Thursday, April 30, 2015

I Can Do All Things....

                                           He is all you need!                                                          
                                          Go ahead and read 2 Chronicles 20.

Riverdale Wood.

Blue jay watches
like a hawk.
I speak to him
as if he could talk.

Coyote looks tired
he's killed, that's how he wired.

racoon wears a mask
a lone ranger at his task.

Squirrel jumps on his trapeze.
deer leaps logs with ease

All things work together for His good
even out here in Riverdale wood.

Lecrae - Don't Waste Your Life ft. Cam Video (@Lecrae @Reachrecords)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Armor of God!

Notice Paul said to put on the whole (complete, full) armor.  With all of the methods, schemes and scams of our spiritual enemy, you and I can not put on part of it.

We have been given armor for our lives and I believe ministry to believers and our communities God has placed us in.

Sword of the Spirit/Word
Paul also said in another letter to arm yourselves with the mind of Christ.

Now let us go and push back the gates of hell!

Pray without ceasing.

                                                                        Let Us Pray!

So what d'ya think?

If you have gotten any of these books please E-mail me one of theses days.  You can let me know they are effective or lame.  I'll quote you only if  you say they're good.  lol

God is in Control!

In some quiet time I read about Moses.. I pulled out a book and read some there. Both spoke of:

The birth of Moses where you see God is in control
The Calling of Moses where you see God is in control.

Throughout there is God's:  Purpose, Power, Provision!

The Lord is my Shepherd

                                                          Please read the 23rd Psalm today

Monday, April 27, 2015

Student, Parent, Family, Friend:

 While sharing and showing the Good news of Jesus Christ,  seize the moment to pray for wisdom and discernment.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Fish

                                   Ol Devil says: "I'll kill the church and the Gospel".  He only spread it!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wilderness to Green Pastures

Reading in Mark chapter eight and starting at verse one.  There are two words and ideas.

1.  Compassion: to feel sympathy towards someones pain or sorrow.  Jesus said, having compassion, those that had been listening to Him for days now, would be hungry and would faint if sent home.  He desired to feed them.  Believers today,  can show compassion as well.

2.  Wilderness;  They were away from town and all of the fast food spots. they were in a wilderness.  We like to talk mostly about our mountain top experience.  We leave gaps and refuse to share our wilderness times.

God can provide in our times of wilderness, which might consist of ;  doubt, sin, distraction, pride, finances etc. Jesus has compassion on you, where ever you might be.

Will you allow Him to meet you in your wilderness?  You will find Him compassionate.

You might have to change some methods.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Follow Him

You may not be able to go through, you might have to go around.  God leads us to work His good.  Christians walk by faith and not sight.  We don't always know where we are going, but we love the one who is leading.

The Apostle Paul was lead and comforted by the Holy Spirit.  He went where he was sent.  We read that the Holy Spirit stopped him and his team once.  He experienced many trials and hardships. I'm sure he wasn't always happy yet I bet he would not have desired to have been anywhere else.

Pray for discernment and know the truth.  We will then test the spirits and recognize a counterfeit. We will then walk in love and truth as John described.

Let's you and I stop soon/ right now and read Psalm one and twenty-three, followed by prayer.  Watch Him lead you to peace smack dab in the middle of your storm,  maybe even to green pastures and still waters.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Dances, Sports, and Grades!

The seasons have changed.  Spring brings with it warmer temperatures, and many opportunities and experiences.  Following a long Winter, students are sprinting from the blocks and on the run.

Fun and memories galore are birthed during Spring time and semester.  Dances, Track meets, and preparation begins for the ending of  the school year, maybe even graduation.

Love is in the air and boys and girls that merely shared a class, bud into the Summer romance.
Prayer and wisdom is needed here.   Keep the word of God "Between you." lol

Memories that will last a lifetime will happen this Spring.  Make them great ones and use them for life preparation.

Dances, Sports, and grades.  Wow!  I'll be praying with and for each student and parent.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Let Us Pray.

Prayer may consist of :

* Asking

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


The Word of God has:
                                    1. Authority
                                    2. Power
                                    3, Message

Monday, April 6, 2015

Quiet Time with God.

                                                                          Maintain the garden of your life.


If not now, When?
How important, are the present lives and eternity of students to you and I?
I have begun to help by providing for the teen and mentor alike!  These juvenile fictions, quiet time helps, even poems will inspire young and old alike to spiritual growth and community!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Are you in the middle of death and resurrection?
You may not realize your rising is coming
Hope you may have. There is life in the land of the living.
Don't give up. It may just be the beginning.
"Follow me...I am the way, truth and the life."

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Three Concrete Steps

The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem"  did not wait for an announcement on Face book o...