Thursday, March 12, 2015

Faith in God!

I have often been told: "You have to have faith." "Faith?"  "Yeah. Faith."  Knowing they do not believe in God, or a Jesus follower. What "in the world" do they have faith in?  Faith in a broken chair is to have your trust in the wrong place.

Throughout the Bible, you can read of times in history, that God proved faithful.  Throughout the present, we see daily, the faithfulness of God.

Whatever the prayer, it says pray believing.  If you have not already, you can place your faith, trust, belief in Christ and His work and righteousness, to be your only hope to spend eternity with God!

"Being justified we have peace with God through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Paul the Apostle.


  1. Virtue is a matter of heart. Your heart is full. :)

  2. Virtue is a matter of heart. Your heart is full. :)


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