Encouragements from Tim to travel life's journey together guided by the light of God's Word!
Friday, May 27, 2022
"What Do These Stones Mean?"
I can imagine in my so called mind, many years later after conquering Canaan; Memorial Day Weekend and the summer vacations at the "Jordan River National Park." The children would run up to the grandparents or great grandparents, sitting under a shade tree, that had seen or heard about the crossing and ask: "What do those stones over there mean?"
"They are a monument for us to remember when God dried up that part of the Jordan, and our people walked safely across. We are here to remember and worship our God!"
I can see an elderly man say: "Thinking back these stones mean many things to us...."
"Yes sir?"
"These stones mean; God hears your cries. Like He did, when His people were in slavery."
"These stones mean; God delivers. Like he did His people."
"These stones mean; God saves by the Blood. Like He did His people when they applied the blood."
"These stones mean; God can trouble those that trouble you. Just as He did, drowning Pharaoh and his army in the sea."
"These stones mean; God leads you in your wilderness. Like He did our people."
"These stones mean; God can make a way where there is no way. As He did at the Red Sea and this river."
So now you can remember; God is in control and with God, all things are possible. What do you need today? deliverance? salvation? trusting God/faith? Let God meet you where you are. He can move in the miraculous for you, and then He can move in the miraculous through you. Love God Love Others!
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Seasons Change
We see the consistency and authority of God when we see the changing of seasons since time began. Like "clock work" seasons in order, come and go.
You and I are guilty of taking changing seasons for granted. Not only seasons but the location of the planets and stars as well. God most likely sits back in amazement that many are not amazed.
Maybe the reason is, we think the solar system and its' weather revolves around us. Why, even God died for ME, He even answers MY prayers. We complain when He doesn't answer quick enough.
Let's not forget it wasn't long after creation, humans given a choice, chose self, and how is that working out for us. They say we're even ruining the events of seasons with climate change.
I know that in spite of us, God is in control! Anyone with any discernment can see that. We have many questions but reading His Word, we have many answers.
Read throughout the Psalms and you'll find those questions and the answers. The book of Genesis tells the how and why this world is as it is.
Your personal life goes through seasons. We experience the Fall, Winter, Spring and summer of life. Emotions that are high and low, Seasons of joy and those of sadness.
Look to the Seasons once again to see the love and control of God. See the God that deserves our worship. This is all simple but yes, it's not easy.
I pray that God would open the eyes of your heart, that you might see His love and wisdom. That He might incline forward to the season you might find yourself and divinely meet you there and comfort you.
Check out;
Genesis 1-11
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Psalm 37: 1-7
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