Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I've got a mission

Queen Esther of the Old Testament  chose to come to the aid of her people. Her uncle said that she may have been "born for such a time as this".

Jesus went out early before Sunrise and prayed. They found Him, saying "Everyone is looking for you." They may have supposed that their ministry would be in that city.  Jesus said; no, let's move on and preach in other towns, "For this reason I have come."

You and I have reasons and callings for our lives and to the lives of others, He sends us.  Jesus said: "Go into all the world." Sharing the good news of His life, death for the world, and resurrection!I believe He desires us to go across the street and across the globe.

We have been reconciled, and given the ministry of reconciliation.  Are we being and doing His will?
My new mission statement is:  "To connect people; with Christ, His Church and the Community."


Monday, September 29, 2014

From the book "Thirty one Days to Becoming a Blessing" by Tim Flener

two pages from forty page help and devotional.  Amazon.com

                       DAY SIX

  The Apostle Paul prayed for open doors and the boldness, to go through them.  He could have been satisfied with the way his life was going; at home in his recliner getting his education under Gamaliel, online.  But he had a holy desire to be a blessing and come what may,  he was just that.
  “And why?  Because I do not love you-do not have a preference for you, wish you well and regard your welfare?  God perceives and knows that I do!”  -Paul/ 2 Cor. 11:11. (Amplified) 
  You can read that tenth and eleventh chapter of 2 Corinthians, to investigate what lengths he would go to be a blessing to the people and cities he came in contact with.
  Stop again and begin to talk with God.  Praise Him then ask for an open door and the love and power, and resources,  to enter and speak and act as you are guided to.

                       DAY SEVEN

  Time and again the first four gospels tell us that Jesus had compassion.  He saw people as, sheep without a shepherd.  They might have been, but we who believe, can say;  “The Lord is my shepherd.”
  There are those that wander aimlessly. Many are following the devil and his followers to their destruction. What is worse they do not desire that the Lord, be their shepherd.  The Bible says we are sheep that have gone astray and going our own way.
  That breaks the heart of God and it should ours as well.  If we do have the Holy Spirit of God in ourselves, we should also have compassion on those that appear  to be going places. They are heading to the cliff and soon will need rescuing!
  Do you and I love enough to Share the truth, show the truth, so help us God?
“For Christ's love compels us...”
(Either in a dictionary or on line look for a good definition on the word; Compelled.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Praying for one another.

Today so far, people from the Ukraine, Thailand, Germany, and the U.S. have read  this blog and I'm sure, looked into others,.  I pray for you all. I ask you pray for me!

Nothing is so wide or deep, that it can stop our intercessory prayer from being heard by God.  Be praying and watching!

We salute You!

Red and yellow back and white, Recruit, Veteran, Private, General, Presidents George Washington to Obama. From battles fought in Boston to Afghanistan. A Salute is more than ceremonial !

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Who is my Neighbor?

Depending on where you live, your neighbors can be in the next apartment, the house twelve feet away, or three miles down the road.

It might be the whole city attitude, but those with far away neighbors seem to know names and addresses, and if needed, will go out of their way to help the other.

There are those neighbors that sit and stare out the window all day, but it's "I didn't see anything. "  When asked about the violence today, at the street curb.

Church buildings may be sitting on a beautiful campus, or in the middle of the block. The large steeple rising above the rows and rows of houses.

Some Church groups send money to Africa, but don't acknowledge the African-American families down the street.  They had testimonies last Sunday from the young kids that went on a mission trip to Mexico.  That morning, on the way to worship, they drove by the  Hispanic kids, sitting on the steps of their apartment building.

Try to enter a few churches, of a different race, or style of worship and dress. If looks could kill, you'd be dead at the greeters post.  In these places the only church, is the building!

Good news!  There are those, that know no racial, economic (rich or poor), or educational barriers.  Many  followers of Christ that be of like doctrine, but different appearance and needs, worship together and welcome "Whosoever Will!"  I personally have attended churches, that celebrate; unity of Biblical principles with a diverse congregation. We used to say the U.S. is the melting pot of the world. If that's true, the local body of Christ, can be the melting pot of the community.  That being said, to me it is alright to attend the worship service of  whatever like affinity group you wish, yet ministering to those outside the four walls or rodeo grounds you might worship at.  "Yee Haww!"  I mean; "Praise the Lord!"

Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.”[a] For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
                                                                    Romans 15: 2-6

Sunday, September 21, 2014


 looking at this blog so far today from: U.S. China, Italy, Slovenia, Ukraine, France, Germany, Russia!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Love God Love Others

I f we love God we will love others.  The Apostle Paul said he was compelled by the love of Christ.

Hudson Taylor the missionary to China, was asked "Should loving people be the prerequisite for being a missionary?" "No" he said.  "The main prerequisite to being a missionary is to love God, then the loving of people will come. If you love God,  whether the people hate you and throw tomatoes, or sing your praises,  the missionary will better remain faithful."

"Hey Jesus. What's the greatest commandment?"
"That you love God with all of your heart, mind and soul. The second, is to love your neighbor like you love yourself."

Jesus challenges us to step up our game and said one time ; "Love your enemies! Do good to them! and don't worry if they can't repay you."

For God so loved the word that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

They were told and I believe we were to; "When you have done it to the least of these you have done it to me."

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