Thursday, September 20, 2018


Nobody presses like or loves it enough to share.

No one retweets my tweets not even on a dare.

It really brings me down although already pretty low

they post lol when my feelings are in tow.

An invisible man tapping on the computer screen.

Live post or edited with stylish video, I've been unseen.

I guess I'll not force myself on your valuable time

Wanting to write something you could read later's not a crime.

I guess I'm giving the devil rage.

they'll turn a deaf ear and I'll turn another page.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sunday school class

I began teaching an early morning Sunday school class. A new six week study Titled; Bible Basics.  Most of these adults are believers and been around church for quite awhile. Knowing that, it still never hurts to start in the beginning.  That's where we started; GOD.

Not to be as long here as I was that morning, we simply described the attributes of God.

  1. Eternal Creator-Acts 17:24,25
  2. Unique-Isaiah 45: 5,6
  3. Personal-Psalm 139:1-3
  4. Perfect/Holy-Psalm 99:3,5,9.
  5. All knowing/Wise- Hebrews 4:13
  6. Loving-Psalm 103:8
  7. Forgiving-Psalm 103:12
These attributes and scripture intertwine showing the continuity of God and His Word.  There are many characteristics. Realize it is more than head knowledge. It is heart knowledge even more!

I made an attempt to make it interesting but with also an effort of Sunday school Class.😎

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Three Concrete Steps

The Christians of the first century, attending "The First Church of Jerusalem"  did not wait for an announcement on Face book o...