, 2023


Twas the night before 9/11 and all through the house, no one even considered the evil that was lurking outside.  It was an uneventful night winding down the day that was like any other.  The neighborhood was quiet.  The building of new homes had ended, waiting for tomorrow.
  The problem of the day was where to eat the next weekend because the options were many.  Restaurants provided the getaway atmosphere from the seaside or tropical rain forest to the  hacienda south of the border.

     Attending college had begun with plans already being made for the flights somewhere for the next holiday. Gas prices were about an outrageous  $1.50 a gallon so you might as well fly and get there sooner.  Locally the children had just started school and no matter the grade level they were well on there way.  This was America after all. Even the President was planning to be in an elementary school on 9/11.

   On the day before 9/11 mega churches were sprouting, but weekly attendance had become another item on the check list, because the weekends were loaded with more entertaining activity. It was great to be alive and we could fit God in somewhere. There would be plenty time for "that" and don't push, after all on 9/10 we said all roads lead to "Him." 

   Church's on 9/12 were full of people praying. The next Sunday the church house was full of those looking for answers, looking for saving.. That also would later level off.

   On 9/10 we were the United States of America, The place to go for peace, safety and citizenship. We were the aircraft carrier that was providing the world with resources and an agenda for the worlds safety and prosperity.

   'Tis the night before 9/11 and things have certainly changed ... Haven't they? The question is are we ready and looking for 9/11 or have we forgotten and returned to business as usual.  (Matthew 24:36).

   Come what may, peace or war, prosperity or poverty, Psalm 33 is true. A portion says: "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...."  Through a prayer of  repentance, thankfulness and commitment you can experience peace with God and then the peace of God, come what may.


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Power Walking!

I have had the opportunity to speak at some churches.  I "titled" some talks/sermons "Power Walking".  The idea wasn't only in racing but a daily exercise of stepping out in force with an appropriate pace.

The physical act of  power walking is done with intention and purpose.  The end of a walk might be a location or timed challenge that requires more commitment than the occasional daily stroll.

The course may be known or might have its surprising obstacles.  The walk of life may be complete with storm, sadness, loneliness, poverty, lies and important life choices.

Various spots in the Bible gives us good instruction technique of walking correctly to win and help other walkers along their route. Maybe you've read them or heard some of it's coaching :

  1. Walk in TRUTH
  2. Walk in LOVE
  3. Walk in His SPIRIT
  4. Walk by FAITH
  5. Walk HUMBLY
  6. Walk with GOD
  7. Walk in the LIGHT
  8. Walk in WISDOM
  9. Walk in His WAY
  10. Walk with OTHERS
"...Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us".  The Apostle John wrote: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my "children" walk in truth."

If you have trouble in this life and  realize you need eternal saving, run to Jesus!  We  then walk with Him throughout your days.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Are you happy now?

The Chaos, the screams, the shouting, the destruction, the lack of values and valuing property, The demands, garbage, tears, jealousy, lack of empathy. The entitlement, selfishness, inconsideration and inconvenience.

The unawareness, the narcissism, the immaturity, the opinionated, one sided arguments, The pride,  the lack of authority and wisdom.

Saturday, March 18, 2023


From time to time it's always good to conduct a personal "Press conference."  We must ask ourselves good questions because  humanoids tend to, lie to self.  You can fool others, (even ourselves) in justifying what one says, does and thinks. We cannot trick or fool God.  Before we get to out of control, let's be real with ourselves, following that up with good self talk.  We/life will not be perfect, so we go through our journey trusting God day by day and trusting Christ as our only hope for eternity!

Innerview Questions:
  1. What makes you happy?
  2. What depresses you?
  3. What makes you angry?
  4. Who makes you angry?
  5. What motivates you?  Are you procrastinating?
  6. What do you do for others?
  7. Who are your friends?
  8. What do you read?
  9. Where do you go for encouragement?
  10. Why do you follow who/what you follow. Who do you lead?
Life is a journey, that can't be measured  (we don't know the duration), or  be compared to an others  journey.  A great idea as we travel this life;  have our eyes on the vision/dream God has given, see where we are and make adjustments as we ask our honest innerview questions.

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