Monday, December 26, 2022

Wake Up. It's Christmas!

    Some of us spend a lot of time in the wonder of Christmas.  The spirit of it carries us along during dark times. The anticipation of the 25th of December takes us to parties at; work, school, church and home.

   Children have many activities at school and church with plays and concerts. They and their parents enjoy Christmas movies and cartoons.

   This is a season for sure.  We don't look at it as just another day. Christmas to some, last through the Thanksgiving holiday to the New Year celebrations!

   Then comes Christmas morning and the kids are running into the room with all of the gifts only to be restrained by police tape, placed by the parents. The kid or kids run to the parents yelling; "Wake up, Wake up. It's Christmas!"

   The music begins to play and the parents are moved along to "that room." Under parent supervision and issuing the rules, (because the parents know the true reason for the season), paper wrapping begins to fly. There are shouts of "Thank You!" "This is just what I wanted!"


   The opposite happens where the work of it all is the most important reason. Christmas becomes a drudgery and the "spirit" (little s) of it all, weighs down participants and the joy comes when it's time to take Christmas down and put it back in the boxes and tubs and placed in the attic or garage.


   Wake up! It's Christmas!  Plain and simple the true reason for the season is Christ! (Christ Mas get it?). It's all about Him. He is 'God with us'. This is no time to shut down and become secular or focusing just on the lights, dinners and parties.

   Wake up! It's Christmas!  We celebrate the birth of Christ and the divine entrance of God into our world. This baby is Gods' gift to the world.  Have you received that gift? Receive Him as Savior. Have you received that divine joy, peace and love?

   THEN comes the lights, dinners and parties! The 26th of December is not the time to melt down and have The birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus put back in the box or tub and placed in the attic of our minds!

   Wake up! It's Christmas all year round!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

"When you pray..."- Jesus. (not if..)

We wonder why Christians are so anemic and powerless...We don't pray as we should.  Children, teenagers, are not introduced to prayer as a lifestyle.  Resulting in a selfish lifestyle that shorts out like a wire with a break in it.  Jesus instructed us to pray and not quit.  Luke 18:1.

"Pray this way...":  Praying to our father.  Are you a part of the family of God?  (John 3:15-18).  Praying like you know God is in control.  Submitting to His will.  Pray, giving Him the honor and glory not only to receive; bread, milk, and a cool spouse.  Rather the result being God receiving the applause, glory and honor!

Jesus said; while asking, seeking and knocking,  pray like a citizen of His kingdom under His Divine authority and government.  We are to ask for forgiveness- Our spiritual position is much more important than our physical one.

So it's a conversation with God, not a wish list to Santa Clause.   Do not worry He understands;  Swahili, Norwegian, German and Dutch, Spanish, Asian, English. 

You can have confidence in prayer:  Hebrews 4:12-16.
You can have fellowship through prayer.  John 15:1-8.

Paul said for us to be praying always, being watchful (expecting), with all perseverance. That's exciting!

Read: Matthew6:9-13, Psalm 27:7-14.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Alienating and Diverse Opinions

   We proclaim diversity in our relationships.  The little song is true...  "Red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight."

   While the battle of the tribes rage and "starting to be won," while our individual attacks on individuals, by loaded opinion, are getting deadly.  Speaking our mind displays what is in our hearts.  Those that machine gun multiple, or even shot gun harmful opinions,  do much damage, wounding friendly forces.

   Opinions obviously are not bad in themselves.  Attitude or hurtful intent behind the voice, brings the collateral damage.

   Those that dress in plaid, say they wouldn't be caught dead in paisley.  While people wearing paisley wonder what crazy person would wear stripes.  Those that attempt to look appropriate wonder why your weird enough to ever wear that color.  Here comes the person from his apartment looking like he spent the entire day at the hot sandy dunes or river fishing. He offers an opinion on the couple wearing matching polo shirts.

"I hate what you did to your hair."
"Who wears that anymore."
"You need to dress up more."
"Why does he dress up all the time."
"She talks to much."
"I wouldn't be caught dead in that."
"You need to lose weight."
"The church's music is to loud."
"This church is....."
and the beat goes on.

   I couldn't quickly (if at all) build a house.  That would take me years.  I could though, with a sledge hammer or wrecking ball, quickly destroy a house.  Building and investing in a life of someone, teaching and encouraging them would take some time.  Our hateful and spoken opinions can ruin a persons day, hindering positive growth and esteem.  Don't be surprised if they change direction when they see you coming.

    Opinions with a negative agenda are impolite and rude. Voicing a stabbing opinion will also hurt the attempt of a Christian to make disciples and be a witness.

Be kind to everyone. It's not wrong to have an opinion but realize we are all different.  Insure your opinions are biblical ones.

Read the entire book of Proverbs,  Phillipians 2,  Romans 12,13.  It would be helpful to you and me.

But...that's just my opinion.

Friday, May 27, 2022

"What Do These Stones Mean?"

Do you remember the historical writing in the Bible, reporting the Children of Israel crossing the Jordon River on dry ground?  God had told Joshua to have twelve men take stones from the middle and make a monument.  "When your children ask, what do these stones represent? You tell them it's when you crossed over on dry ground because your God pushed it to the side."

I can imagine in my so called mind, many years later after conquering Canaan;  Memorial Day Weekend and the summer vacations at the "Jordan River National Park."   The children would run up to the grandparents or great grandparents, sitting under a shade tree, that had seen or heard about the crossing and ask:  "What do those stones over there mean?"

"They are a monument for us to remember when God dried up that part of the Jordan, and our people walked safely across.  We are here to remember and worship our God!"

I can see an elderly man say:  "Thinking back these stones mean many things to us...."
"Yes sir?"

"These stones mean;  God hears your cries. Like He did, when His people were in slavery."
"These stones mean;  God delivers.  Like he did His people."
"These stones mean; God saves by the Blood.  Like He did His people when they applied the blood."
"These stones mean;  God can trouble those that trouble you. Just as He did, drowning Pharaoh and his army in the sea."
"These stones mean;  God leads you in your wilderness. Like He did our people."
"These stones mean;  God can make a way where there is no way. As He did at the Red Sea and this river."

So now you can remember; God is in control and with God, all things are possible. What do you need today?  deliverance? salvation? trusting God/faith?  Let God meet you where you are. He can move in the miraculous for you, and then He can move in the miraculous through you.  Love God Love Others!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Seasons Change


We see the consistency and authority of God when we see the changing of seasons since time began. Like "clock work" seasons in order, come and go. 

  You and I are guilty of taking changing seasons for granted. Not only seasons but the location of the planets and stars as well. God most likely sits back in amazement that many are not amazed.

  Maybe the reason is, we think the solar system and its' weather revolves around us.  Why, even God died for ME, He even answers MY prayers. We complain when He doesn't answer quick enough.

  Let's not forget it wasn't long after creation, humans given a choice, chose self, and how is that working out for us. They say we're even ruining the events of seasons with climate change.

  I know that in spite of us, God is in control! Anyone with any discernment can see that.  We have many questions but reading His Word, we have many answers. 

 Read throughout the Psalms and you'll find those questions and the answers. The book of Genesis tells the how and why this world is as it is.

  Your personal life goes through seasons. We experience the Fall, Winter, Spring and summer of life.  Emotions that are high and low, Seasons of joy and those of sadness.

  Look to the Seasons once again to see the love and control of God.  See the God that deserves our worship. This is all simple but yes, it's not easy. 

  I  pray that God would open the eyes of your heart, that you might see His love and wisdom. That He might incline forward to the season you might find yourself and divinely meet you there and comfort you.

Check out; 

Genesis 1-11

2 Corinthians 1:3-5

Psalm 37: 1-7


Saturday, April 23, 2022


The small letter to Philemon from the Apostle Paul contains quite a bit of action.  The action is not fist fights and explosions.  The action is of a spiritual direction. The Apostle Paul knew very well the grace of God, at salvation and in his day to day ministry and trials.

Onesimus has maybe stolen from Philemon and runs away.  (He was Philemon's slave).  Philemon had been led to Christ in Ephesus by Paul and transformed returned to Collosee and started a church.
Onesimus had ripped off Philemon and runs to where he can blend in.  Rome.

How many of you know you can run but you cannot hide.  God providently leads him to the Apostle Paul, who is in jail.  Onesimus might have been incarcerated there himself. Maybe from stealing. Paul for merely preaching the Gospel of Christ.

Paul shares the gospel to Onesimus and he is saved and transformed into useful from useless! He becomes strongly involved in Paul's ministry. "What's your story Onesimus?"  He shares his story of how he had stolen from Philemon...  "Philemon?"

"Philemon accepted the gospel when I shared it with him as you did."  Paul sent him back to Philemon with an explanation of how Onesimus  heard by grace and trusted by faith the work of Jesus on the cross.

Read the letter and using your imagination, see also the illustration:

Philemon is God
Onesimus is sinner
Paul is Jesus speaking on our behalf and saying to put the sinners sin to His account.

We know that Jesus paid the price and all to Him we owe.

Oh the Amazing Grace of God!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

But Why?

We initially start the Church, ministry, or even business project with God's; passion, purpose and power.  Long hours and energy spent are no problem we plan the work and work the plan!

There is a vision and mission with tasks assigned to make it happen.  Policy and procedures are developed. For a season progress and momentum spurt and climb.

Soon the priority is all and only about the procedures and policies being followed. It's time to pull our heads out of the sand.

Soon we are distracted by the logistics and control of the church, ministry or even business project.
Work, work, work, nothing wrong with work, unless it takes the place of Holy spirit, God's will and even fun.

When love, interest and passion is leaking out, it will not be the time, to ask how but why.  It's the why you do what you do, that got your wheels turning in the first place.  You may have a God given why or calling.  Strive to keep that why ever in front of you!


  • Souls
  • discipleship
  • love
  • God's will and Glory!
  • Better community

Stay intentional and focused on the God given vision.  The Why!

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