Thursday, December 16, 2021


Churches, businesses and lives, are born and with great expectations.  Imagination and vision run wild, followed by prayer and plans being drawn.   Pastors, parents,  proprietors and property managers as well as the public,  invest in the future of these endeavors, with their success in mind.

The wheels of the mind begin to roll, action get's traction, people are attending Church, kids are on the way to school or there is a line at your cash register.

Due to poor choices, weather, even government policies, business is soft, churches are dying, Families are breaking up.

Yours and the above scenario are not hopeless.  It isn't over.  While watching the evening news, after a flood, fire or tornado you see people that have every reason to collapes and call it quits or to be swallowed up by depression.  More often then not, when you hear the victim interviewed they say: "By the grace of God. We will rebuild!"
Headed to 2022

Look into the Book of Nehemiah in the Bible.  It will inspire you.  The wall and gates have been destroyed. God's people are vulnerable. On occasion they have been looted etc. One man described it as being; "in great distress and reproach."

The man Nehemiah walks onto the scene. A person of dreams, vision and action! His thought is not to create a new development, but to REBUILD!

I'll shut up and let you listen to what the people of the city said:  "LET US RISE UP AND BUILD."
Then they set their hands to this good work!

I think with the grace and power of God, as we share the good news of :  Peace and an eternity spent with God through faith in Christ , we can build.  Let us begin rebuilding our dreams and families, cities, churches and homes, even the next generations future.  Let us set our hand to do this good work.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Woe, I almost Slipped! (of Psalm 73)

Even though some appear to have it going on and all together, yet falling apart on the inside, we can follow the Apostle Paul’s direction in 2nd Corinthians;

“God comforts us, that we might be able to comfort others with the same divine comfort or encouragement we have received.”

The gift we have been given, can now be given to others, as we declare God’s marvelous works.


May we, like Asaph, have a new desire to worship and trust Godknowing that God is good to the pure in heart.


We close with Jude 24,25;

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of His Glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power. Both now and forever. Amen. 


KNOW that God is in control.

And we’ll see you next time.

In this fallen world,
Keep your focus on God


Friday, April 2, 2021

"Whatever things are true..."


Todays culture has many questions. Asking questions is the way we learn and discover new ideas.  We have great difficulty, when we think we have arrived and become unteachable.

                        "Knowledge puffs us up."-Apostle Paul

There are many questions. Your daily life has become filled with the noise of many answers. There may be no wrong question but there are obviously wrong answers.

 Libraries, book stores, as well as the overstocked shelves on the internet, will provide you with an answer, right or wrong.

Todays thought influencer and ministry guru has everything covered from Heaven to hell.

Our duty to ourselves is to pray for discernment, wisdom, even awareness that in the Spiritual warfare, enemies use people and the harmful answers sent out as "truth that will set you free," only to enslave the questioner.

Within the noise of many answers, Christian believers are being deceived by twisted scripture in the name of love.  All roads don't lead to God.  With what the Apostle Paul calls "itching ears" and only hearing what we want to hear (selective hearing), we begin following the wolf out of the sheep pen.  In the book of Acts, Paul the Apostle warns the leaders from Ephesus, wolves will arise from within the flock.

We must test the spirits, test the conversation of the serpent offering growth in the world of intellegencia.

While there is gold in knowledge, discovering and digging in fools gold has wasted many a life.  

Jesus said that He was the Way, Truth and the Life.  Learn from Him the true Gospel. We need that truth at the point of becoming a believing follower of Christ and it is needed every day as a disciple of Christ.  I pray as you read say; The book of John or the letter to the Ephesians, the Holy Spirit will light your heart and mind with truth and answers for your questions.

Proverbs 22:17-21says:

Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise,

And apply your heart to my knowledge;
18 For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you;
Let them all be fixed upon your lips,
19 So that your trust may be in the Lord;
I have instructed you today, even you.
20 Have I not written to you excellent things
Of counsels and knowledge,
21 That I may make you know the certainty of the words of truth,
That you may answer words of truth
To those who send to you?

Keep praying and reading His truth and I'll see you next time.- Tim


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